A Conversation for M2M2 - The H2G2 Lesbigay Area

The problem with being Bi

Post 61

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'


I am clean as can be. smiley - smiley Just to be sure, though, it is best to play Twister with the sprinklers on.

The problem with being Bi

Post 62

Cupid Stunt

We could call an archbishop to wash our feet?

The problem with being Bi

Post 63

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

i am starting to wonder where this conversation is heading...

The problem with being Bi

Post 64

Ridiculous Chicken† - a very absurd little bird

Twister is fine until everyone starts to get very drunk ("Blue foot green?!?!") especially if they're unattractive or have a personal hygene problem... ("erm... yes, I am aware that I'm draped over your crotch in a rather provocative manner, but really, it's nothing personal") smiley - rainbow

The problem with being Bi

Post 65

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

smiley - laugh only played twister once so never encountered such problems. But if you fancy someone i imagine that could be quite an opportunity to get close smiley - winkeye

The problem with being Bi

Post 66

Ridiculous Chicken† - a very absurd little bird

I never really end up playing twister for that reason at parties... usually after a few beers I end up somehow entwined with my favourite person on the couch anyway and never quite realise how or why I've got there!

The problem with being Bi

Post 67

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

stop it! you're making my head explode...

That is precisely what fails to happen when I play Twister. smiley - cry Even if there are *two* of us on there who fancy the same person, neither gets lucky.

The problem with being Bi

Post 68

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

if i did play it i would be the one left in the corner *not cheating* in order to get a grope with someone so you are not the only one smiley - sadface

The problem with being Bi

Post 69

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

I think I should probably give up on them now... however just when I get to thinking that, along come the confusing signals.
I need one o'them mentors.

The problem with being Bi

Post 70

Cupid Stunt

Spinning the wheel on purpose so that the object of your affections is an a provocative/obscene/downright filthy position is also done by some unscrupulous types.

I very rarely do play twister, since the "I'm not playing unless it's me and at least four girls" mentality seems to be prevalent amongst many of the people of the male persuasion I know at the moment. Which is a shame really, because they're spoiling it for the rest of me, who would actually like tpo play a game of twister, rather than to supplement my non-existant love life with some unwanted groping.

"Blue foot green"!!! Great fun!

The problem with being Bi

Post 71

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

Oh, this is old... don't know why I missed your Last Post.

The problem with being Bi

Post 72

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

nooo..... ignore that, all these later pages were somehow invisible.


The problem with being Bi

Post 73

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

I always find there's always someone on the very large size involved when I play twister- and they *always* collapse on me smiley - erm

smiley - ale

The problem with being Bi

Post 74

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

Poor lass!
Maybe invest in those comedy inflatable Sumo costumes?

The problem with being Bi

Post 75

Cupid Stunt

Great fun at parties!

The problem with being Bi

Post 76

Demon Drawer

What Twister or inflatable Sumo Wrestler Suits?

Or just the combination?

The problem with being Bi

Post 77

Cupid Stunt

I was talking about the suits, I never get to play twister at parties. (refer to above posting)

The combination would be very amusing!

The problem with being Bi

Post 78

Demon Drawer

Ah missed that in the backlog.

Strip twister is good fun.

And the combination would jsut be hilarious.

The problem with being Bi

Post 79

Cupid Stunt

Not the combination of strip twister with the sumo suits though, surely, it would defeat the object wouldn't it?

Strip twister sounds like a great idea - must suggest that at a drunken house party!

The problem with being Bi

Post 80

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

Strip twister, with Sumo suits *and* plus-size eveningwear.

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