A Conversation for CHOPPERS: The H2G2 Guild Of Superheros

CHOPPERS Initiation Headquarters

Post 181

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Powerfully reasoned man.

CHOPPERS Initiation Headquarters

Post 182

Arlecchino (school gets in the way)

Powerfully reasoned, man!

CHOPPERS Initiation Headquarters

Post 183

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

smiley - smiley Has Pedantic Boy returned from the grave or is it Grammer Man ?smiley - winkeye

CHOPPERS Initiation Headquarters

Post 184

Uncle Heavy [sic]

what? grammer man as in MC Grammer?

CHOPPERS Initiation Headquarters

Post 185

Arlecchino (school gets in the way)

Hey, guys, can we all include physical descriptions, if we haven't already? I was thinking of trying to find someone who can draw comic-book style, and getting him/her to do some graphic representation of this group.

I suppose I'd want them to draw out STUMPED, too...

CHOPPERS Initiation Headquarters

Post 186

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

God Arl, that would be a great idea ..... I could show off my strong jaw and my amazing physique smiley - winkeye

CHOPPERS Initiation Headquarters

Post 187


RedSky remebers that he is infact not a liquid dolfin and hens turns back in to his more jusual form. This giving him his powers of speach back he amitetly ask.

So weres the bar then?

CHOPPERS Initiation Headquarters

Post 188

Arlecchino (school gets in the way)

*Hands candy bar to Red Sky*


CHOPPERS Initiation Headquarters

Post 189


:: wanders in ::

smiley - yikes er... sorry chaps I seem to have taken a wrong turn smiley - run

CHOPPERS Initiation Headquarters

Post 190

Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki

Clothing wise, I am nothing if not conspicuous in what could only be described as eclectic mix of styles that frequently change - sometimes the outfits aren't too bad other times (like now for example) they are verging on the obtuse ...

*cut to Short Term Memory Loss Man, currently wearing a novelty viking helmet, a tail-coat, 1920's woolen bathing suit, cricket pads and comedy chicken feet*

CHOPPERS Initiation Headquarters

Post 191

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i always say you cant go wrong with purple spandex, but i actually usually wear a tux.

i cant draw im afraid...can anyone here? and yes, descriptions up sooner or later or laterer.

CHOPPERS Initiation Headquarters

Post 192


RedSky wonders what he looks like. He wonders over to a mirror and seems to be rater disapointed. Then he cheairs up and sais just drwa me like a piret, only with all my appendidegts and bothe eyes. then add a pair of wery dark sunglases and a neongreen cloak and you got somthing that may at somepoint look exactly like me and in the meen time wile we wait other people will be looking at the picture and preparing themself fore when I will look like it smiley - smiley

CHOPPERS Initiation Headquarters

Post 193

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

My powers are primarily defensive in nature so I carry a round shield made of a special material that deflects dischages from energy weapons and is hardened against kinetic projectiles. It is silver with a snarling Red Dogs head as a centre Boss.

My undergarments are a Red coloured super-kevlar-plus material that gives me superb protection yet remains flexible. Over this I have gauntlets borrowed from Iron Man that he doesn`t know is missing - one day I may return them. I wear a samurai style helmet adapted for my canine visage, an adamantine breastplate and greaves [all silver] that contain a number of useful devices. Over this I wear a white tabard with a Red Dogs head sigil on the chest. The overall effect is that of an exotic looking Crusader.

At my side I currently carry a 40-fold samurai sword, a dial-a-gun and a personal shiled generator for personal defense. My outfit is finished off with a light warping chameleon cape that can hide me from all but the most sensitive of detection equipment.

smiley - cool

CHOPPERS Initiation Headquarters

Post 194

Arlecchino (school gets in the way)

I wear a stylized, modernized version of a traditional Commedia delArte mask, which covers the top half of my face, including the nose. It is blue. The eyes are sheilded by one-way lesnes wich allow me to see out, but do not let anyone see in. This is part of the housing of my psychic amplifire. IVR I am agile looking, being muscular but not bulkily so (IRL is another story, but no one wants to see me IRL in a superhero costume, so we'll keep this to VR). I wear a skin-tight motley outfit that allows total freedom of movement. My hands are golved in white, and on my feet I wear white boots. My hair is wild and bright red.

CHOPPERS Initiation Headquarters

Post 195


i wear a blue spandex suit with a black circle and a red F in the middle, what looks like zorros eyemask, and have black hair with a white lightning bolt in it. i'm also turquoise. and have no artistic talents whatsoever.

CHOPPERS Initiation Headquarters

Post 196

Dizzy H. Muffin

[A cross-forum portal opens. YK, Mackenzie, and Zero from "Mega Man X" step out. The portal closes.]

[Zero] What IS this place?

[YK] Looks like CHOPPERS HQ.

[Mackenzie] Now I feel safe.

CHOPPERS Initiation Headquarters

Post 197

Uncle Heavy [sic]

oh thank bob youve come. we needed some more veterens.

CHOPPERS Initiation Headquarters

Post 198


redsky takes the bar and eats it, then he looks emberast and sais: O im sorry I sould have sared it with every body. IT?S JUST NOT FAIR THAT THERE IS SO LITLE COCOLAT IN THE WORlD.

RedSky emetetly starts huging evry body in the room to show how truly sorry he is

CHOPPERS Initiation Headquarters

Post 199

The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects

::pats redsky on the hed::
I'm wearing beat-up blue jeans, a black buttondown shirt, combat boots, driving gloves and a scally cap. I think I shall go with the name of Indecisive Man, but stick the description of me as the Arachnoid in post.... smiley - erm Whatever.

CHOPPERS Initiation Headquarters

Post 200

The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects


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