A Conversation for h2g2 Birthday Party

Post-party stuff

Post 1

Jim diGriz

Well, I thought it was bloody excellent!

Nice to put faces (and genders! smiley - smiley ) to the names at last.

Advice for those who couldn't make it this time, but plan to come to the next one: order a T-shirt before you go. When the heavens open and you get so wet that you feel you've just jumped in the bath with your clothes on, you'll be jolly glad of that spare T-shirt!

Many thanks to all those who put in the effort to make it work.

jd smiley - smiley

Post-party stuff

Post 2

Dancing Ermine

Thanks from me too, it was great fun. Especially the softball smiley - winkeye

The other alternative to the t-shirt is to actually bring a coat. smiley - bigeyes Not that it stops you getting saturated anyway...

Post-party stuff

Post 3

Jim Lynn

Well Bernadette, Charlotte and I had a jolly good time. The rain was almost fun, and I feel it helped bring us all together in a 'dunkirk spirit' type way.

Nice to meet you all. smiley - smiley

Post-party stuff

Post 4


Well, when I left you all it was still sunny, so I'm sorry you got wet. Hello again to people I spoke to, and to those I didn't. I'm waiting to read about the rest of the day.
smiley - fish

Post-party stuff

Post 5


Great to meet you all as well!

Post-party stuff

Post 6


It was fun wasn't it?smiley - smiley

Post-party stuff

Post 7

Boys and Cake Girl

Yeah, it was great. (My shoes are still wet this morning. ) Thanks for a really good day. smiley - smiley

Post-party stuff

Post 8


I haven't dared go near my sandals yet, I think that they're mad at me.

smiley - fish

Post-party stuff

Post 9


Eurgh, horrible wet shoes. They're going to take a while before they dry out smiley - sadface

Post-party stuff

Post 10


Especially as mine are still in my bagsmiley - smiley

smiley - fish

Post-party stuff

Post 11


Mine were quickly and painlessly removed as soon as I got in last night smiley - smiley I could have changed into a pair of dry trousers at the pub, but as it would have meant removing the shoes I thought it best not to bother.

Post-party stuff

Post 12


I had a dry pair of shoes on me at the pub, but for some reason didn't think to bring dry trousers.

smiley - fish

Post-party stuff

Post 13

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

I was glad of my spare hat.... the "madder" one (with bells on) is still wet and probably going to take a couple of days to dry out. _/\_

Post-party stuff

Post 14


Its good that the mice were transferable smiley - smiley

Hmmmm I haven't touched my bag of soaked belongings yet... smiley - sadface

Post-party stuff

Post 15


I was glad of dry shoes, and mostly I think I was glad of a powerful hot air drier in the gentssmiley - smiley

smiley - fish

Post-party stuff

Post 16

Bald Bloke

As a first timer at these events. I would just like to say this has confirmed my view of my fellow researchers, we are all mad (and Soggy)smiley - smiley

Many thanks to all who organised the day especially Abi must have done a lot of work (Checking out the pub? smiley - smiley) and had to miss out on the rugby to be with us.

Heres to the next one smiley - smiley

Post-party stuff

Post 17

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

I agree, thanks to the organisers. smiley - smiley

Post-party stuff

Post 18


Glad you enjoyed it Bald Bloke, I know I didsmiley - smiley
And as to being soggy? Yep, the contents of my wallet are sat here on my desk slowly drying outsmiley - smiley It was fun getting back through London on hte subway with a ticket that pulped slightly more each time you tried putting it into a machinesmiley - smiley

smiley - fish

Post-party stuff

Post 19


It seems I left at the right time to avoid a soaking! I was at the Barbican by then, but I had hoped to sit outside. I'm looking forward to reading the POST article by Pastey.
smiley - fish

Post-party stuff

Post 20


Well, it's written, but you'll have to wait until Monsy comes online to edit it and the rest of the Postsmiley - smiley

smiley - fish

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