A Conversation for Classic Goo Fan Club

Just say GOO!

Post 61


Actually, I'm a bit of a guy, all guy in fact if you want to be technical. I have loosely curly brown hair that every woman I know is envious of and which I myself hate, because I would prefer it to be straight. Though I must admitt I think Craig Charles hair is pretty awesomely keeeeewl!
~S smiley - smiley


Just say GOO!

Post 62


HI, Shadow. Maybe you should go for the dreddlocks too.

Mina, I was only joking about you starting to smell like a sheep if you didn't wash your hair for ages (it's a myth perpetuated by shampoo manufacturers) and I've *never* heard of anyone having spider eggs in their locks. Everything will be fine. Have they settled down now of do they still hurt?

*pours himself a large Sauza Conmemorativo Tequila and offers the bottle round*

Just say GOO!

Post 63

I'm not really here

Shadow, I realised that you were a lovely chap not a girly, I was just taking the mick out of myself for being sucked in to the girly world of hair accessories.

Thanks for the Tequila Goof, it's a bit early in the morning, but sod it! I am glad that I will not be smelling like a sheep. I did worry about smells (mainly smoke!) getting in it while I can't wash it, but my mate who did them said essential oils in a bit of water will be enough to bring it up lovely.
They only hurt while she was doing them, they are fine now. To me they look funny, but apparently they could take months to start looking right. Oh well. I'm going out tonight, so all my mates will see them.
I think I need an entire bottle of that Tequilla.

Just say GOO!

Post 64

TraKter Pilot

Sign me up please.
Here's a question.
Is there any way that someone can put that image up someplace where a bunch of us could incorporate it into our pages if we lack server access because of excessive firewall control already?
Thank you thank you thank you.

Just say GOO!

Post 65


If you're out drinking Tequila this evening then have one for me, I'll be doing the same. (To sooth my nerves after the little crash I had earlier, I managed to buckle the front wheel of my car. I think it happened when I landed. It's strange how 28 years of learning, 28 years of spiritual searching, a whole host of experiences I've gathered from the four corners of the world nearly came to an end and the only thought in my mind was not fond childhood memories, not last thoughts of friends and family, not even a profound uttering repenting for past sins and mistakes (a la Rutger Hower in Blade Runner),. The last thought in my mind was "Oh, b******s." no capital, no exclamation mark. It's a phrase that's normally reserved for those moments when I've made my way from the kitchen to the lounge with my freshly made sandwich and got comfortable on the sofa only to realise that I've left my cup of tea next to the kettle. I didn't even use a four letter word. I really should get something properly prepared in case I do ever pass on in dramatic circumstances. At least that way I'll be able to start the afterlife knowing that I had a propper hollywood-movie-style thought in my mind and not simply "Oh, bo******s.")

Just say GOO!

Post 66

I'm not really here

I think that "oh b******s" rates slightly higher than "I think I'll take my hands off the wheel now cos when I land it will really hurt my fingers if I don't".
Or is that just me?
And person who wants to join, I will add you when I haven't been in the pub all afternoon and am likely to bugger it up. If that's ok. smiley - smiley
gotta go get ready to go back to the pub now.

BTW, sorry Goof, for your accident, maybe you should learn to drive?
~soothes Goof's forehead after that nasty accident~

Just say GOO!

Post 67

TraKter Pilot

No problem .
Just sort of jumped in without reading previous posts.
I have some White Lightning for you which if it doesn't pick you up will at least give you a rehearsal for the next near death bit. smiley - smiley
"Oh b*****s" is fine. Having recently escaped from a game of chicken with a tractor trailer, I can sympathise.
what surprised me was it went
I didn't do anything.
Which is rather regrettable, but being worked on.
cheers smiley - fish

Just say GOO!

Post 68

I'm not really here

Blinding, my bestest drink ever.
I am trying to resist raiding my fridge for my Dry Blackthorn, otherwise I will be too drunk to enjoy my evening out. Virtual Cider is just the thing!

Just say GOO!

Post 69


Might have top pick up some cider too. Slightly worried that the cider tequila combination might ruin the rest of the weekend, but what the hell.

And yes it did hurt my fingers. I also managed to travel backwards with the wheels still spinning forwards (it was a desperate attempt to stop sliding into the oncomming traffic as the brakes semed to be having minimal effect.)

*To new member* Sorry, this thread seems to have wandered off the topic, as they all do. Feel free to stay. The more the... something...

*Geoff leaves the house and returns to real life*

Just say GOO!

Post 70


*Goof returns, thanks Mina for soothing his forehead, leaves again*

Just say GOO!

Post 71

I'm not really here


Just say GOO!

Post 72

I'm not really here

Ok TraKter Pilot, I have added you to the list, welcome! Join in the conversation, or start one of your own. It's up to you.

