A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 901

Bald Bloke

I'd have to disagree

If it hadn't been for some good teachers pushing me I'd have left school with no qualifications and no desire to do anything.

That would be perfect training to be a minimum wage slave to be abused by the capitalist system.


66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 902

Bald Bloke


"My elementary/jr.high burned. My high school was torn down."

I thought you claimed you were never naughty smiley - biggrin

To lose one school is unfortunate ....

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 903


"...to lose two is downright careless."

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 904


I'm sorry. That was a terrible Oscar Wilde reference. smiley - blush

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 905


I guess I am the last to the forum this time. smiley - erm
I apologize for skipping the backlog. smiley - grovel

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 906

Bald Bloke

Agreed but it had to be said smiley - groan

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 907


Don't worry, it's nice to have you back Hati smiley - wow

Sorry for being controversial for no reason.

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 908

Bald Bloke


I'm sure Lil will grant you a backlog exemption.

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 909


I do hope so.

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 910


Glad you made it back, Hati smiley - hug

H went to a 'progressive' school where they learnt to read by assimulation, with labels stuck to things: 'wall', door', 'table' and so on. But it was all of no use to him as he discovered after leaving school that he was dyslexic. Reading is a slow process for him and only really began to enjoy it after he met me. Although he still can't quite appreciate the joy of a brand new, unopened book.

Because maths was explained using more normal traditional methods, he excelled at the subject. He can remember strings of IP addresses from many years ago, but it will take him days to complete a chapter in a book.

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 911

Mrs Zen

"I remember making a torture chamber out of lego after we visited the Tower of London" smiley - roflsmiley - somersaultsmiley - rofl

Z. I still disagree. It is much harder to take a career break for education when one has financial commitments than you allow for. Mind you, the last time Z and I discussed this subject we ended up boring everyone else so much we went to a couple of sex shops. smiley - yikes


66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 912

Mrs Zen

Oh. SFAIK all my schools are still standing, though the tiny village school is now a private house.


66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 913


Yes Ben, doesn't everyone go to sex shops when they're bored?

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 914


Trust me, the excitement wears off very quickly once you're in there smiley - yawn

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 915

Mrs Zen

I am just a sweet innocent thing, me!


66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 916


Yes Ben's never been in a sex shop. At all. Well apart from the ones I took her to.

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 917


And I'm Mary Poppins! smiley - tongueout

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 918


I *knew* that was going to simpost smiley - cross

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 919

Mrs Zen

Yes, I have too so!

Did I tell you about the sex shop in Sweden which had Jessica Rabbits in a lovely Easter Display with smiley - chicks and smiley - bunnys and other fluffy things?

Mary Poppins, GD? Suits you sir!


66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 920


Oh for heaven's sake. Even I have been to a sex shop. smiley - silly

Not that we have one in WC. You have to travel a fur piece to find one. smiley - winkeye

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