A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 21


I don't think that's the graphics card, it's just that H2G2 is a bit problematic at the moment.

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 22

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*returns with fresh doughnuts & large carafe of coffee from the cafe*

Hi Courtesy, nice to see you here! And Freedom, welcome to my salon.

I am toying with the idea of replying to Anna's "Yay" post in the subeditors' list. They're evidently cracklig the bubbly at HQ. Problem is, there's no party cos nobody can log on.

Well, let's do the best we can here. *raises coffee mug* Here's to the three thousand people who registered and promptly grew old waiting for their brand new user pages to load!

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 23


*Green Jester appears, holding a coffee mug in his hand, and participates in the toast. Takes a long, drawn out slurp*

Ahh, nothing like the taste of coffee in the mornin'!


Asteroid Lil, or anyone else from this nice place
Tell the dudes at Crater Labs my message:
Stop toying with the cosmos, put the timelines back in place,
and don't save the mountain with help from Bond's courage.

*Winces at his own rhyming*

Oh, well. They can't all be gems.

*Disappears without a trace*

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 24


Oh, look, coffee! Just what I needed smiley - smiley

Last time I looked there were 83 people online, and I can still get around although the limit can't be very far away now...surprising how the ad banner always loads nicely isn't it smiley - winkeye

Are they really toying with the cosmos? Nice day for it, anyway. And the view is great too.

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 25

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Yes, the banner loads, and reloads, and reloads, all while I'm waiting to see the last 3 messages subsequent to my own post. It's really frustrating. Imagine AOL trying to do things like this.

Not long, though, before whatever passes for the Weekly Geek News in England starts to make fun of h2g2.

Do try one of the moebius doughnuts -- Joanna makes them specially for Crater Labs, whose tenant I am. Afgncaap5 put up a Trauma Firewall which is why we're all having to use the service elevator or the window, but I suppose we're still going to have the odd manifestation.

*reaches for pen and paper to make a note for Garius and Affi, just as Ampton comes out of the kitchen carrying Mindspring still chewing a leaf of spinach*

Newcomers, let me introduce you to Ampton, the Crater Labs technical aide and gofer. He has been good enough to serve as a sort of butler here at the salon when he's not needed by Garius or Affi.

And this is Mindspring, my pet unau, or two-toed sloth. He tap-dances and tightrope walks, but extremely rarely. We generally only see him sleep or eat. But he's nice to have in one's lap, like a big cat with enormous claws...

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 26


Well it's got to be down to how the backend is programmed and connected to the webserver.

The weekly geek news in the UK would have to be either http://www.theregister.co.uk almost straight news sight, almost because of the interpretation - also home to BOFH or http://www.ntk.net who take a look at the world of IT with a somewhat sideways look. If you can get past some of the sarcasm then they're usually worth a look.

Perhaps someone should tip them off...

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 27

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

well, it's 8am here (which means it's 4pm in the UK) and so far I'm having no trouble. I think trouble started nearer to 10am yesterday. So I hope to make a few posts before things go down.

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 28


Well it seems to be sort of OK (and I spotted over 100 users earlier) now.
Perhaps they need to talk to someone like andover.net (ie slashdot) about how they can have loads of people and loads of posts without falling over too much smiley - smiley

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 29

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Perhaps... what did you say you were borrowing Ferrari for, Phil?

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 30


My grand entrance at the masquerade ball on the flying castle of Damogran. It's happened now, so when I get the time, I'll have him taken out, rubbed down and generally pampered.

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 31

Garius Lupus

I think he has already done it, Irv - a grand entrance at the Masked Ball in Damogran. But I won't give him away. Someone already recognised Ferari and guessed that the rider was you, Irv. I'm trying to guess who that guesser is. The best clue I have is that it is someone that starts their comments with a :: instead of a *. Also the person imitated Greebo and Affy, so I think it may be another Cafe regular. I remember someone using ::'s but can't remember who ...

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 32

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Phil, sounds great, and Ferrari will not object to pampering. Did he strut his stuff for the entrance? Give us the URL!

I must admit, I'm mildly surprised to be here smiley - smiley

Now, since Ott is nominally our raison d'etre, I should mention a really cool set art drawings/sketches I found out about on one of my ott lists: http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame1.html

Anybody who has ever seen their group taken over by a flame war will appreciate this series. I'll be interested to hear your comments.

Where's our MikA?

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 33


Thanks for the welcome Lil, hello Freedom.

I think I will just relax on this pillow and have a donut. smiley - smiley

*relaxes on pillow and has a donut*

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 34

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I love that art nouveau look, which is why I had this place done up all old-fashioned. Lots of big floor pillows, aspidistras, and such elegant woodwork... * picks up a brush, sits down on floor and starts to groom Springie*

So does it seem like conversation is back to normal hereabouts?

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 35


Lil, the masked ball is at http://www.h2g2.com/forumframe.cgi?forum=29432&thread=50971 and you know the rules, if you do stop for a while, don't reveal the identities of anyone you know smiley - winkeye

I had a look at that site, it's brilliant. The portrayalsof the flaming types are so accurate. The other stuff there is good too.

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 36

Mike A (snowblind)

Lovely conversation here smiley - smiley

Science SATS went cool. I'd better get Level 6 *^_^*

Tommorow is the last day of exams. History, RE, Music and German. History will be easy, RE and Music I can flunk, and I can revise fotr German all tomorrow. Then I'm SORTED! smiley - bigeyes

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 37

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

You know I had to reload this forum twice? It kept loading perfectly except that there were no reply buttons!!! Did the entrance come off well, Phil? Did you ever glean who the guy was that mistook Phil for me, Garius? I remember you asked some questions in the Café...


5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 38


I think the entrance was dramatic enough.
I'm not sure who it was who thought I might have been you though. I do have my ideas but I couldn't possibly comment.

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 39

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Well, plenty of people, especially people in Damogran, have seen me on Ferrari, so they may have thought I was you because you were on the horse.

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 40


Question: Are we here or at the cafe?
No silly answers please.

Key: Complain about this post