A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 921

logicus tracticus philosophicus

is it still working ? or did you not buy one!anyway what is a jessica rabbit.Does any thing happen to them that the RSPCA needs to know about? i hope these rabbits where not abused when they where sold!smiley - rofl

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 922

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Jessica Rabbit is a toon. She was formerly married to Roger Rabbit, who starred with Bob Hoskins in the eponymous movie.

*hands Hati a backlog exemption coupon*

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 923


smiley - erm well it has another use.. smiley - blush

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 924

Mrs Zen

This might be pulled....

[Unsuitable link removed by Moderator]


66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 925

Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere])

smiley - erm
Dang it, Ryan! If I weren't at work doing overtime, I'd be able to laugh about this right now...
smiley - winkeye
smiley - laugh

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 926

Mrs Zen

smiley - sorry

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 927

Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere])

smiley - winkeye
Don't sweat the petty stuff, Ben.
smiley - erm
Oh, and don't pet the sweaty stuff...
smiley - rofl
I'll catch up to this at home. Maybe even have time for a bit more of the thread. Ah, well. Back to the laundry...
smiley - aliensmile

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 928

Mrs Zen

But I *like* petting sweaty stuff... smiley - tongueout

(Sorry, I have just spent a surreal half hour watching "The A-Z of Sex" with the Stepson, and sharing a running commentary on it with Z on IM. I *love* the 21st Century).


66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 929


smiley - yikes Ben I'm shocked by your behaviour! Surely you should know better than to post links like that? smiley - cross

... House Rules explicitly state that no 'wholly commercial' URLs should be posted anywhere on site smiley - tongueout

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 930

logicus tracticus philosophicus

petting sweaty stuffsmiley - tongueoutpettingsmiley - tongueouticescream style
our we talking over exercised rabbits here or could it be sweaty hares(typo)hairs,on pussys?smiley - winkeye

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 931

Mrs Zen

smiley - blush

smiley - headhurts

smiley - sorry

smiley - run

(smiley - zzz)

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 932


smiley - ta, Lil.

Now I can smiley - zzz without nightmares. smiley - winkeye

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 933

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

I'm surprised the Disney Corps haven't taken that site down, Ben. Scandalous. smiley - winkeye Remember that they recalled all the laserdisks of "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" because one of the animators sneaked in a single frame of Jessica Rabbit topless.

Hati, welcome back. And welcome to Tamberlaine.
smiley - dog

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 934

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Enough of this. Next thing you know, some self-appointed Henry Root of a censor will swing through here and crater the whole LED. smiley - cross

Last night, at the most recent meeting of the Wicked Old Ladies of Lincoln, we were talking about (among many other things) spousal abuse. We had one case in particular in our thoughts, but we also spoke more generally about violence in our culture and how it has led to machismo and all sorts of violence against women and children.

I think, however, that spousal abuse can victimise men, and that there is more to violence than just fists.

Why is it that some people are unable to admit they are wrong?

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 935



66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 936


Really d'E? I thought it was because there were a couple of frames where it could suggested that Jessica Rabbit wasn't wearing any panties.

I innocently did a Google search to see if I could find any film references or back story about it. Well I found some hits, actually I found over 10,000 hits. None of which I would want to post anywhere near here. Erm... smiley - erm

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 937


Z - having had an extremely surreal discussion with A on vairous topics brought up my A - Z of sex, and certain websites we started browsing afterwards..

Lil I do think that sposual abuse can victimise men as well. I can think of several ways all too personal to those concerned to post here. But then there are some cases of teenage children being able to abuse parents violently, and the parent being too scared of the child gettin taken into care to do anything about. I think the probelm is a family dynamic where power is based on psychological or physical violence rather than mutual respect.

I do wonder if an offspring living away from home, with friends, in a house share situation in bettween leaving a violent home and living with a partner would break the cycle of violence. It certainly breeds tolerence of dishes.

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 938

logicus tracticus philosophicus

smiley - spacesmiley - spaceI do think that sposual abuse can victimise men as well smiley - space
Abuse towards men tends to be more physiological than physical by inlarge, which tends to have a longer lasting effect, also whilst a large ammount of effects with regard to brutality of this kind,cannot be seen to most everyday folks.We all can see the blackeye bruises on the arms ect,and when we see these signs in our relations,freinds neighbours, a large majority will have either sympathy or in many cases empathy for thew victim.

So in many cases the healing/help process for the larger part will be profferd without asking for it, and in many cases can be stoopped alltogether.Yet physiological violence tend to be missed and can often be carried out over lifetimes ,victorean Grandparents attitude
(the probelm is a family dynamic ) transfered guilt {i need to be punished thingy) often will be root or causal to type of abuse.

If you get what i'm trying to say as for breaking the cycle reconition of there being a problem changeing enviroment helps but allthough statistics show strong links with sins of the father thinking it has more to do with fragmentation of family groups,along with the ridiculous attitude that stopped "officers of the law " clipping you round the ear,caneing in schools.

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 939


Every school I ever attended is still there...

I think compulsory education of children is a good thing- it helps children learn the discipline and work ethic they will need all their lives. It helps children learn that one must sometimes have to do even unpleasant things. That said, American education is pretty much useless until you get to the University level- at which point many students have to take remedial classes to learn the basics they should have learned at the public schools. There is areason American students consistently score at the bottom of international tests for industrialized countries.

I credit my education more to being partially home-schooled, I never learned anything of value at the public schools.

Welcome, Tamerlaine !

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 940


On spousal abuse- I'm going to say something very politically incorrect : Many women seem to encourage and actually need abuse. This in no way detracts from the responsibility of the abuser. Some women seem to feel ( in some sick way) that if a man doesn't hit them he doesn't love them. I have a good friend who married a woman who had a history of abusive boyfriends- she had to get restraining orders against at least a couple of them. My friend, by contrast is a gentle honorable man who believes in treating women like gold. She stayed with him 7 months, then announced she still loved her old boyfriend ( one she had a restraining order against) and abandoned him. She stayed with my friend just long enough to get pregnant and completely break his heart. We used to joke that it was because he didn't hit her enough ! Bad, I know, but tasteless jokes were the only way we knew how to deal with the situation.

Clearly, to end spousal abuse, we have to deal with both sides of the equation. A woman who is a repeated victim also bears responsibility...

[ Cringes in the corner, waiting for enraged backlash]

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