A Conversation for Stargate Command - Re Instated

The Brig

Post 81

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

*Put's a hand on LeRue's shoulder and whispers*

Not now, Scandrea wants to try the softly softly approach, I want to get to the root and I think I know who's really behind it and with your connections we should get a nice little surprise ready

*Clear's throat*

Captain LeRue can I see you in my office please, I need your expertise


The Brig

Post 82

Lash LeRue

*sighs sadly, and slowely reclips his holster*

Oh well...

*turns and leaves*

The Brig

Post 83


*Turns the chair upright, and motions to Jeff.*

Have a seat!

*She talks as she pulls her own chair up to the table.*

Want a glass of water? Coffee?

*Sits down, and gets a concerned look on her face.*

I'm not going to lie to you, Jeff. You're in a lot of hot water right now with everyone from the crew to the colonel, to the NSA and the DHS. They weren't joking about sending you to another planet, either- we are authorized to do that if anyone poses a threat.

Mind you, I don't like it. I think it goes against everything we're trying to protect, and I don't want that to happen to you. I'll do everything I can, but you have to meet me halfway- please, I need the truth. From the beginning- how did you get mixed up in all this?

The Brig

Post 84

The Professor

*sighs and pockets the syringe again*

*nods at the remaining soldiers and airmen and quietly slips back to the medical bay*

The Brig

Post 85

Kat - From H2G2

*Jeff looks warily at the major before smiling slightly*

[JEFF]:I can tell you're a nice woman, that's good. A guy likes to talk to a nice woman and I can see what's going on here but that's okay. Right now it doesn't matter if I get put down on another planet, shot, blasted into space, whatever. I'm dead anyway when this gets back to my people. I appreciate your sentiments but like the government doesn't look after people like me. The next like day I likely as not turn up dead, having had a plumber come to visit me.

*He looks up at the ceiling and breathes out noisily before looking at his finger nails*

[JEFF]:I did used to work for like the Times you know. That's why my ID comes up fine and I still know everything and can get fake passes. But I got fired a year back say. It like wasn't pretty and all rather embarrassing but you don't need to hear about that. Anyway so I was hard up for money. Nobody wants to employ a journalist who is mud at the Times. Then like I started hearing from people in pubs, liquor stores, passing me in the streets that someone was looking for a journalist with good infiltration skills. Now I know that I was meant to hear these things but at the time I thought it was just good fortune.

*He scrubs a hand through his hair and it sticks up crazily with sweat*

[JEFF]:So eventually after some digging I got to talk to the senator. He wanted information about the base. Like security breaches, bad policy, anything that could be souped up to look like Guantanamo Bay...that sort of thing. He also wanted like tech notes, photos, any information about the Gate, defense systems all that shazzam.

So I was planning that...didn't like the idea, but figured that the money was worth it and maybe I'd be used for something else again later.

Then I got a call from my contact, the voice I told you about, saying that if I could get anything like on the colonel then I'd be paid extra. He wanted photos of letters, records, anything that showed she's incompetent for service, any below board dealings...that stuff. When I called later to ask if there was anything specific he was looking for he told me to meet someone at Scarpetta's downtown. I got there to find this flash expensive guy waiting for me and he said about how the colonel had done him bad, made him look like muck and that none of it was true. Now it was payback time and he knew there was stuff that she had hidden like.

*Jeff stops talking and chews his lip*

[JEFF]:Can I get like a sandwich or something?

The Brig

Post 86

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

The Brig

Post 87


*looks on*

The Brig

Post 88


I'll see what I can do about the sandwich in a little bit. But right now, I have a couple of questions for you- which Senator was that again?

And the other man. Any identifying features? Accents, anything that might tell you who he is or what he wanted?

*Takes Jeff's hand.*

We really need to know... we might be able to help you if you help us get to the root of what's going on around here.

The Brig

Post 89

Kat - From H2G2

*Jeff looks tired and wearily grins at the major*
[JEFF]: Why is it that I'm such a walkover for a pretty woman? It was senator Kinsey. The other guy...said his name was Richard, was older than the colonel, flash...real flash. Like he had big bucks or something. Had a big platinum band round his wedding finger. Wore sunglasses. Seemed REAL interested in the colonel. Like he was all over about her...said he'd pay me in cash for what I found out about her.

The Brig

Post 90


*Smiles happily.*

How were you to contact them after you had gotten out of here?

*She motions one of the guards over.*

Could you take a trip to the mess hall for us? I'd like a bagel and a cup of coffee, Dr. Jackson-style. Jeff, what do you want?

The Brig

Post 91

Kat - From H2G2

*Jeff sighs quietly and smiles wryly at the major*

[JEFF]: Well at least I'm pleasing someone by spilling all this. It almost makes it worth dying for. I'd love a cheese and pickle sandwich if it's available.

I'm supposed to get a call in the next two days. They didn't trust me with a number this time. I assume just incase I got caught...not that I didn't end up with enough details anyway. I almost thought of dishing the dirt on both groups!

The Brig

Post 92


*The guard nods and heads off to the mess hall, relieved for the break. Two more are still on duty outside the cell.*

Details about Richard? Kinsey? Both?

The Brig

Post 93

Kat - From H2G2

[JEFF]: Oh I've got enough info to shut down the senator, Richard, the colonel, this base...the whole kasham! The senator and Richard thought I was stupid...and the colonel and the base...well...

The Brig

Post 94


*Looks at him like a mother might look at a two year old with his hand caught in the cookie jar.*

The base and the colonel caught you before you could talk to Richard and Kinsey.

What sort of "info" on these two men might you have?

The Brig

Post 95

Kat - From H2G2

*Jeff looks guilty and then catches himself*
[JEFF]: I really couldn't say. At this point it doesn't make much difference and the longer I cause an annoyance then the longer I get to stay...

The Brig

Post 96


*Looks confused.*


The Brig

Post 97

Kat - From H2G2

[JEFF]: Well so far I've been told I'm going to be killed, thrown in jail, on death row, sent to some planet with aliens, broken up by your own men, or given help and a new life...in which I will no doubt be visited by a friend of the senator...at least this way I get my sandwich.

The Brig

Post 98


*The guard returns with the food.*

Thank you very much.

*Scandrea eyes Jeff's sandwich for a minute or two before tucking into her bagel.*

I don't understand how you can eat that at 0900. How long have you been down here?

The Brig

Post 99

Kat - From H2G2

[JEFF]: Uhhh a few days maybe? I slept in an airvent down near the labs. There didn't seem to be many people around there. Sorry if I'm not looking my best.

*He tucks into the sandwich*

I c'n a'ways ea' these. *he swallows a large mouthful* I always have some with me everywhere I go. Plus they still taste fine even if they're squashed which is important to me.

*He carries on wolfing the sandwich down, eying Scandrea*

The Brig

Post 100


*Looks over and shrugs*

Practical, I guess... what time were you supposed to get your phone call?

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