A Conversation for h2g2 Birthday Party

With my DCE hat on!

Post 161


That's very true - but I doubt that most people would be agressive about it, and only try and find the researchers who deliberately keep hiding from others as part of the shared joke. Such as you, Abi. You don't seem to mind being outed that much. smiley - winkeye

With my DCE hat on!

Post 162


I don't mind a jokey page about me along the lines of Elvis spotting - but I am concerned about a general page. For the editorial team it is quite important that we are not on duty all the time we are on site. So I am a bit concerned that now i have to set up another researcher and it is likely that everyone will be looking for that one as well.

I think that thing is that anonyminity should be respected.

With my DCE hat on!

Post 163


Can we continue the discussion over here


Thanks - I do think that this is an important issue and I want to hear your views.

Post-party stuff

Post 164


And me too! I was the last too! Me me me!!!
I'm ALWAYS the last to leave a party, usually because somebody has to carry me out. Not sure what happened to me afterward... I woke up in a place called Stanmore. Where the hell is Stanmore? All I know about it is that they have a night bus back into London...

And why was I completely covered in food colouring? No doubt when I get my photos deveoped all will become clear.

BTW thanks to everybody for organising it, especially the rain.

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