A Conversation for The Cheshire Grin Inn

The Dark Hole In My Sock...

Post 141

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

Being as you're getting a glass of milk, I'm sure I can find a brand new box of smiley - donuts here somewhere. Here it is....

smiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donut
smiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donut
smiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donut

Bassman smiley - cool

The Dark Hole In My Sock...

Post 142


~Greebo dashes in from the Pub Quiz conversation...~

Aha... they are still here... brilliant... thank you Bassman...

The Dark Hole In My Sock...

Post 143

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

My pleasure. It would have been a party pack but the shop had sold out smiley - blue

Bassman smiley - cool

The Dark Hole In My Sock...

Post 144


Hey.. don't be blue man... ~grin~... you're cool!!!

The Dark Hole In My Sock...

Post 145

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

smiley - cool
smiley - coolsmiley - cool
smiley - coolsmiley - coolsmiley - cool
smiley - coolsmiley - coolsmiley - coolsmiley - cool
smiley - coolsmiley - coolsmiley - coolsmiley - coolsmiley - cool
smiley - coolsmiley - coolsmiley - coolsmiley - cool
smiley - coolsmiley - coolsmiley - cool
smiley - coolsmiley - cool
smiley - cool

Bassman smiley - cool

The Dark Hole In My Sock...

Post 146


A flock of Cool?

The Dark Hole In My Sock...

Post 147

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

I think you'll find the collective description of cool, is a Bassman of cool!! In a similar way to a flock of birds or a Greebo of doughnuts!!

smiley - coolsmiley - donutsmiley - coolsmiley - donutsmiley - coolsmiley - donut
smiley - coolsmiley - donutsmiley - coolsmiley - donutsmiley - coolsmiley - donut
smiley - coolsmiley - donutsmiley - coolsmiley - donutsmiley - coolsmiley - donut
smiley - coolsmiley - donutsmiley - coolsmiley - donutsmiley - coolsmiley - donut
smiley - coolsmiley - donutsmiley - coolsmiley - donutsmiley - coolsmiley - donut
smiley - coolsmiley - donutsmiley - coolsmiley - donutsmiley - coolsmiley - donut

Bassman smiley - cool

The Dark Hole In My Sock...

Post 148


Me didn't know that... a greebo of doughnuts sounds right though... you clever man...

The Dark Hole In My Sock...

Post 149

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

I thought it was obvious.... although I can't remember if it's a collective noun, or adjective (or whatever), it's been a long time since I was at school.

Bassman smiley - cool

The Dark Hole In My Sock...

Post 150


Cats don't do the school thing you know... ~grin~

The Dark Hole In My Sock...

Post 151

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

That's a shame, if you'd been at school when I was you would have had loads of freebie milk to drink.... half the kids in my class didn't drink the free milk provided.

I wonder when that stopped?

Bassman smiley - cool

The Dark Hole In My Sock...

Post 152


Hmmm... they stopped it... and then started it up again... Me used to hang around my local primary school for just the eventuality you describe above... Have they stopped it again...

The Dark Hole In My Sock...

Post 153

Bagheera: Spellchecker, Grammarian Pedant, Semiquavering Secretary and member of the Punctuation Police

smiley - blackcatsmiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnote *strums a 'melancho' - lick on his 'coustic Gee-tar, hoping to jam with somebody smiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnote
[any way my smiley - blackcat signature can be seen on this navyblue b/g?]

The Dark Hole In My Sock...

Post 154

Researcher 177704

*hastily skips over to his distortion pedal, and switches it off*

Yay, we're actually playing our instruments!

*sets up a twelve bar blues in the key of E*
smiley - rocket

The Dark Hole In My Sock...

Post 155

Bagheera: Spellchecker, Grammarian Pedant, Semiquavering Secretary and member of the Punctuation Police

smiley - musicalnote *modulates to relative minor via 'Clapham Junction' dim7th chord .... *

"Well I got the Grinn Inn Blues, feelin' thirsty: where's my beer? ... " smiley - musicalnote

The Dark Hole In My Sock...

Post 156

Danny B

*counts number of guitarists*


*runs upstairs*

*comes back with two spoons*

*plays bluesy percussion*

smiley - smiley

The Dark Hole In My Sock...

Post 157

Bagheera: Spellchecker, Grammarian Pedant, Semiquavering Secretary and member of the Punctuation Police

smiley - puff *adds bluesy harmonica* smiley - puff

smiley - ok *waits for someone else to invent lyrics for next line* smiley - winkeye

The Dark Hole In My Sock...

Post 158

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

Got the Basement Blues, feelin' dirty way down here.....

Bassman smiley - cool

The Dark Hole In My Sock...

Post 159

Bagheera: Spellchecker, Grammarian Pedant, Semiquavering Secretary and member of the Punctuation Police

smiley - musicalnote Got a 'bone to blow BLUES smiley - puff

to the rhythm o' the spoons smiley - cool WHERE'S THE BEERsmiley - ale ??smiley - musicalnote

The Dark Hole In My Sock...

Post 160

Lifson Kofie

smiley - puffs Bass Trombone.

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