A Conversation for Stargate Command - Re Instated


Post 21

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

[C] You're a medic aren't you, I need you to go with the Major incase the locals need attention

*Points at LeRue*

[C] I guess your day job is Special Ops I need you and 3 men to join the Major and the Medic


Post 22


As it stands, its an evacuation and a recon. Atum left some miners on the moon. Jack, LeRue, Pete, you come with me. We're ringing down to the moon's surface to offer assistance, and see exactly what has happened when we're away.

[C] Take a beacon with you in case we get recalled and need to beam you aboard.

Right on.

*The four are beamed down to the moon's surface.*


Post 23


Did somone say specal ops?
*looks up from cleaning silenced P90*
thats my signature dish.


Post 24

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

*reappears- magic!*


Post 25


*transport beam flashes and squad re appear on Deadalus bridge*

All here? *pats body to check for all limbs*

right. whos for getting the funk out of here?


Post 26

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

[Caldwell] The Ha'tak hasn't made a move yet but I'm damn sure it knows we're here


Post 27


so do we leg it to Hyperspace or take it on? i cant imagine that they will be to pleased that we have taken all his subjects and blown up his mine.


Post 28

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

[Conn Officer] Sir we're getting a signal from the Ha'tak

*A Buxom Red haired Woman appears on the screen*

[Morrigan] So you have interstellar traval capiabilities now, we can't allow you to spread out into the galaxy, leave and nothing will happen, defy me and you will regret it


Post 29


*Looks at Caldwell.*

You're the commander here- though I think it would be an extremely bad idea if we let her have the moon.


Post 30


*stops looking at buxom red headed woman and turns to cadwell*

we have a hanger full of fighters ready to go but we also have a hanger full of refugees.
dont get me wrong i'm all for taring them a new one but how much risk can we put the refugees in if we take them on.


Post 31

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

[Caldwell] Ok launch fighters, weapons online and stand by for incoming


Post 32

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

Am I going to need a new box of bandages just incase?


Post 33

Lash LeRue

*thinks about this*


Yah, yah more than likely...


Post 34


*fighters scream out of the hanger bay towards the Ha'tak to meet its incoming flyers. the deadalus re alighns itself and trains the rail guns towards the mothership.*

and some Germaline.

what you want us to do?

[cadwell] /\/ Daedalus to stargate command: we have been forced into a firefight with enemy forces. fighters are loose and we are preparing to engage./\/


Post 35

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

*Morrigan appears on screen*

[Morrigan] So be it

*The deathgliders start to fire*


Post 36


*the F-302’s brake formation and engage the flyers in dogfights. The Ha’Tak turns and fires its primary weapon at the daedulus. The ship is rocked but the shields easily absorb the impact.
The rail guns position and aim at the Ha’Tak and start to return heavy fire.
The F-302’s begin to dispatch the deathgliders but they are outnumbered and begin to take heavy damage.*

*the daedulus is hit buy another energy bust form the Ha’Tak and everyone in the bridge stumbles around*

We have any Mark 9's on this crate?


Post 37

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

[Caldwell] Return fire

*The weapons officer fires and scores a hit on the Ha'tak*


Post 38

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

Go the home team.... now anyone want to show me where this things equivalent of a medbay is? Just so I feel safe and out of the way....


Post 39


*the fighters start to force the deathgliders back towards the Ha'Tak which is starting to emmit reactor debris.*

[Cadwell] send them another volly onto there starbord side looks like that reactor is about to go.

*another salvo of wepons fire from the Deadaluls ruptures the reator on the Ha'Tak and it explodes. the debris starts to fall into the upper atmosphear of the plannet and begins to burn up. the remaing deathgliders scatter off ito space*

[F-303 pilot] do we continue persuit sir?


Post 40

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

[Caldwell] No, but I suggest that Major Scandrea does what she has too with that Antelope very quickly because we detected an escape pod brfore the Ha'tak exploded so I'm assuming Morrigan escaped and she'll be bac

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