A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

70Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1501


*Having somehow sensed the truly stpendous spread of food from afar...*

Oh my yes, how fantastic.

smiley - hug for MR. Good on you girl. At least it's not hanging over you now though.

Along with drinking, loosing my rag with people is fast becoming one of the things I'd rather not do. Post 30, my body can't take the comedown anymore.

70Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1502

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

I am sure that the company will work with me, once I am out of training.

Went to the club with Marv last night, very tired but, have to finish working on the neighbor's car.

70Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1503

Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere])

smiley - biggrin
{B4 blunders in after a couple of days’ hiatus from the Atelier, only to find a “big feed” going on. He dodges back out to check the blog to find out what the occasion is…}
smiley - run
{B4 blunders back in, grinning…}
smiley - biggrin
But of course! Kelli’s big day! Sounds like you’re getting it sorted out, young lady. That’s good. All the little details should fall into place as you settle on the bigger issues. I’m certain it will be a tremendous day for you. All the best in consummating the marriage with your wonderful fiancé, and may the days that follow continue to bring you both the happiness and companionship you’ve longed for. [Be careful not to trip over that dangling participle, by the way…]
smiley - laugh
{B4 then bows and turns his attention to the lavish spread of delectables.}
smiley - bigeyes
Wolfgang, this is too much!
smiley - laugh
Just kidding. You’ve out-done yourself, yet it is a perfect combination, suitable to satiate the palates of all our regulars and guests [read: lurkers]. I think I’ll start with the Raspberry Barbecue Wings, Mixed Green Salad with Tarragon Vinaigrette, Summer Fruit Salad, and Melon Halves filled with Port. I don’t believe I’ve ever sampled anything quite like them, to this point. Take this Spanish Almond Soup, for instance; that’s new to me. Oh, and I would have had the Old Fashioned Lamb Stew, but then I saw the Leg of Lamb with Lemon-Bay Marinade, which I just *had* to try. I’m partial to seafood, so the Red Snapper with Lemon-Marjoram Butter has drawn my interest. The Wild Mushroom Potato Gratin and Rosemary Skewered Morels will do nicely, as I love this group of fungi. Now the Wild Rice, Apple and Dried Cranberry Stuffing adds a nice piquant counterpoint to the rest of the fare I’ve chosen. I suppose you’ll think me daft, but I *must* have a small portion of each and every dessert [though they’re too numerous to list again].
smiley - tongueout
{B4 lets himself savor the visual presentation initially, then finds a waiter’s serving tray. He methodically steps down the banquet line, loading the tray with dishes, then filling the dishes with small portions of each delicacy. Once he has a veritable panoply of festive epicurean delights covering the tray, he carefully moves to a table near a corner of the Salon and gingerly deposits each treasure as if arranging his best collectibles. He takes a small taste from several suspected favorites, smiles broadly, and sits back to let the nuances of flavor from each dish fill his senses.}
Oh, Wolfgang, this is marvelous! How ever do you come up with such divine creations?
smiley - biggrin

70Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1504

Titania (gone for lunch)

I haven't *really* lost my temper for ages now... it happens so rarely that when it *does* actually happen, it tends to shock people who've learnt to know me as a 'mostly harmless' kind of person...

...never felt bad about it physically though - except for having to spend an hour or more on trying to get my pulse and blood pressure back to normal...

70Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1505

Mrs Zen

I don't even know where to start! Having f**ked up the YMCA by not making a booking, the stepson f**ks up moving out to a hotel today by - guess what - not making a booking.

Anyway, I am off for two nights. I don't even want to be here.



70Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1506


Getting angry - really angry, not annoyed - certainly affects me physically. Makes me ill. Headaches, queasy stomach, and I break out in blotches from my head to my waist. When I'm totaly PO'd, it is pretty hard not to notice. smiley - erm

That is why I try to be calm and serene as much as possible. smiley - zen

B4, we are celebrating the 4th Anniversary of Lil opening the Atelier. Kelli's wedding is still a ways off. That is another feast you can look forward to. smiley - biggrin

70Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1507

logicus tracticus philosophicus

Also corespondce to my first entry not that many years though, one year ago. Some where is one comment i made on person that showed me site in 2000.A prize of ,the leftovers in a goodie bag i am sure can be arranged, must go looks almost time for the washing up and hoover bots, i nominate hype,mr ,lil amy as candidates,to do the honourssmiley - run before i get something chucked at me.

70Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1508

marvthegrate LtG KEA


70Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1509


Lil, Amy is around, she is busy with her training for her Run for Life race.

Cassie has brought in a sparrow. She knows I'm fond of them, but not dead! The numbers of sparrows are falling and it is the first bird that she has caught, as far as I know. If she has to kill anything, then I hope she sticks to smiley - mousesmiley - esuom. She certainly didn't kill for food as she has just eaten her evening meal smiley - cross

I do hope Ben is back soon, I need her advice on pubs in and around Newbury. We are meeting friends in a few weeks' time and I have narrowed the AA's list down to nine. I also hope the Stepson pulls a finger out and gets himself organised, otherwise he is going to have to answer to the Salonistas!

70Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1510


good for you MR - Im wishing you well

Ben - Can you just toss him onto the street? That seems to be the point. He's not going to leave on his own. Is that an option? Would you feel up to that?

*holds head*
*groans in agony*
I just had the worst night of drinking ever in my night. I tried to help polish off a keg of guiness. I'm the one that got finished.

70Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1511


ltp #1496. (rather confusing post but I'll try and answer what I believe to be your questions).

smiley - starStudents:Yes, post 16 students choose to continue education. They could be in paid employment.
smiley - starMarking: In A levels they have 6 modules, usually 3 a year for 2 years. In my own subject for each year, 2 are exams, taken in June and marked by someone else. The other is coursework, no exam, supervised by me and I mark it then send the marks to the exam board. A student could only plagarise for this coursework since they do it in their own time. The exam board will check some of my marking just to make sure I'm doing it to the same standard as the rest of the country (or the world, since A Levels are taken in British schools overseas too). These are marks, not grades.

smiley - starGrading: Grades are allocated when all the marks for the whole world are in. Therefore the boundary shifts every year depending on the quality of students' answers.
smiley - bluefish

70Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1512

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I feel your pain Dave. I have been there on occaision myself.

70Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1513

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")


70Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1514



Thanks for the offer Coelacanth - I may take you up on it.

*wanders over to the table and helps herself to a wee bittie of everything*

70Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1515

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Well, I wasn't planning on actually having the feast until the next thread, but what the hey.

70Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1516


thanks Marv. I'm alive again. I think my tolerance is really low, b/c I don't drink that often or much now a days, but last night I tried to go out like I used to when my tolerance was high.

70Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1517


I do sympathise dave smiley - ill. I used to be able to keep up with the best of them, drink for drink, when I was a student.
Now, any more than about 2 units of alsohol and I'm ill for days. I have slight concerns about my liver function.smiley - sadface

It may be worth investigating Milk Thistle - a herbal treatment. Not so you can drink to excess of course smiley - winkeye, just so you can cope with the occasional one-too-many.
As with any of these things, it's important to do your research first and consult a medical herbalist if possible.

70Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1518

Wolfgang and Houndstooth

Don't worry about the buffet, Lil. This is just to whet everyone's appetite. I won't bring in the real spread until the next thread. Did you think this measley offering was all I had in mind?

Houndstooth! Better go check the kitchen at the Diner and see how things are comin' along.

*houndstooth, loathe to leave the company of Matina and not happy at the prospect of finding a kitchen full of live lobsters, reluctantly departs for the Diner*

smiley - chef

70Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1519


*Feels a bit weak* Not the real spread? Oh my... smiley - biggrin

70Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1520


*checks for Remegel in her pockets*

No inference on your cooking, Wolfgang, more reference to my smiley - bigeyes being bigger than my tummy!

We have finally got around to watching the dvd of Kill Bill, excellent, loads of gore and fighting. I wonder if if we are up to rewatching Love Actually?

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