A Conversation for The h2g2 Language Thing - FRENCH Department

Language Thing - French Speakers, please register here!

Post 61

The Language Thing

Annie - I'll do that for you now smiley - smiley

And to everyone, a plea for help! Is there anyone still around who is prepared to teach French? We have an ever-growing list of people who want to learn, but no-one who wants to teach - I'm only just back on a French course after a year of only speaking Spanish, so it's going to be a while before my skills are back up to scratch. Can anyone help?

Joe C

Language Thing - French Speakers, please register here!

Post 62

riotact : like a phoenix from the ashes

i'm afraid i dan't have nearky the time to do any real "teaching" meaning preparing lessons etc..

but when specific questions concerning usage or vocabulary are posted here, i can generally give a reasonably learned response in a reasonably timely manner.

Language Thing - French Speakers, please register here!

Post 63


hello, I'd like to join as a french speaker, though I might be able to help out with teaching. Possibly.


Language Thing - French Speakers, please register here!

Post 64


Ooh, excellent smiley - biggrin Please do, if you can. I shall go and list you...

Language Thing - French Speakers, please register here!

Post 65


Can I withdraw from teaching if I find it too hard? If so then I don't mind trying

Language Thing - French Speakers, please register here!

Post 66

Kat - From H2G2

Of course you may! We aren't going to tie you up and beat you with plastic straws if you find it too difficult smiley - winkeye

Give it a go and see what happens. If you have problems then let us know and we'll be happy to take you down from teaching. smiley - ok


Language Thing - French Speakers, please register here!

Post 67


smiley - ok where do I go?

Language Thing - French Speakers, please register here!

Post 68


Anywhere you can find people to teach smiley - biggrin Try here for starters:


Language Thing - French Speakers, please register here!

Post 69


Help!! what on earth is a "U-number"???

I would like to register for speaking French. I've been taking French for two years, and am going to France this summer. I'm fairly confident but make a few too many mistakes.smiley - erm I love speaking French, though!smiley - ok

Language Thing - French Speakers, please register here!

Post 70


Hiya (or should i say "Bonjour!") Rigwoodie, welcome to hootoo! Great to see that you have been looking around & getting involved!smiley - ok

I'm not French, but i have lived in France for about 5 years. I don't find the language easy & i know my grammar is truly apalling, but i get by...my French B/F & i have evolved our own personal "Franglais" which does neither language any favours!

But i am obviously well versed in "argot" (slang) & how people really talk, rather than what they tell you in the textbooks, so if i can be of any help, do let me know.

Your U number is the number that identifies you here on h2g2, it's your Researcher number & provides a handy link, for instance, if i type in


It should highlight & if you click on it, will take you direct to my Personal Space, where you can wander around & smiley - lurk & maybe meet some of my friends, join in a few convos.

By the way, if you were to edit your own Personal Space, just a few lines would do, to open it up, people would find it much easier to contact you.

I'm an ACE here on hootoo, you've already been visited by one, but you can never have too many, so any questions, contact your ACE(es!)

A Bientôt!

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri (zdt for short)

Language Thing - French Speakers, please register here!

Post 71


Merci beaucoup! J'etais absolument perdu! However terrible your "Franglais" is, I'm sure it's better than my French!

Whew! My U-number, in that case, is U4341776smiley - smiley

*asks nicely* You make cheese boxes? What are cheese boxes? How do you make them?

Language Thing - French Speakers, please register here!

Post 72


He he! You haven't heard it in reality!! Honestly, it can get quite funny, a classic yesterday when the Bf said "merde! L'eau fait bloody 'ot!" I asked "is that faiT or faiS?" & he looked baffled "Merde! Je forget; c'est ta faut!" poor sod now has a french Brummy accent, he will get chucked out of bars all over the world.

As to the cheeseboxes....it's what's know as "assemblage art"; basically i find/acquire/ get given all sorts of objects & put them together inside (you guessed it!) often cheeseboxes, 'cos it's france & they virtually grow on trees, are free & are made from nice light wood which takes well to painting & sticking things on.

I can't give a link to the pics of them on here, one of these days i will get a website together. But as an example of the type of stuff i do, here is a link to Dale Copeland, a new Zealand smiley - artist who is very well respected in the assemblage Art world.


How are you getting on with finding your way around hootoo?


Language Thing - French Speakers, please register here!

Post 73


Franglais seems rather amusing to me.smiley - smiley

Cheeseboxes! That sounds like lots of fun! Beaucoup de fun! I couldn't really see it very well in the photo, unfortunately.smiley - sadface

I'm doing pretty well so far, though it's a bit confusing. It's a good thing I haven't posted in too many places, otherwise I wouldn't be able to navigate "My Space" at all! I think my favourite are the Thingites. Have you seen them? I'm now an official member, with a regulation titanium spork! smiley - sporksmiley - biggrin

Language Thing - French Speakers, please register here!

Post 74


salut tout le monde (Hi evrybody)

je pense que je suis le seul français de ce forum...
i think that i'm the only french in this forum

donc je vais devoir être professeur je croit...
so i'll have to be a teacher i think

pour le moment je n'ai pas internet chez moi mais je l'aurai bientôt
for the moment i don't have internet at home but i will have it soon

mon numéro doit être le suivant : <./>U5303913</.>
my number must be this one : <./>U5303913</.>

et j'espère pour vous que mon anglais n'est pas trop mauvais...
and i hope for you that my english is not too bad...

Language Thing - French Speakers, please register here!

Post 75


Salut Drostan

T'inquietes, tu n'es pas le seul francois! (But I'm not one of the others).

Bienvenue au Guide du Routard Galactique!

Language Thing - French Speakers, please register here!

Post 76


i'm maybe not the only one but one of the few as the hitchhiker's guide is not known in france...

Language Thing - French Speakers, please register here!

Post 77


Too true, mon vieux Frood.

I did once acquire a translation of the first book for a friend, and within a few weeks he and his kids had all read all five!

And as for other grenouilles on h2g2 - there used to be a lovely chap named Loup d'Argent, but, alas, I haven't seen him around for 'un bon bail'. smiley - sadface

Anyway, happy hitchin! smiley - cheers

Language Thing - French Speakers, please register here!

Post 78


Loup was le premier person j'ai parle avec à 'ootoo; pas de Clouseau ou il à disparu to now....smiley - sadface


Language Thing - French Speakers, please register here!

Post 79


Bonjour, tout le monde!

Is anyone still here? I'm in fourth-year French at school and speak a ridiculously small amount but read and translate pretty confidently, so if anyone wants to learn or teach or talk, let's get this thing up and running again!smiley - smiley

Language Thing - French Speakers, please register here!

Post 80

Susanne - if it ain't broke, break it!

Je suis encore là...smiley - smiley

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