A Conversation for M2M2 - The H2G2 Lesbigay Area

The problem with being Bi

Post 41

Cupid Stunt

So, to recap, we're all pro bi, mostly pro liberal, and anti country music.

Bloody line dancing...

The problem with being Bi

Post 42

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

5 6 7 8......smiley - grr

smiley - laugh

The problem with being Bi

Post 43

Cupid Stunt

My boot scooting baby is driving me crazy...

Just to shame myself, I actually do like that one, but the rest of it...

The problem with being Bi

Post 44

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

that's more cheese than country. Cheese has more of a place in the world.
Hurrah! I am glad this thread has started again. It is one of the few places I can go to have a good moan. smiley - smiley (tho' I will not bore you...) I daresay Queex (boyfriend) would not care a jot if I were entwined with a female also (at least, he says not. And sometimes comments, 'Ch-ching! smiley - erm) however this does not go beyond the hypothetical. I do not know *any* other bi-girls... do not even know where to start... I sort of envisaged that once I'd told a few people, one would fall into my lap so to speak (especially since a lot of my hitherto straight friends were, frustratingly, all snogging each other roundabout that time; however, that seems to have been merely A Phase). I prefer to meet folk over't'Interweb, however, providing it is in a non-scary place like this. Then I can ramble endlessly without tripping over or trailing my sleeves in the soup or the myriad other social embarrassments I am prone to.

The problem with being Bi

Post 45

Cupid Stunt

Which brings up the very interesting point - why DO many men feel the need to make the noise like a cash till at the mention of a girl-girl couple? I completely fail to see any connection...

I suppose it's not easy projecting an air of gorgeousness with your sleeves in the soup?

The problem with being Bi

Post 46

Demon Drawer


Beep Beep Beep

smiley - winkeye

The problem with being Bi

Post 47

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

yeah and when it comes down to it they would be embarassed and hide in the spare room!!

soup...never did like the stuff smiley - winkeye

The problem with being Bi

Post 48

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

He makes the noise a lot, actually, not just at that critical moment... and to his credit he only *thought* it, rather than yelling it from a table and doing a victory dance.

I am kind of known for spilling things. Or otherwise attracting stains. If only I could capitalise on that attraction, I would have it made...

If it came down to it it would probably be me in the spare room. smiley - erm actually I think we'd all enthusiastically discuss it, then when it came to get on with the action we would sit in silence with no one knowing what to do. And probably end up playing MouseTrap.

The problem with being Bi

Post 49

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

smiley - laughmousetrap? Could be worse - trivial pursuit!

But yeah i agree i think it is one of those things that the average bloke would feel uncomfortable and/or embarassed with, as would the girls (unless very drunk and ignoring the bloke exists)

My bf (or is he an ex now - unsure) is ok with me talking about the delights of Mel C, Winona Ryder or Dervla Kirwin, but i am sure he would have a freaky if it was a girl down the pub coming on to me.

The problem with being Bi

Post 50

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

smiley - geek I like trivial pursuit... makes me feel grown-up. smiley - smiley

He's pretty shockproof as far as 'dodgy' things go. Although neither of us have any idea how to get people 'interested'... (euphemism, euphemism).

The problem with being Bi

Post 51

Ridiculous Chicken† - a very absurd little bird

Most of my guy friends in the common room will just sit there going on about how much they love lesbians. Then they came a party where I was snogging a girl and were just running around giggling insanely going "Oooh... that's unnatural... GAY PULLING!"


I guess it was because they knew both of us really well!

The problem with being Bi

Post 52

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'


did you say anything crushing or just make faces? smiley - weird

The problem with being Bi

Post 53

Cupid Stunt

Mousetrap anyone?

*tries (in vain) to balance the litle plastic cage on top of the bit of plastic without upsetting the whole pigging thing*

The problem with being Bi

Post 54

Ridiculous Chicken† - a very absurd little bird

Lol... I used to LOVE mousetrap when I was a kid... such a wonderfully *imaginative game*! ...Is that me speaking or the bottle of wine?

The problem with being Bi

Post 55

Cupid Stunt


*looks up, while accidentally pressing against the starting thing with elbow*

Oh nuts...

Scrabble anyone?

The problem with being Bi

Post 56

Ridiculous Chicken† - a very absurd little bird

Scrabble! Yay! I generally only win when I cheat by making up words and trying to convince everyone they really do exist and are obscure technical terms. Not good!

The problem with being Bi

Post 57

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

Mousetrap, hurrah.
Or there is always Twister, the great leveller. Although whenever I play it I am reminded of the Onion article, 'Twister Party Fails to Get Dirty'.

The problem with being Bi

Post 58

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

you can't beat a game of snakes and ladders though smiley - laugh

The problem with being Bi

Post 59

Cupid Stunt

No, twister!

The problem with being Bi

Post 60

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

snap or hopscotch? smiley - laugh

too many smelly feet with twister!!!

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