A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER


Post 61

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Quorthon has entered the building.


Post 62


As soon as Q arrives, will you please make sure he gets this...
*points at the package in the corner*
I really have to be gone for now... smiley - sadface


Post 63

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit


Post 64

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Thanks CS, I'll try not to drink this one so fast. They are delicious. I'll try a different one next. Hey, careful how much Quorthon drinks to soon, he's young.


Post 65

Little Bo Peep - I've lost my sheep

Hey Rat, you owe me some money. You ate half that rotten pizza, so you can pay half. And since when did a cockroach need an invite anywhere?

*licks up some spilled sunrise*


Post 66

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

That's okay.. the young don't get hangovers. smiley - winkeye

Besides, it just wouldn't do to serve the guest of honor a Teetotaler, now would it?

The Man Of Evil Is Here

Post 67

Mike A (snowblind)

Hi everyone! Hello, hello...hello hello hello hello.....


*forgets song*

Thanks for arriving, everyone! I count about 15 evil people here, including some new persons. To these newbies I say, Keep On Growing. Stay cool, and remember, you don't have to answer to ANYTHING or ANYONE. You are the master of your lives, cos if you aren't, then you're a slave to someone else's whim. And that sucks, because they'll take advantage of you. The moment somebody tries taking advantage with you, you gotta sort it out. If somebody f**ks you up, f**k 'em back twice as hard. Cos if you don't, they'll take advantage of you, and life will suck.
The moment you stop being your own master, somebody else becomes yours. Don't let it happen.

To the not-so-newbies, Keep On Growing

Now, wass in the box?


Post 68

Styx the Rat

Oh I'll pay you half all right.
This here is a toney place so you don't walk on the food, they got the cleaning bot from hell here.


Post 69

Styx the Rat

*scampers across room, dodging furniture and shoes, and runs up Qs leg to sit on shoulder*
Let's eat! There's beef and ham and salmon and all kinds of bread and veggie things and cake and, and
*washes whiskers greedy*

The Man Of Evil Is Here

Post 70

Demon Drawer

Open it and see. smiley - smiley

The Man Of Evil Is Here

Post 71

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

Odd that you should arrive and make such a speech, considering that, between drinks, I'm researching my next article, on a political ideology that says basically the same thing.

Colonel Sellers, eye of the storm of controversy

The Man Of Evil Is Here

Post 72

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Hello Man of Evil ...
Don't swear dear. Even if it is your party. I'll hug you when you don't have a rat on you.

The Man Of Evil Is Here

Post 73

Little Bo Peep - I've lost my sheep

So that's the guy Styx was making all the fuss over. Hmmmm, not bad for a human.

The Man Of Evil Is Here

Post 74

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Just had a word on the side with QMike, and real life has called him away for several hours, but he'll be back at 2200 BST. Computer-sharing with younger sib...

Colonel, what drink would you recommend next?

The Man Of Evil Is Here

Post 75

Styx the Rat

*follows Quorthon*

The Man Of Evil Is Here

Post 76

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

The Blood Clot isn't as bad as it sounds, and the Fruit Salad may turn out to be quite good. Then there's that pitcher of stuff Phil made up, whatever it is.

The Man Of Evil Is Here

Post 77

Little Bo Peep - I've lost my sheep

*Eats some dropped salmon*

Not bad, but could use a bit of aging. Like about a month. Much more fragrant then.

The Man Of Evil Is Here

Post 78

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Well, let me try the fruit salad please. The party is underway now and they can call me when it's time to make another thread. *drops into a easy chair*

God, I hate cockroaches. Nothing personal. Stay on the floor or be dead. Up to you.

Cockroach as a delicacy

Post 79


Hey CS, another Glenlivet please
Y'know cockroach tastes a bit like prawn. Fried ain't too bad either.
Don't view EC as a pest Lil, more a kind of moving hors d'oevre

Cockroach as a delicacy

Post 80

Demon Drawer

Shame I'm vegetarian or I might take you up on that. smiley - winkeye

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