A Conversation for Former HEAVEN...

Welcome Back and Arching Party In Zax's Lounge

Post 41

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

GB dashes in......
Sorry I'm late, folks.
*Gives Kes a strange look.....
*starts to say something, but decides against it....
Zax*? Are you here?
*wipes away a tear
I thought you'd gone forever, when I clicked on your page and it had been deleted...I was so....SAD...so I flew back to Survivor {looks again at Kes} and walked alone on the beach, and I met this wonderful Crab called Fred, who recited poetry to me...I wasn't so sad then.... and I found the most wonderful...well, here it is...it's my "welcome back" gift for you, Zax.
*hands Zax* an enormous shell, the inside glistening with mother-of-pearl...Crab sends his greetings to you and Tweetie and the new Archangel Fashion Cat.
*swigs back a small drink of malibu & pineapple
*hugs Zax* again
Gotta fly, sorry, busy, busy, busy. Bye!!

Welcome Back and Arching Party In Zax's Lounge

Post 42

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Kes- no quoting Huis Clos at me- I've got to go back to studying it on Wednesday smiley - sadface
FC- absolutely no problem, I'll totally help you out with the flying smiley - smiley
*hops up and collapses*
Good grief- I've discovered the fabled drink! The one that gets you drunk from the feet up! God bless Billy Connolly smiley - smiley And GOD bless Ras! I didn't know you could make this smiley - smiley

Welcome Back and Arching Party In Zax's Lounge

Post 43

Archangel Zax

LOL! i am NOT stealing anyone, FC... just being appreciative! smiley - winkeye

(my, my, kes! you sure know how to leave a trail of hearts behind you!)

smiley - winkeye
smiley - tongueout

*retires to the corner hoping SOMEONE will ask for a dance*

Welcome Back and Arching Party In Zax's Lounge

Post 44

nim the cat (STILL choking in air pollution)

(nim finally rouses enough to congratulate Tweetie)
I know exactly how you feel ... happy days, always!
(returns again to her orange juice and her gloom - after all, how would YOU girls feel when the only man ever to sigh after you turns out to be a woman? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaah!)

/BTW, something funny, in posting 34 at Survivors - the jetty zax "strips down to body glove swimming *trunks*" - Topless, zax dearest?/

Welcome Back and Arching Party In Zax's Lounge

Post 45

Researcher 140051

I guess I'm still just a wallflower, lurking in the shadows.

*Thinks of asking Zax to dance but then thinks better of it. I'm not a very good dancer and she'd rather dance with someone else.*

Welcome Back and Arching Party In Zax's Lounge

Post 46

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Ok, this is as good a place as any, I guess (and maybe it'll help nim).
Zax- I feel the same way as her. I can't adjust to this change, and it's screwing me up. Maybe I would've dealt with it better, but coming at the same time as my exam results, and the terrible events concerning them, I just can't come to terms with this revelation.
I'm sorry smiley - sadface

Welcome Back and Arching Party In Zax's Lounge

Post 47

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

*looks at the lomly Zax*
Now thats not right
*throws his gitare to Vince (that wont help you much but he s the bald one on the second key bord in the band) Walks over to Zax*
There is a lot I want to say but I wont because it is more than likely to cause more problems than it is worth but now yor here want to dnce dearest.

Welcome Back and Arching Party In Zax's Lounge

Post 48

Archangel Zax

oh god.
fine. i THOUGHT that i'd explained everything well enough by now, AND in enough places, but i'll go thru it all again, just for you guys.

from the beginning.

when i first came on h2g2, and used my childhood nickname of 'Zax', i didn't think to specify anywhere that i was female. eventually, people began to assume that i was male, and at some point i realized that i was perceived as such. some of you may remember that in my original posts i did a whole lot of fluttering around and being shy. *I* thought that was feminine enough. apparently not.

i let the misunderstanding slide, because as long as *I* was the one behind Zax, there was no problem of anyone getting hurt. and i was very careful NEVER to assign myself a gender (try doing that sometime in posts- it's REALLY tough!). no, i didn't make a point of being female- tho i hinted at it a LOT.. but nor did i EVER say i was male.

so. then what? why this big issue?

well, in the second half of July, my grandmother fell ill, and i went home to nurse her. She failed to recover, however, and passed away on the 21st of July. I stayed there until everything was in order, and returned the morning of the first.

shortly after i returned, i returned to h2g2 to find that my roommate, Michael, had gained access to my account, as well as my email and everything else i have bookmarked. i used- naiively- the same password for them all. (note to whoever cares- when they tell you to have an original password, and to change and rotate them, DO IT. you never know when your grandma is going to die.)

thru the next several days, i came to find just how much damage he had done. Not only had he run around under the guise of Zax, but he actually made deliberate attempts to attatch the affections of several people in Zax' circle. MY circle. This was completely unacceptable, and rather than make an issue out of it, i decided simply to kill Zax off. Remember, please, my state of mind. i was not in any condition to deal with the situation.

