A Conversation for Magicians Guild : Imardin

The King's Palace

Post 101

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

We could always try to blow the whole thing up, kit-and-kaboodle.

The King's Palace

Post 102

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

[Patricia] And how do you prepose to do that without being discovered

The King's Palace

Post 103


*Lycan feels like he is being watched, he goes back to main enterance to question the guards*

*groughly* Who is in the Palace? in the abassador area?

Guard: Just the maids sir

Are you sure?

Guard: Yes yes we are

You won't mind taking me to go have a look then

*the guard takes Lycan into the palace enterence*

The King's Palace

Post 104

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

I'm sure of only one thing that will be taken into the Guild unquestioned...

Wait, did you hear that? I think someone's comming.

The King's Palace

Post 105

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

[Patricia] Yes someone is coming

*summons a shock spell*

The King's Palace

Post 106


<smiley - headhurts I can't remember what she uses>

*there are 2 sets of footsteps down the corridor*

* a door opens some distance away and then a few minutes later shuts*

The King's Palace

Post 107


The King's Palace

Post 108

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

*stands against wall*

The King's Palace

Post 109


*there are a few more footsteps followed by a door opening a bit closer, there is a quiet for a minute. then that door shuts too and the footsteps get ever closer*

The King's Palace

Post 110

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

It's a good think this palace is so large; it's take him days to reach us. I'll meet you in the Tavern later.

*flies out window*

The King's Palace

Post 111

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

*Climbs out of the window and down the Ivy*

The King's Palace

Post 112


*Lycan bursts into the room where they once were, sword in hand*

*he sniffs the air and the guard gives him a strange look*

There was a woman and a gargoyal here not that long ago

*looks out of the window but they have already gone from sight*


*he salutes the gaurd*

you can lock up and return to your post

*Lycan climbs from the window and wanders off*

*the gaurd locks the room and returns to his post at the front door*

The King's Palace

Post 113

The_Admiral(aka Avatar)

smiley - book

The King's Palace

Post 114


*Lans arrives at Palace and looks around*

The King's Palace

Post 115


*moves slowly around the outside*

The King's Palace

Post 116


*Servants still dressed in mourning garb bow to Lans as they go about their business.*

The King's Palace

Post 117


*nods in acknowledgement to the servants*

*runs hand along wall and looks up to top of palace*

The King's Palace

Post 118


< *twiddles thumbs* smiley - winkeye >

The King's Palace

Post 119


*goes to a place where he can't be seen then begins to scale the wall*

The King's Palace

Post 120

Feuille v. 2

*Elandra walks in purposefully. She presents herself to the Steward, who has been barely holding things together.*

Steward, I come with tidings. In the face of no heir and no plan, I...I am currently in charge of the Magician's Guild. And with no other heir apparent I am taking the throne. Is that acceptable to you?

*The steward goggles at her.* [steward] My - my lady Elandra, you cannot mean this!

[Elandra] We do what we must. You have done your duty, and admirably so. But now it is the time to do mine. After the war, after things have been rescued, then we will have an election or at least a choice of leader. But as it is, desperate times call for desperate measures.*

[Steward] Will - will we at least have a coronation?

*She smiles grimly.* Let me be Queen-in-waiting. I can be crowned later. For now, fetch me the Captain of the Guard. We have things we need to discuss.

[Steward] Aye...aye, mistress Elandra. My...my queen.

*he hurries off and Elandra frowns in indecision.*

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