A Conversation for Magicians Guild : Imardin

The King's Palace

Post 161

Feuille v. 2

*Elandra jumps and looks over at the doors*

Sorry...Thoran, remember what I said, all right?

*she swings open the doors, and gapes at the woman standing in front of her*

Alanna? What are - what are you doing here?

The King's Palace

Post 162


Remember Matthias? Well, after you left, he carried on my training.

*Alanna's eyes narrow slightly, and she looks down at the ground*

But... *her voice goes quieter* ... he died.

*She looks back up into Elandra's eyes*

So I came here, to see if I could continue my training from you.

The King's Palace

Post 163

Feuille v. 2

*Elandra frowns sadly*

I...that is regrettable. Of course, you can stay in our Guild Halls, Alanna. You're one of us now. And I will do what I can to train you, but...as you may have noticed I have other, pressing responsibilites that I must attend to as well.

*She looks at Thoran and gestures at Alanna*

Thoran, this is Alanna Franklin. I met her...on my travels. Alanna, this is Thoran Farranger...he's a Warrior in the Guild.

The King's Palace

Post 164


*Alanna bows breifly from the waist towards Thoran*

A pleasure to meet you sir.

The King's Palace

Post 165

Hamster of Doom (Zantir Ictell)

*knocks upon the door*

The King's Palace

Post 166

Feuille v. 2

*Elandra looks over*

Come in...Zantir, is it not? What can I do for you?

The King's Palace

Post 167

Hamster of Doom (Zantir Ictell)

It is nice you remember me after all this time Elandra *bows*

in light of the last battle we, myself and those left to rebuild the walls, were wondering if we could reinforce the gates and try to improve upon the mechanisms used to help prevent... sabatage

I'm sorry to hear about you and Lycan.. but it seems to me that you have found yourself a new someone?

The King's Palace

Post 168

Feuille v. 2

*She stiffens, colouring deeply*

Zantir. Not only is it not your place to speak of such things, and it is not your business, but - but that is not the case.

*she coughs*

I - rebuilding the walls. Yes. That is a fine idea.

Wait. Sabotage? Was there such an instance in my absence?

The King's Palace

Post 169


*Alanna's eyes widen at the mention of sabotage*

The situation here is even more serious than I had heard whilst on the road. Lady Elandra, you have whatever help I can give.

The King's Palace

Post 170

Hamster of Doom (Zantir Ictell)

The workings of the gate were seriously damaged during the battle here, but we managed to repair most odf it and it works to a satisfactory standard.

*bows again* I am sorry Lady *flicks his hand and a rose appears he ffers it to Elandra* I did not mean to interfere...

The King's Palace

Post 171

Feuille v. 2

*she looks at the rose, then at Zantir, then sighs*

Those are impressive parlour tricks, Zantir. They'd be better with blades instead of roses.

Satisfactory isn't good enough, however. Do you know much of stonework and masonry?

The King's Palace

Post 172

Hamster of Doom (Zantir Ictell)

I know it is a childs trick, but it usually impresses the ladiessmiley - winkeye that and I'm a tad out of shape with anything too powerful but I can still hold my own don't worry

Aye I know a fair bit about stonework and masonry, I've been doing my best at Turious for a fair time, to try and make sure their defense are adequet

The King's Palace

Post 173

Feuille v. 2

Good. Then as well as training, you can help oversee the business of defending Imardin. I want the walls reinforced and the main buildings reinforced, too. No good will come of anything if the Guild Hall is flattened with one well-aimed boulder.

The King's Palace

Post 174

Hamster of Doom (Zantir Ictell)

*bows* as you wish Lady

*turns to leave* I always knew you would do well, from right back when you were jumping up all those ranks

*stands quietly for a moment then leaves*

The King's Palace

Post 175


*Thoran inclines his head to Alanna*
The pleasure is mine.
*He turns to Elandra and waits for her conversation to end*
As I said whatever I can do to help you I will... if you think I have the skills then I will accept the promotion you offer.


The King's Palace

Post 176

Feuille v. 2

Good. I think you do...Elder Thoran. *she smiles faintly*

Now. I think Alanna needs to be reminded of some of her skills. Would you care to help her?

The King's Palace

Post 177


*Alanna smiles politely at Thoran*

Which weapons do you specialise in, sir?

The King's Palace

Post 178


Of course.
*turns to Alanna*
Would you prefer unarmed combat, armed combat, or practise blades?


The King's Palace

Post 179


My weapon is the Katana, but I'm open to anything
would you prefer unarmed combat, armed combat, or practise blades?


The King's Palace

Post 180

Feuille v. 2

*Elandra nods to herself*

*quietly* I will be back soon.

*she slips out*

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