A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 61


Yeah for this forum. smiley - smiley

Lil, I too have had back problems so I can understand, remember to take the medication for about a week after you think everything is okay.

Oh and could I have some tea please?

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 62

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Who, me! A busiest forum? Cain't be too much happenin' out theah...

Ho, Mike A, congratulations on getting more bad stuff out of the way! Have a pie, and there's sodas in the fridge too.

Please don't worry about my health, guys. What I'm going through now is a few swings of the needle on the healthometer as a consequence of the illness. They put so many antibiotics and anti-bacterial meds inside me that my own native immune system got thrown out with the bath water. I'm working my way back to health at the same speed that Mindspring gets from the kitchen to the hearthrug. Eventually.

Hey, I've actually been to Damogran! You'll see me with my easel at the masquerade ball, not far from the buffet table. Guests are coming over to have their portraits done smiley - smiley

That was a great entrance, Phil! Ferrari stood up and reared, huh? That is scary. I never like it when a horse "stands up". Some horses don't take the rider's weight into account and fall over, which is a Very Bad Thing for the rider. But Ferrari is an old hand at both parades and bucking... smiley - winkeye

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 63


*enters via the window, as the Service Lift cage is still open*
Morning, afternoon, evening allsmiley - smiley
*helps self to tea from v/_|3*
Brought some Pizza if anyone is interested!
*places 3 large pizzas in centre of coffe table*

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 64

Mike A (snowblind)

Straight from one bad thing, and straight into another. Check mail, Lil.

Rest of you, don't ask.

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 65

Garius Lupus

So you must be all done exams now, eh Mike? Must feel good to get that weight off your shoulders.

Lil - my wife had a whole lot of problems start after taking antibiotics (which were necessary, unfortunately). It made all of her allergies worse and produced a few new ones. She is slowly recovering, but you may be interested in a few of the things that she found that helped. The biggest help was a product called Bio K. It's sorta like yogurt, but it has an amazing amount of Acidopholus Bacteria in it (those are the good bacteria that are normally in you digestive tract and which help break down your food for you - they get wiped out by the antibiotics too and then the good/bad bacteria balance can get screwed up). The stuff isn't cheap, but it makes a big difference - it worked much better than taking Acidopholus capsules (it had many more bacteria). We also have had very good experience with homeopathic medicines. We both come from a scientific background and are generally skeptical of things, but the homeopathy has really worked wonders (speaking of skepticism, we are the most sceptical of conventional medicine smiley - smiley ). Anyway, the practitioner that we go to uses iridology (looking at your eyes - really stretched our skepticism there) as a diagnostic tool. We hadn't offered any information about our various aches and pains, but she managed to accurately find them all in our eyes. And different ones for each of us. It convinced us, anyway. I forget what point I was trying to make, but you may want to look into homeopathy, or a good naturopath, as an alternative to conventional medicine. The alternative medicines usually take a more holistic approach, rather than the "fix the symptoms" approach of conventional western medicine.

Irv - no, I still don't know who that masked man is. Haven't checked that forum today, though. Maybe he has dropped a few more clues ...

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 66

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Maybe I should stop by his homepage. What was he called?

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 67

Garius Lupus

Red mask of regection email.

I just checked the forum and he has now imitated all of the current Cafe regulars. The home page is a special one just for this character. It has a quote from an Iron Maiden song on it. I wish my memory was better, because that should be enough clues ...

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 68

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Mike A is both a Café regular and a chronic Iron Maiden quoter. Maybe it's Mike? Red mask of regection email, huh? Okay, I'll look up his homepage and drop by smiley - smiley


5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 69

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Garius, are you sure about that? Searching for "Red Mask of Regection EMail" doesn't turn up anyone... smiley - sadface


5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 70

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

REJECTION not regection smiley - bigeyes

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 71

Garius Lupus

Sorry, I got the name a little mixed up. Here is a link:


5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 72

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Okay, thanks, I've visited his forum now, and I'm at a loss for why you'd think it was me. Or why anyone would think this Masked person is me. Actually, it's kind of funny smiley - smiley


5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 73

Garius Lupus

Yeah, whoever it is is doing a good job. I had also thought of Mike, but the posts seemed too long and elaborate for him (at least, not what I'm used to seeing, anyway smiley - smiley ). But then I've only known Mike for a short time and it's a different sort of forum (roll-playing, as opposed to conversation). Anyway, I guess I'll just have to wait until the unmasking.

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 74

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Mike makes long posts when he's talking about Heavy Metal or Cartoons, but otherwise I think he keeps it short. I could be wrong smiley - smiley

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 75

Mike A (snowblind)

Seen his page. The song, Twilight Zone, is a corker. I love it smiley - smiley

But he's not me. Pure & simple. All we need to find out now is which sub-editor has rejected him smiley - winkeye

So, this guy just been popping around and impersonating people? Interesting. I'd love to see what he could make of me smiley - winkeye

Correct to what you said, Irv smiley - bigeyes

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 76

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

It must be someone not pursued by telephone costs smiley - winkeye

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 77


Hey, Irv, don't you have a Psychology exam about now?
or was it very short and you have been and done it?

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 78

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Garius, what you said about homeopathic medicine is worthy stuff, and I agree with it. One of the other fallout symptoms I had to deal with after my pulmonary problems has been edema -- and it seems that cranberry juice really is a miracle drug. Now that's enough about me.

Irv, how did the exams go today? And Mike, are you finished yet, or do you have something else to revise for next week?

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 79


I've a friend who has told me that getting to see an alexander technique practitioner is good for bad backs. He's also someone who is very sceptical about conventional medicine being a v. bad asthma sufferer.

I wasn't sure what Ferrari was going to do, but he seemed like he knew what was going on, so I just hung on and was glad my balance kept - suprised as well. smiley - bigeyes As for who the Red Mask is I've got some ideas but we're going to be kept guessing. He knows who I am but he's hopefully not telling. Oh yes and it's not me. It's hard enough just being two different people in different places as it is without being three smiley - smiley

Just got back from a gig in central London where I managed to be pulled up onto the stage to dance and sing along to Now I Wanna Be Your Dog during the encore. Shame I couldn't get into the aftershow smiley - sadface

5th Conversation at Lil's

Post 80


Well, gotta go guys.
See you all next week!
*take service lift, remembering to close the cage on exit*

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