A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks: The Public Toilets

The Public Toilets: The Gents

Post 41


I am here often as I run and clean these loos. The sign tends to be either "engaged" or "vacant" smiley - winkeye


The Public Toilets: The Gents

Post 42


*walks into toilet, sees one man knocked unconcious on the floor and one nurse, also knocked unconcious on the floor with two otehrs standing over them. Turns aroudn and edges towards door*


The Public Toilets: The Gents

Post 43

turvy (Fetch me my trousers Geoffrey...)

*wanders in with handbag*

OOps!!smiley - blush

Wrong one! smiley - run

The Public Toilets: The Gents

Post 44


don't smiley - run!!! You could slip over on the wet floor, then there would be 3 people unconsious on it!


The Public Toilets: The Gents

Post 45

turvy (Fetch me my trousers Geoffrey...)

*stop at the door*

But this is the Gents!!
turvy smiley - blackcat

The Public Toilets: The Gents

Post 46


I wouldn't worry about that - afterall, there is an unconscious smiley - nurse here as well...


The Public Toilets: The Gents

Post 47


Yep but don't run, you could fall over!


The Public Toilets: The Gents

Post 48

turvy (Fetch me my trousers Geoffrey...)

OK then!

Is there a cubicle free? I've had rather a lot of smiley - coffee

*walks carefully on wet floor, stepping over unconscious forms*

Do you spend a lot of time here, Skenvoy?

smiley - blackcat

The Public Toilets: The Gents

Post 49


nope... infact i was leaving, i was slightly worried that there wre two people knocked out on teh floor and one bloke standing over them with a broom...


The Public Toilets: The Gents

Post 50


That sort of thing isn't a regular occurance, believe me!


The Public Toilets: The Gents

Post 51


Really... ok... I'll trust you BB, but only 'cos i've known you for a while...
*stops heading for the exit*


The Public Toilets: The Gents

Post 52


So what can we do about the bodies? Flush them down the loo so that they don't make the place look untidy?


The Public Toilets: The Gents

Post 53


hmmm... no, if they became concious they might complain...


The Public Toilets: The Gents

Post 54


So, shall we just leave them outside?


The Public Toilets: The Gents

Post 55


yeah.. i think there are some benches there...
hey think of teh comedy scenes we could create as theres an unconcious nurse there as well!!!


The Public Toilets: The Gents

Post 56


Indeed - did you see the film "Weekend At Bernies"?


The Public Toilets: The Gents

Post 57


nope... why what do tehy do????


The Public Toilets: The Gents

Post 58


*Wanders back in to a scene reminiscent of a scen from weekend at bernies.*


The Public Toilets: The Gents

Post 59


It's a film about a couple of guys who go to visit their boss Bernie for a week, but he has hired assassins to murder them when he is not near them. He then dies. They then find out about this, and not wanting to get killed, pretend that Bernie's body is still alive and doing stuff with them, using Bernie as a puppet.


The Public Toilets: The Gents

Post 60


lol, hmmm lets see...
*looks in Yellow pages for assasins*
Would you believe that there are no assasins listed in here!


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