Just say GOO!

Post 73

Kasia, P.S. of Syncopation,Muse of Classic Goo Fans, Keeper of Rainbows, Zaphodista (visit Crossed Purposes Pub: A429310)

Hi folks,

a Tequilla would be great (or maybe I should go for a Caipirinha? Hmmm).

Sorry to hear about your accident, Goof. Hope you are ok?
I know this bloody feeling, as I bumped 2 weeks ago in another car. Luckily nothing happend to the other driver (who was totally drunk!) or me. Only I was angry, cause the front of my car was pretty damaged, whilst to his car nothing happend.

Just say GOO!

Post 74


Caipirinha (pronounced kiy-perinya, I think) blinding idea, Best one I ever had was served in the Bamboo bar a Baños in Ecuador.

*happy hour 6-7, 2 for the price of one*

Second best drink there has to be the "pisco sour".

Kasia, I'm fine and so's my car. I still can't believe the head didn't even fall of the nodding dog in the front.

Mina, what reaction did the dreadlocks (dreddlocks?) get, if you remember.

BTW the Tequila and cider thing did result in a steaming hangover (No, NOT in the same glass)

Just say GOO!

Post 75

I'm not really here

I'm glad you didn't have your hangover in the same glass that you had the Tequilla and cider. Always ruins it.
When I went out tonight the Ballroom hadn't opened, so we dived for the nearest pub. Lo and Behold it was having a Tequilla night, £1 a shot. We stayed there for a while, I was thinking of you!

I got chatted up in the Ballroom, so I guess the dreads don't look so bad after all. I always get chatted up in there, but at least they didn't put anyone off. All my mates like them, including the God that I mention in my journal, so I expect I will learn to love them.

Now I really must go and have a shower before bed, I smell. (Too much dancing!)Just thought you would like to know that.

Just say GOO!

Post 76


Mina (and everyone else); I was out at a casino last night. I don't make a regular thing of it but had the urge to have a couple of games of ******** and pretend I'm James Bond. I managed to successfully calculate the odds, work the averages and hedge my bets to gamble from my impressive original stake all the way down to only £6! After a couple more large vodka and Red Bulls (shaken not stirred) I threw the chips arround like a madman and walked away £80 up. Result. Overall the 4 of us ended up £340, not a bad night's fun. I stayed up most of the night talking and grabbed a cab home as the sun came up.

Mina (and everyone else who has just had a new hairstyle thet everyone likes); I'm glad your new hairstyle went down well. I'll go back to your journal and read about the God you mention. Next time there's tequila going for a quid a shot let me know.

Everyone who hasn't had a new haircut or who has had one that didn't go down well; never mind, maybe next week, chin up. smiley - smiley

Just say GOO!

Post 77


Sorry, I don't know how I get a load of "********", it should have said "roulette".

Oh, and thanks for telling me you smell. It's little snippets of information like that that make my day. smiley - smiley

Just say GOO!

Post 78

I'm not really here

Well I would have let you know, but without taking my PC and a phone line with me everywhere its kinda hard to let people know that I accidently found cheap Tequilla.
Which bit of London do you live in? I will send the Town Crier round next time.

Glad you had a good time in the Casino, I need to meet more men with money to chuck around like that. Maybe they would chuck some at me. smiley - smiley

Just say GOO!

Post 79

Kasia, P.S. of Syncopation,Muse of Classic Goo Fans, Keeper of Rainbows, Zaphodista (visit Crossed Purposes Pub: A429310)

Mina, how long are your dreads?
I have a friend, her dreads are coming till her waist. As they are fury red (natural colour!) - she looks just amazingly good.

Goof, you said Ecuador, hmm? My best Caipirinha was couple of years ago in Madrid - wow!
BTW: do you exactly know, what is in it?

Cheers - Kasia

Just say GOO!

Post 80


The one's I had in Ecuador were made like this;

1 or 2 limes
2 shots of Caxa (Cachaça)
2 teaspoons of sugar

Cut the limes into pieces and place them in a glass.
put in the sugar and mash the pieces with a spoon.
Add the cachaça and mash a bit more.
Add the ice, stir, drink, start again.

Caxa or Cachaça is a Brazilian drink distilled from unrefined fermented sugar cane juice.

The Pisco Sour was pretty much the same but made with local moonshine that was 80 percent alcohol (by volume not proof!) the locals claimed it was better in their cars than petrol. The best moonshine in Baños can be found by wandering the streets in the evening, drunk, and talking to any groups of locals playing a strange game where they throw metal balls, sometines at high speed, into a large circle drawn on the road with no aparent rules or objectives. WARNING you may be offered some neat moonshine, DON'T drink it, mix it with fruit juice or it'll hurt, really. The closest thing strength wise you can get here (England) is Poteen an Irish spirit, that hurts too.

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