Over the next several days, many of you came by Zax' page to demand 'his' return. i managed to stand firm however, until i realized that i really owed it to GOD to tell him why i was bailing out on the group. After speaking with him through eamil, he reminded me that the only fair way to deal with the situation would be to at least let those involved know that Zax wasn't the person they thought 'him' to be.

i told all of those involved.

they said, and i quote, "Oh, is THAT ALL??"
then there was a discussion, and i told them how upset i was over the situation.

then they said that one way or another, Zax should come back, and that i should not withold my presence from the community.

that's the history.

now. for the present.

the sighing and the swimming was not me.
well, the ORIGINAL sigh was, but it was meant in a different way- more a sigh of diaappointment, as you can see from that original post:

"*watches regretfully as nim leaves w/o giving out hugs*



*decides to drown the hurt in some of kes' homebrew. takes a huge swig, reels, and passes out.*"

not out of line, but again- i shouldn't have let it go, as Michael apparently decided to continue doing it.

i'm sorry this is difficult for you two. especially since i care about your friendship.

I think what makes it really awful is that Michael made a better Archangel than *I* did/do.

oh well.

bob- whatever you have to say, please email it rather than dragging this out on the thread! smiley - winkeye thanks!!

if you guys would prefer that the fictional character of Zax continue to be male, let me know. maybe just publicizing that *I*'m female will be enough, and Zax can stay male... whatever. i don't care at this point!

smiley - smiley
can we PLEASE get back to the party now??? Nim? Tweet?

Welcome Back and Arching Party In Zax's Lounge

Post 49

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Oh Zax. Ok, two points, and I will leave the subject forever. Because it really shouldn't matter. But it does smiley - sadface
But first:
*grabs Zax in a bear hug*
Ok, I hate to parade my youth around, because in most situations, it's entirely irrelevant. However, I am a 16 year old, and an insecure one, whose haven happens to be this very site. Stupid maybe, but it factors in.
The second is, I have friend issues- the details of which I won't go into.
There done, I will never speak about it any forum ever again (although you should check your email Zax).
I love you guys, and I'm sorry I've let this drag on.
So, who's up for a drink?

Welcome Back and Arching Party In Zax's Lounge

Post 50

Researcher 140051

*Wings shuffle*
*Goes off to sit alone*

Welcome Back and Arching Party In Zax's Lounge

Post 51


Sorry about the Sartre, Tweetie - I didn't know, but I'll stick with my point that he got it totally wrong. I'm putting my money on "Heaven is other people."
I'm not trying to break any hearts - honest, but thanks for pointing out the risks, Z. I am going to learn from your experience: lesson one (for me) Don't let anything slide and hope it'll be OK. If in doubt - pull the communication cord and apply the emergency brake. Though that may be a tough lesson to apply in practice!
Enough!. *helps himself to more celestial champers* To friends! Cheers!

Welcome Back and Arching Party In Zax's Lounge

Post 52

Archangel Zax

oh god!!

ok, well.. that kinda killed the party for ME! hm...

*wanders over to sit near Mr Indifferent*
hi... smiley - smiley

Welcome Back and Arching Party In Zax's Lounge

Post 53


Sorry! There are days when I can't do right for trying to do right - this must be one of them!
I did, however, bring some ice with me, so the champagne is now at a better temperature.
Does that count towards an indulgence for me?

Welcome Back and Arching Party In Zax's Lounge

Post 54

Researcher 140051

I'm a little too much like I am in RL.
Just kind of stay off to myself.
Try to stay out of the way.
Say something stupid every once in a while.

smiley - smiley

Welcome Back and Arching Party In Zax's Lounge

Post 55

Archangel Zax

oh kes! i wasn't posting that to you!! REALLY!!

and if you can find it, i'd love another glass of bubbli!
smiley - smiley

it's ok, mr i (can i call you 'indy'?)... if you notice, i'm a great one for putting my foot in my mouth!
smiley - smiley

PARTY !!! * Hic !!! *

Post 56


* HE stumbles back in looking around at the mornful faces... *

Myself !

Anyone one would think this was a wake !!! smiley - bigeyes

Which, technically everyday in Heaven generally is...er, with the new arrivals... smiley - winkeye

Anyone interested in this new drink Ras has composed !!!

Now Billy Connolly might have related the tale of the Zombie drink, but Ras has had a word with a Jamacian witchdoctor and has gotten hold of the secret voodoo concotion containing the the powerful neurotoxin of the blowfish... smiley - bigeyes

It's like dying without the brilliant white-light, more like the strobe lighting at an all night roller disco !!! smiley - bigeyes

Needless to say you won't have a hangover the next day, as if it's not mixed correctly you won't be around to worry about the next day !!! smiley - bigeyes

But don't worry, just think of all those annoying Mondays you'll miss out on !!! smiley - winkeye

smiley - fish - Moving In Ever Mysterious Ways

PARTY !!! * Hic !!! *

Post 57

Fashion Cat


just want to say a quick something to everyone before returning to the dancing... my door is always open, any time, no matter what for... But then so is any of the other Angels doors.... smiley - smiley Just to let people know...

now. Kes, I do believe you owe me a dance! smiley - smiley

PARTY !!! * Hic !!! *

Post 58

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

As I will if I ever have thetimelife is to bisy smiley - sadface.
Any way what about that dance.

PARTY !!! * Hic !!! *

Post 59

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

As I will if I ever have the time life is to bisy smiley - sadface.
Any way what about that dance.

PARTY !!! * Hic !!! *

Post 60

Researcher 140051

Indy. I like that. Though maybe I should change my name to Mr. Whiny (Patron Saint of Complaints) 'cause I've been doing a bit of that lately.

Key: Complain about this post