A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks: The Beach

Cabbage Crates over the Sandcastle

Post 41


No, as a matter of fact, I don't know how hard it is to fly a vintage biplane and eat a double chocolate icecream at the same time. I'd like to know, though. So tell me, in your own words, Redfish my friend, how hard is it to fly a vintage biplane and eat a double chocolate icecream at the same time? smiley - winkeye


Cabbage Crates over the Sandcastle

Post 42

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Not least would be the problem faced when attempting to flip over on your Betty Harpers - any dribbles would run up into your helmet smiley - yuk

Cabbage Crates over the Sandcastle

Post 43

RedFish ><>

~flies down low and shouts:~

well, its very difficult to steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

~does an accidental double loop~

Whoops. Im not gonna try that again!

~drips the icecream remains into a bin below the plane and zooms off~

Cabbage Crates over the Sandcastle

Post 44

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Told you.

smiley - flyhi

Cabbage Crates over the Sandcastle

Post 45

Big Bad Werewolf

*Feeling cocky about his new flying skills. Lands his plane next to the ice cream truck.*

I'll have a double chocolate ice cream like Redfish's, please. smiley - winkeye

Cabbage Crates over the Sandcastle

Post 46


Careful BBW the Ice cream Van might be a lure to capture your sopwith.

While you are there can I get a chocolate sundae with jelly beans, please.

*throws down money*

Having examined your ice cream van, Mina, I'm pretty sure I can modify with some spare bits from the Sopwiths and you'll be able to make it fly!.

Let me know what you think and I'll get right on it.

BTW chaps, has anybody seen that accursed moggie, Sea. I've got a Maverick missile needs delivering.

Cabbage Crates over the Sandcastle

Post 47

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Haven`t seen sea but there`s a vapour trail of a witches broomstick over at http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/F74284?thread=133943&latest=1 that could do with being taken out.

Special Offer

Post 48


Why are all the dogs on the beach keeping to their fortress and being anti-social? Why not join in with the rest of us here, and enjoy our barbecue. Special offer at the moment, free for each ! Just come along here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/F44375?thread=100668

Special Offer

Post 49


This is so obviously a trap.

*laughs scornfully*

You think you can tempt me with smiley - hotdog

*begins to drool*

yummy, yummy smiley - hotdog

*smacks lips*

I'll just go do a quick recce. Back soon

Special Offer

Post 50

Big Bad Werewolf

*Wipes a bit of mustard off of his handlebar mustache. Puts mustache back under nose.*

Don't worry, it's not a trap.

Special Offer

Post 51

soeasilyamused, or sea

*a note drops from the sky. it reads:*

smiley - tongueout

Special Offer

Post 52


Curse you Red Baron!!

I mean Curse you Sea!!

Special Offer

Post 53


A note that reads? What a clever smiley - musicalnote it must be. I hope it has a parachute, or can smiley - flyhi!


Special Offer

Post 54

soeasilyamused, or sea

*another note falls. it reads:*

smiley - laugh

Special Offer

Post 55


*Busterbone takes off in his Sopwith Pup*

You won't get away from me this time Sea!!

*Hits button marked "Overdrive"

I've equipped this badboy with some extra grunt

*hits button marked "Hyperdrive*

prepare to meet your doom!!

*hits button marked "Holy Crap, Don't Press This Button!!!"

Hey, whats that noise

*And then something happened..............*

Special Offer

Post 56


I still want to know what smiley - musicalnote it is - middle C, maybe? - and what it is reading.


Special Offer

Post 57


*The joystick of the Sopwith Pup comes off in Busterbones hands*

Uh-oh, I wonder if this is a bad thing!

*The speedometer shows Warp factor 12, bits begin peeling off the Sopwith*

Uh-oh, I wonder if this is a bad thing!

*The Sopwith and Busterbone crash at full speed into a nearby mountain turning the mountain into a crater. From the ball of flame reaching up into the sky comes....*

Uh-oh, I wonder if this is a bad thing!


Post 58

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

~ A mournful howling goes up from the ACF. A Missing-in-Action notice is posted on the noticeboard in the canteen. The flag at the beach is lowered to half-mast. Busterbone is recommended for a Gong AND Beatification ~

Quick lads get over there and see if there is anything left - prepare the cloning Vat in the Scientific Research Centre, we might be able to salvage something.

~ runs off to check and polish his own joystick smiley - bigeyes ~


Post 59

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

~ also decides to give Busterbone the first Cat War Hot Dog smiley - hotdog award ~


Post 60

RedFish ><>

cloning vat is prepped, RedDog.

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