A Conversation for Classic Goo Fan Club

Just say GOO!

Post 161

I'm not really here

Of course, you can, as you asked so very very very nicely.

But please feel free to stay on your knees, as I quite like that.


Post 162


Would anyone be interested in forming a Classic Smileys Fan Club smiley - winkeye



Post 163

I'm not really here

I have enough to do, maybe someone else would like that pleasure.
Trouble is, they can't be seen any more.


Post 164


I think I know where to find them... smiley - winkeye



Post 165

I'm not really here

Well volunteered.


Post 166


I just need to know if the idea will be popular. smiley - winkeye

Just say GOO!

Post 167

Acolyte Mathnerd, Seraph of General Evilness and Black Trenchcoats(court devil of the Kindom of Balwyniti, Muse and Keeper)

Thank you.
*gets off of knees*
sorry, but they aren't as strong as they used to be smiley - winkeye

Just say GOO!

Post 168

I'm not really here

smiley - sadface

Just say GOO!

Post 169

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I recommend glucosamine and chondroitin - it did wonders for my knees and hips, but it's a bit pricey.

Just say GOO!

Post 170

Acolyte Mathnerd, Seraph of General Evilness and Black Trenchcoats(court devil of the Kindom of Balwyniti, Muse and Keeper)

Nah, thanks, but I have no money (poor college student!) and the knees will just have to stop complaining soon. smiley - smiley I deal, and they put up with me. It's life.....
BTW, thanks Y2K for lifting me up for a bit. It was fun, even if being dropped isn't the best for my knees ;-P
Maybe jumping and not hitting the floor is the best way to learn....
*jumps, falls to floor*
*tries again, fails again*
*keeps trying*

Just say GOO!

Post 171

Wayfarer -MadForumArtist, Keeper of bad puns, Greeblet with Goo beret, Tangential One

hello, can i join? i TRIED posting to a diferent conversation, but nobody answered yet, so i'll just keep posting in various conversations until i'm a membersmiley - smiley remember, persistance is a virtue!

Just say GOO!

Post 172

Wayfarer -MadForumArtist, Keeper of bad puns, Greeblet with Goo beret, Tangential One

p.s., where DO you find the old smilies? and can you use them in your postings?

Just say GOO!

Post 173

I'm not really here

Sorry, I didn't mean to miss you. smiley - sadface
I'll do it asap.

Just say GOO!

Post 174

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I believe that various fish oils, such as cod liver will help, and they're not as expensive as the chondroitin/glucosamine, although c/g does a better job. Now then, anyone else have a nutrition question? The smiley - doctor is in.

Just say GOO!

Post 175

some bloke who tried to think of a short, catchy, pithy name and spent five sleepless nights trying but couldn't think of one

The &skin=... will default to alab*****d if it doesn't recognise the skin name. I tried purple.

Just say GOO!

Post 176


Sadly, you cannot use the original smilies in the forums, but we saved the actualy pictures and you can still display them on your page. smiley - smiley


Just say GOO!

Post 177

Curator Chick [Ivy of Xanth in the Magic Forest RPG] (Muse of Interdisciplinary Inquiry and Keeper of Museums) Join the SE US Gr

I must join . . . I'm a hopeless aesthete!

Kathy "art girl"

Just say GOO!

Post 178


Ok. I admit it. I was an Alab*****d.smiley - sadface I am no longer. I must be a member.

Just say GOO!

Post 179

Acolyte Mathnerd, Seraph of General Evilness and Black Trenchcoats(court devil of the Kindom of Balwyniti, Muse and Keeper)

YAY!!!! More converts! Welcome guys! *hugs* We all have sinned but are now repenting and proseletizing for the goo group. smiley - winkeye Enter sinners, repent and we shall forgive you and let you join. Or something.

Just say GOO!

Post 180

I'm not really here

I am being very lazy, but welcome, and I'll add you all to the list once I get a chance. RL is very busy for me atm. smiley - smiley

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Just say GOO!

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