A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

8CXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 121

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

*hammers in the last stake, and ties down the cord*

That is one mighty festively coloured tent you hired, Lady H. smiley - biggrin

8CXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 122


OH of course the invitations Hmmm clears throat and raises voice so everyne can hear just to let everyone know your invited to a party in the garden fancy dress...... (smiley - winkeyewhich explains her Ginger Rogers Hollywood Dress get Up) 1950's rock and roll music can now be heard filtering through from the garden......the aroma of BBQing smiley - magic is wafting in on the air crayfish, prawns, steak smiley - bubbly Fairy lights are dancing across the lawns and the smell of lilliums scents the air....

And right in the centre of the desert table is a three tier chocolate roulade mouse gateau.....smiley - cake

Reminds Nic he still has to change into his fancy dress and heads back out to check on BBQsmiley - run

8CXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 123


'I thought it was white. However, it was black.' is what I'm talking about.

You can also have: 'I thought it was white. It was black, however.' Or 'I thought it was white. It, however, was black.' Or
'I thought it was white. It was, however, black.'

You don't have to start the sentence with 'however'. You can though (where's the sticky tongue out smiley when you need it). The important thing is the two sentences. Are you sure he didn't mean something like this: 'However I thought it was black, it was white.'?

And absolutely not 'I thought it was white, however, it was black.' either. Despite what my English Language Teacher Trainees think.

Right that's it for punctuation. I'm supposed to be still on holiday.

Incidently, Sporky, when I was on holiday, I wondered into a camping shop and saw a spork. It was purple.

8CXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 124

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Oh piddle, paddle, pish, pash smiley - grr

Why am I always late? smiley - steam

*sidles in, leaves card for Hayayfi and smiley - gift --> it's a forever flowering orchid (a gorgeous purple one)*

*hides in corner, hangs head in shame*

8CXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 125


*Heads out the back to see what all the hammering is about*

Nice! And Happy Birthday Hayyayfi!

8CXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 126

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

*with proper white tuxedo on, begins to polish smiley - bubbly glasses*

8CXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 127


Thank you Magwich its beautiful would you like smiley - bubbly or smiley - redwine

8CXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 128

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Glad you like it! smiley - biggrin

I'll have some smiley - bubbly please, it is a birthday afterall smiley - smiley

8CXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 129


Pulls Nic away from glasses and starts smiley - disco to dance smiley - surfer I know I know its someone surfing but looks like dancing to me.... waves at Solnushka smiley - disco

8CXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 130

Titania (gone for lunch)

*Ripley and Mindspring drag themselves out of their usual semi-comatose existence aided by some sweet stuff and start dancing with Hayayfi*


8CXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 131

Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere])

smiley - cheers
Growlers in St Louis, MO, east of the I-270 / Olive Blvd interchange. They have a phenomenal selection of brews from all over. [ http://www.diningoutamerica.com/restaurant.asp?ID=2951 ] And they have this cool deal where you get a plaque on the wall for enjoying 25 of their different libations. When you reach a total of 131 draughts sampled, you receive a logo mug and place on a ‘cubby wall’ to store it for each return visit. Other prizes available for various levels of participation.
smiley - cheers
Most impressive time out and about sitting down with friends over some drinks was in Austin, Texas, overlooking Lake Travis from the multi-tiered decks of the Oasis Restaurant. [ http://www.oasis-austin.com/ ] Their big attraction is that, just before sunset, the serving staff will come out and strike all the shade umbrellas. This allows every patron the full panoramic view of the sun sliding down behind the mountains, tingeing the silver waters of the lake with shades of gold, deep orange, vibrant red, royal blue, and deep purple. It’s an awesome sight!
smiley - lighthouse
When I was stationed in Germany, I was taking a fellow Airman to Mainz to catch a tour train. We found the railway station, then spent the day in the park. We decided to cruise over to Frankfurt during the evening, since his train was due next morning. We wandered around a walkplatz in Alt Sachsenhausen and found our way into a tiny bar & grill that featured breakfast fare into the wee hours of the morning. The bartender tapped a couple of Budwar into tall glasses and, rather than hand them to us, placed them into an open-face copper box above and behind the bar. He waited for the ‘head’ to dissipate, tapped some more into the glasses, and—you guessed it—put them back into the box. I noted it seemed to be a chiller, because a light mist of vapor swirled just off the metal surfaces. The barkeep saw the ‘head’ of foam had gone again, tapped the brew again, and finally handed us our cool smooth pilsners. So much better than the American version of Bu++wiper.
smiley - winkeye
In Ft Walton Beach, FL, there was a (then) new and up-scale drinking & dining establishment right at the foot of the Shalimar Bridge. I have long since forgotten the name of it, but I made it a habit for a while to spend the evening sitting at the window overlooking the bay, nibbling on a meat & cheese platter, and sampling imported beers. Warm summer nights were even better when I spent the time out on their deck, doing the same thing, only enveloped in the slightly salty night air. A couple of times I actually had company, and that made it all the more worthwhile.
smiley - blush

8CXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 132

Wilma Neanderthal

*wonders if that means magwitch will be wearing the itchy blue granny knickers this thread*

smiley - gift hayayfi, (previews, to check the spelling is right) this here box contains a folded space. In moments of claustrophia, when it all gets a bit too hectic and overwhelming, open the box and climb elegantly into your own space.

~W~ Trying to work out whether her hootoo id has been hacked today smiley - erm

8CXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 133


Thank you Wilma this will come in handy as she pours some smiley - bubbly and hands it to Wilma.... Bill Haley's rock around the clock starts up...admires Magwitch's skills on the smiley - disco dance floor and lures B4 with the promise of smiley - ale

8CXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 134


Magwitch love the monster mash dance laughs gaily and she does the jive smiley - whistle

8CXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 135

Lady Chattingly

Happy birthday, hayayfi. smiley - gift A smiley - rainbow to use whenever you feel gloomy.

8CXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 136


Passes Lady Chattingly smiley - bubbly and thanks her warmly

8CXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 137


passes around sefood puffs and spring rollssmiley - magic

8CXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 138


*wanders shyly in*

Happy birthday hayayfi! smiley - cakesmiley - choc This is my first visit to the Atelier - seems like a good evening to pop by! Can't stop long I'm afraid, though... Hope everyone has a good party! smiley - bubblysmiley - smiley

8CXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 139

Lady Chattingly

I love seafood puffs and spring rolls. Did you make these yourself, dear?

8CXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 140


Welcomes LibrarianPear and introduces her to Nic and Magwitch hands her a smiley - bubbly and encourages her to trip teh light fantastic before she has to go

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