A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER


Post 21

Garius Lupus

*Enters, carrying a gift-wrapped package under his arm. Looks around for Qmike. Spots the bar. Walks over to CS.*

Hi, CS - you're looking spiffy. Nice sign. I'll just take a glass of that champagne for now, please.


Post 22


Ah all the mint I need, just add some leaves to the top of the jug and maybe a bit more fruit - I found some apples in a bowl back there.

*Hands the Colonel a jug of Pimms and Lemonade, well a jug containing what seems to be an unfeasable amount of floating fruit with some liquid hanging around*

Would you like to move the casks of ale round to your bar?


Post 23

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

Hey, that looks great! I mean... of course it does...why wouldn't it?

smiley - tongueout


Post 24

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*returns from short sprint to the Aroma Cafe to make sure the IIEM is OK, that customers know about the party, and to bring back Ook*

*Ook spies Redbeard and goes straight to him* Ook!

I got here just in time to admire how the word smorgasbord is supposed to be pronounced, Alien! We may vae people here who don't know Ook, so let me introduce him -- this is the blue Orangutan who resides at the Aroma Cafe, busses tables, and beats all comers at scrabble. No Ook, not here.

Hope I haven't simulposted again already!


Post 25


*walks in & looks around, wonders what to do*


Post 26

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

Phil: thanks. I'd advertise your concoction on the pasteboard, but I'm all out of space.

Probably best to put the kegs in another area... by the smorgasbord will do. Don't want to create a traffic jam here... people wouldn't be able to get to the gallery or the bathrooms.


Post 27

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Hi Joanna and Bald bloke! There really are plenty of chairs and sofas and throw pillows. I didn't have time to draw that kind of detail into the floor plan and anyway, let everyone imagine their favourite sort of rest appliance, eh?

And as for what to do, will you come help me finish off the alabaster cake? Can you do frosting ornaments?


Post 28

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

*recovers from Ook's hug*
It's great to see you, Ook!
>Ook: Ook!<
Yep, this is going to be one classy party... until we all get trashed smiley - winkeye
*admires Venutian Sunrise, then realizes he's supposed to drink it*


Post 29


Sure I can, Lil smiley - smiley I love to ice things...


Post 30

Styx the Rat

*starts to mingle, careful to avoid feet and keeping an eye on the door for owner buddy*

Hey Mister, why are you called Captain Block?


Post 31


Somethings missing ....

*Wheels in a large keg of Foster's Lager*

Well ... we have to get him used to the stuff .....

Here CS you take care of this ....


Post 32

Spiritual Warrior

Hi everyone. Just popped in to see how the party is kicking off on my way home - can't stay long. Quiz to lose ya see. I'll have to get one of them WAP phones!


Post 33

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Styx! If you want any food, you come to me and ask, OK. No way do you walk on the table, got it? Or I will drop the cleaning bot on your head.

*to Captain Block* Sorry to sound violent, but that's how my cybernephew trained him. I know he's a disconcerting animal to have around at first, a foot-high black rat with glowing red eyes, but he is devoted to his owner, Quorthon I mean. And he's had his rabies shots.

Colonel, those gallery walls are made for easy refurbishing, so if you want to write things on them, like new recipes, be my guest. And congrats again on the new Approved Entry!


Post 34

Darth Noire

*appears in a puff of white smoke near the recently opened window at the farthest end of the salon*

I heard there is a bon voyage-party here - I hope I'm not too late.
*a heart-breaking smile*


Post 35


Drat lil, I thought for a minute you were saying that QMike had had his rabies shot, then realised what I thought was a comma was in fact a full stop smiley - sadface

Beeblefish, I'd suggest you put the keg in the kitchen with the two other beer casks, one Bass and one Landlord (Timothy Taylor).


Post 36

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

Sounds good to me, Lil. I'll just hand over the paints to Phil, he knows better what goes into this thing than I do.

BTW... twas not I who achieved the Approved Guide Entry. I'm on a slow period right now... I haven't had one approved in over a weekk. smiley - tongueout


Post 37

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Welcome Darth, to the salon and atelier and the big party for QMike's sendoff. Most of are sorry he's going for the summer *glares at Phil*

Careful, Phil, Styx is short on manners but he's long on loyalty!


Post 38


*walks in looks around*

Greetings all, a party, good idea smiley - smiley

*grabs the closest thing that looks like a drink*

Mike A, I did know him well ........



Post 39

Spiritual Warrior

Well, got to fly.

Catch you anon, and enjoy the evening!

Oh and: Bon Voyage Lil's nephew (?)

*climbs into leathers and rides off into the, erm, misty grey evening...*


Post 40

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Hi Courtesy! I'm glad you could make it, I know you've had a lot on recently. Not to feel too sorry for Mike -- they're sending the whole family to the colony...

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