A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

Music maestro, please

Post 121

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

I suppose everyone needs to sleep sometime. smiley - winkeye Now, where was that fruit salad?


Music maestro, please

Post 122

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Ampton, a fruit salad for Gw7en, and something with multicoloured horizontal stripes for me. I think I am no longer normal.

A wozit in the closet

Post 123


*saunters in to the closet and teleports to RL for short snoozet*
As the good shepherd said, "Lets get the flock out of here"
Baaaaaaaahck soon

Music maestro, please

Post 124

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Normal can be far too...well, normal. Horizontal stripes sound like much more fun. smiley - winkeye

Why, thank you, Ampton. How kind! smiley - smiley

*slips Styx a peeled grape*


Music maestro, please

Post 125

Tschörmen (german) -|-04.04.02

Woops, in again too late. Well, if Quorthon could please drop a packet or two of self raising flower should he be flying over the black forest.. The stuff is pretty expensive here.

Cheers to anyone hanging around

Music maestro, please

Post 126


Looks like I've got this Pimm's to myself then. Gone quieter I see, so I'll just stretch out on the sofa and put this CD on, QMike would love it...

*Can I Play With Madness...*

Ah just what we need smiley - smiley

Music maestro, please

Post 127

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Hi Englander, I meant to greet you earlier but the simulposting was going thick and fast. QMike is under pretty strict online rationing because he has so much to get ready for, for the trip, but he'll be here tomorrow. Thanks for coming!

Can you imagine the results of an exploding packet of SR Flour dropped from 30,000 feet!

Colonel, I just added your drinks list to the main page, right under the floor plan, because it's getting on time to renew the party in a second thread. Shall I? While I can find the tools? smiley - tongueout

Music maestro, please

Post 128

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

The Pimms recipe! Yes. I need to add that to the menu. And I'll try some, please. Wasn't Pimm's mentioned as a Victorian drink? In the 1900 House series, I mean.

Music maestro, please

Post 129


Pimms (according to the back of the bottle) 1 part Pimms (a gin based drink, according to the guide entry on Gin) to 4 parts lemonade. Pour over ice and for the classic add cucumber and mint. Most people just add all sorts and any fruit the can get away with, so it can really be a fruit salad in a glass smiley - bigeyes As for it's origin and history I've no idea, but I do think it's one which has been going for a long time.

Music maestro, please

Post 130

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Gin has a long and not-always distinguished history, doesn't it! OK, I think some of the partygoers are beginning to have trouble walking in a straight line and hitting that newer-posts button accurately, so many times, ad so the thread continues at BON VOYAGE (2), at http://www.h2g2.com/F38024?thread=64688&post=476174

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