A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks: The Swimming Pool

The Swimming Pool

Post 101

Ming Mang

*swings water cannon towards MG and squirts her*
*misses cos she's dived underwater*
That's the second time in a row I've missed!! Ack!!


The Swimming Pool

Post 102

Chris Tonks

*The Professor, whilst underwater, decides to pull a neat trick.*
*He presses a button on his Watch, and at a single command his molecular structure completely alters itself. He is now, to all intents and purposes, a water sprite. Erm, I think. Something like that anyway...*
*He emerges out of the water, looking like he /is/ water, and walks towards the water gun, completely unharmed by any water coming his way. Bwahahahahah! smiley - winkeye*

The Swimming Pool

Post 103


*Notices how Ming keeps missing, and decides to take advantage of that.*
*Soaks Ming and dives in the water*
Ha! smiley - tongueout


The Swimming Pool

Post 104

Ming Mang

*aims for BB and misses AGAIN*
AARRGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!! smiley - steam

*wonders about the Prof*
*wonders where she can find a very powerful fan or jet engine or some such...*
smiley - winkeye


The Swimming Pool

Post 105


How about heat-seaking water jets to help your aim? smiley - winkeye


The Swimming Pool

Post 106

Ming Mang

How wam is the swimming pool?


The Swimming Pool

Post 107

Chris Tonks

*The Professor of course doesn't know that Ming's thinking of jet engines, and so isn't prepared for that. Just thought you ought to know that. Oh, and don't worry about him - if you do indeed blow him away, he has a back-up copy of himself, so he'll reintegrate in normal form if his molecular structure is pulled apart. smiley - winkeye*

The Swimming Pool

Post 108

Ming Mang

*wonders where she can find an infinite supply of jet engines...* smiley - winkeye


The Swimming Pool

Post 109


Whatever temperature you enjoy in a swimming pool, this pool is at that temperature. smiley - smiley
But try not to blow up the Professor - I'd rather not have blood in the pool.


The Swimming Pool

Post 110

Ming Mang

I wasn't going to, I was just, er, going to, er, going to squirt him with air seeing as water doesn't hurt him, and see what happened then...

Ah. That might mean that heat-seaking water jets would head straight for the pool...


The Swimming Pool

Post 111


Not if you believe that water should be cold in order to fully excercise and toughen the body smiley - winkeye


The Swimming Pool

Post 112

Ming Mang

That's the point. I couldn't believe that if I tried. At primary school the pool was always freezing, everyone would turn blue in it. Although I can stand pools being cold, I can't believe that thy should be... so anything heat-seeking would head straight for the pool...


The Swimming Pool

Post 113

Chris Tonks

*Note: the Professor is currently mostly composed of water - there is no blood in him in his current form. Therefore, blowing him up would just result in the scattering of his water particles. smiley - winkeye*

The Swimming Pool

Post 114

Ming Mang

*Note: I'm mostly composed of water, but there's several pints of blood in me... smiley - winkeye*


The Swimming Pool

Post 115

Chris Tonks

*Ah. Erm...*

**The narrator would like to apologise for his complete blunder. smiley - winkeye**

The Swimming Pool

Post 116

Ming Mang

That's OK! Hee hee hee!! smiley - smileysmiley - biggrin
smiley - winkeye


The Swimming Pool

Post 117



Oho! Trying out the old "Now that I'm almost entirely composed of water, you can't touch me!" trick are you?


Any one got a large Gin & Tonic to hand?

The Swimming Pool

Post 118

Chris Tonks

*The Professor has of course been frozen solid. This is not a natural position for him (but then, being water isn't his natural form), and so he wasn't ready.*
*Thank God his Watch didn't change to water...*

The Swimming Pool

Post 119

Ming Mang

Oh, that's unfair!!
smiley - biggrin Funny though... *laughs* Hee hee hee...
*throws the Prof into the pool in an attempt to melt him- er, warm him up...*


The Swimming Pool

Post 120

Chris Tonks

**The narrator slaps his head.**

*Oh no! You do realise that as he is water, he'll just mingle with the rest of it!*

**Desperatly tries to think of a reason why the Professor didn't therefore dissolve when water was being fired at him. smiley - winkeye**

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