A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

The Man Of Evil Is Here

Post 81

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

*strolls in strumming a guitar*

smiley - musicalnote Happy Trails to you, until we meet again,
Happy Trails to you, keep smiling until then smiley - musicalnote

smiley - sigh I seem to have missed the Guest of Honor. Well, I shall simply have to wait for him to return then. My dear Colonel, if I could please have a Red Raspberry Jello Shot, I would be forever in your debt. (Or at least until I need my next drink. smiley - winkeye) Thank you!

*wanders off to find a chair in which to sit*


Cockroach as a delicacy

Post 82

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

Here you are, eats.

Cockroach as a delicacy

Post 83

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Urgh, no thank you. I don't eat shellfish either; I guess I'm hardwired to hate chitinous things. Cockroaches, the natural enemy of the houseproud person. You should see the size of the Florida cockroach. You can buy saddles for them. smiley - winkeye

Cockroach as a delicacy

Post 84

Little Bo Peep - I've lost my sheep

Yeah, it's something about the weather there, or all the shuttle exhaust. I had a cousin that moved there. Put on almost 3 ounces in the first 6 months.

And, excuse me, but I don't think it is polite to talk about frying and eating guests. And you can tell the sorts of things she likes to eat anyway by her name.

No More Cockroach Jokes

Post 85

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Gw7en, I'll join you. The initial adrenalin has worn off, of getting this party started and I've had two and a half strange drinks already. I may just take a quick catnap and listen to the talk flow around me for a bit. Thanks for coming, by the way.

Cockroach as a delicacy

Post 86


*sips his Scotch*
They're not a problem here Lil. Just ask EC if he fancies a summer holiday here when it's only 10deg C in July
Thought not smiley - smiley

Cockroach as a delicacy

Post 87

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

Let's see... red raspberry... red... s**t!

Would you like this whole tray? There's some raspberry in there somewhere...

Cockroach as a delicacy

Post 88

Little Bo Peep - I've lost my sheep

You can ask me yourself, miss mouse consumer. I don't mind cold and I don't mind heat. In fact, I can survive a nuclear blast.

*eats some cake icing from under the buffet table*

Cockroach as a delicacy

Post 89

Witty Moniker

Hi, everyone! I see the guest of honor made a cameo appearance.

*Enters carrying a large box festively wrapped in colorful paper with a matching ribbon. Wisps of white vapor escape from the box, which is cold to the touch. A smaller plain box rides on top of the large one.*

Bon Voyage, Quorthon! I can't say that I know you well, but Lil thinks you're swell, and that's good enough for me!

Don't open the box now, take it with you Down Under. (Airport security should have a ball with this one.)

It's... 3 dozen personal size carrot cakes with cream cheese icing. That's right, a full 5 week supply. And properly stored in a fusion powered picnic cooler to maintain freshness. Just be sure to keep it zippered up.

Hope you like it.

*Opens small box and removes large carrot cake, places it on the buffet table.*

This one's for the party. A glass of champagne, please, CS?

Cockroach as a delicacy

Post 90

Little Bo Peep - I've lost my sheep

Hoooooo, I'm full. I think I'll go take a nap

*Scuttles off in the direction of Styx's nest*

Cockroach as a delicacy

Post 91

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

One glass champagne, in exchange for one slice carrot cake, if you please. When one is the bartender, one doesn't have time to approach the smorgasbord oneself. Good thing the bathrooms are near... smiley - winkeye

I suspect that I will have to program the bar's layout and some of my own concoctions into Ampton, as I won't be able to stay behind the bar for the entire two days. I'm sure he'll do fine in my stead, and won't break *too* much...

Cockroach as a delicacy

Post 92


*moves happily through the crowd* This is great! What a blast! What a perfect time to fall off the wagon!

Cockroach as a delicacy

Post 93

Witty Moniker

I call that a fair trade. Just give a holler if there's anything else I can get you.

*slices a generous hunk off*

Here ya go... ©

Cockroach as a delicacy

Post 94

Garius Lupus

CS, it should be no problem for Ampton to take over from you when you need a break. Just let him watch for a while and he'll pick it up. He's a pretty smart robot.

Can I get a refil on this champagne, please. Then I have to go. Looks like I missed QMike, but I'll give him his gift tomorrow.

Cockroach as a delicacy

Post 95

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

I'm glad he's a fast learner... that kind of thing could get creepy...

Cockroach as a delicacy

Post 96


*steps to bar* A glass of red wine, please. I have a present for Mike-several silver chains and a large dragon ring.

Cockroach as a delicacy

Post 97

jr52 (ting-a-)

*dashing in*
Hi, all!

Cant't stay right now but wanted to get my name in for the limbo contest.

Having a bit of a muggle with my transportation, but, hopefully it will be up and running later.

Looks to be shaping up to quite a party, Lil. Wunnerful job.

*grabs up piece of carrot cake (second favorite-right after chocolate mayonaise cake) and dashes back out*

Ta, all.

Cockroach as a delicacy

Post 98



Music maestro, please

Post 99


Hi jr, bye jr
CS can I try your Fruit Salad please, some of my favourites in there,
What music have you got for us Lil?

Music maestro, please

Post 100

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

Alright, I guess he'll do. I leave the bar in Ampton's hands for now. I shall return.

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