A Conversation for H2G2 Space Centre

Hangar 41: More Shady Deals

Post 181

F F Churchton

Alright lads and lasses!!!

Hangar 41: More Shady Deals

Post 182

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

*A hologram of the Masque appears*

Lady and gentlemen. Apparently some have seen fit to use my establishment to solicit buisness for themselves. This is strictly against policy here in Hangar 41, which is my private property. Untill I return from my present buisness, Sea is completely in charge here. If any person, persons, thing, things, etc. attempt to use this Hangar for their own purposes, or in any manner not sanctioned directly by Sea or myself, the security system will, unfortunately, have to be activated. Sea has the access codes, but I am officially closing the premisis now, until such time as she or I see fit to reopen this establishment. Please leave any messages or requests with the answering service at the door. Understand that the lazers, death rays, killer robots, and anti-matter mini-missiles used in the security system for this Hangar are the finest in the Galaxy. My clients deserve the best, even when I'm finished with them.


*All enterances and exits begin to slam shut, one by one, leaving anyone who isn't quick enough stuck inside.*

Hangar 41: More Shady Deals

Post 183


Well. Fine.

*Mystrunner calmly walks towards the exit, which slams shut. He, however, continues to walk, and as he draws nearer to the door, it begins to groan, and slowly baloon outwards, at last tearing off its hinges and falling to the ground. Mystrunner steps over it, and leaves.*

Hangar 41: More Shady Deals

Post 184

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

*A robot quietly rises out of a crate with orders to destroy the vandal who damaged the hangar. Three more rise out of the crate and begin repairing the door.*

Hangar 41: More Shady Deals

Post 185


*Mystrunner pauses, and turns about.*

Hangar 41: More Shady Deals

Post 186

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

*The robot reaches Mystrunner, and demands an explaination.*

Hangar 41: More Shady Deals

Post 187



It was closed. Now it is open. What could be the problem?

Hangar 41: More Shady Deals

Post 188

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

*Robot prints out a fine for damages to the door. It simultaneously arms it's multi-function cataclysmic torture device mark 2.

Hangar 41: More Shady Deals

Post 189


*Looks at the paper, then peers at the robot from beneath his cloak. Without taking his eyes off the robot, he reaches a hand behind his back, and pulls out a pouch. The gentle clink is heard, with those lovely undertones that only gold can make.*

... for the door, and, if you are interested, for the robot as well.

Hangar 41: More Shady Deals

Post 190

F F Churchton

Hurry up will ya, I'm eating a tikka sandwich here and the source is spilling on the floor and my new Kevlar dress is stained!!!

Hangar 41: More Shady Deals

Post 191

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

*Robot Beeps*

Hello! I am Bot MX13-00X. I have been re-assigned into your service. Please note this owner's manual.

*The Robot's device is disarmed, and the gold transports itself into the hangar*

Hangar 41: More Shady Deals

Post 192


*Looks at the owner's manual, and motions for the robot to follow him.*

Hangar 41: More Shady Deals

Post 193

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

*the bot does so*

Assume that the bot is under your command now.

Hangar 41: More Shady Deals

Post 194

F F Churchton

Can I have one!!!

Hangar 41: More Shady Deals

Post 195

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

*The Voice of Lenore, the Masque's computer AI, speaks*

[LENORE]: Please be more specific. One what?

Hangar 41: More Shady Deals

Post 196

F F Churchton

A little robot to do stuff, so I don't have to, I know its sheer laziness but it's better than grafting, init!!!

Hangar 41: More Shady Deals

Post 197

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

[Lenore]: Please specify what functions you wish your robot to perform. What modules would you require? Anti-mater ray? Rail gun? Detention-quality grip? Interference-proof microprocesor? Televangelism?

Hangar 41: More Shady Deals

Post 198

F F Churchton

Can I have one of those ferry things that sort of fly around wearing a skirt and one of those black swirly things that sort of sucks in matter, anti-matter and mesons!!!

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