H2G2 Entries linked to Pimms

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As my Personal Space was getting a little cluttered I've just cut out this section until I can get around to doing something more elegant with it. At some point I may get to be on the solo entries Hall of Fame, but at the current rate it will be a couple of years yet.

Sole Author Edited Entries: 14
Celtic Knotwork that was my first Edited Entry, and was pick of the day, giving me the knotwork image:
created by SEFPiet Hein, in Superellipse with Hex backgroundPiet Hein, Danish Renaissance Man 2nd edited entry, 2nd pick of the day, picture above, which is linked to the three achievements of his below:
The Superellipse a neat shape
The Soma Cube a "simple" 3D jigsaw
The Game of Hex - the game Blockbusters was based on
An Introduction to Game Theory that was inspired by the Nash entry.
Luke Howard, the namer of clouds - which led to writing:
Clouds in the skyLamarck, scientific bridesmaid - an interesting chap altogether, the entry inspiring Jimster to the bizarre giraffe blob below.
Does this make you think of Lamarck?The 'e' mark an interesting oft ignored symbol.
E numbers, the prolific types of food additive written to clarify what E's I was talking about in the 'e' mark entry.
Leeches inspired by the entry on the Tempest Prognosticator.
A leech.

Bramble Jelly was written when I realised that my talent to make it could be shared with a wider audience, and wasn't just a recipe.

Blackberries and Brambling was the first section of the bramble jelly entry until I came to the conclusion that it would stand alone as a match to the raspberry entry.

Some blackberries on a bramble.Creating Papier-mâché Masks
- written in response to queries made when writing my journal entry about creating props for a production of the Nutcracker Suite.A balloon partly covered in strips of newspaper.

"Two" Author Collaborations: 3
John Forbes Nash - Mathematician
- a collaborative venture with Cyzaki (so not a myriad of authors putting in their smiley - 2cents). Cyzaki provided the naked starting point and I clothed it.
The Isle of Man which I am credited as co-author of (having provided background info, but which Gnomon has written most of).
Origami originally written by Inanna, a particular interest of mine, which I updated because of broken external links, and gloss required on history.

Collaborative Entries: 14
(mostly entries when h2g2 had weekly multiple contributor collaborative topics)
The Needs of Pregnant Women (my bit was on being supportive)
Great International Breakfast Dishes (my bit was on German breakfasts)
Great Radio Shows (my bit was simply the link to BBC7, and advice on how to find out more Archive show information: The Mausoleum Club)
Answers to Children's Questions (my bit was on Calvin's dad - there're more examples in the conversations)
Cures for Apathy (I don't recognise any bit I discussed in the final entry, though I currently am listed among the researchers, and did witter on about making a distinction between apathy and inertia)
Great Board Games (my bit, well bits actually, since comments I made got into almost half of the game headings mentioned smiley - cool - largest contribution to a collaborative topic I've made smiley - blush)
Tips on Moving in with Someone (my bit was on getting out what you put in - it only works if everyone puts effort into sustaining the 'living-together project')
Great Hot Drinks (my bit was a quote about Glühwein and skiing)
Hitchhiking Your Way into the Edited Guide
- I have offered my assistance, but not written a jot.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - Some history and definitions - one where I was one of those who assisted C Hawke by being very picky in PR and offering numerous tidbits of detail.
Insubordinate Reading - I offered my insights to Flying Betty, being an inveterate reader at many times other people generally don't.
A Brief History of Optical Lenses - I made a few suggestions to BigAl on the focus smiley - winkeye and did a bit of research.
Many Tasty Things to do with a Butternut Squash - I suggested including squash with roasted vegetables,and also recommended toasting the seeds.
The Key to Getting a Balanced Diet - I made a comment months ago that linking to You are what you eat, the impact of diet on behaviour (A1106434) would be worthwhile - It was so long ago (it was September 04 I commented, July 05 when this was published as an EG entry) that I don't remember contributing to the collaborative topic.

Recommended (Pending): 0

Recommended (with subeditor): 0

In Peer Review: 0

In Update Forum: 0

Which just leaves the ones being 'worked' on: 1

How to teach origami to people with no dexterity or patience was created as a joke, but may one day be crafted into a companion piece to the main origami entry.

Incidentally I also show an Entry entitled Grabble on my entry list, but this is merely Bluemooner's entry that I put into GuideML to assist the recommendation to the Guide after it seemed to stall in PR. I've done the same thing for Muzaakboy with his entry on What Islam Really Says About Women

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