Escape Pod Dreams - 148
Created | Updated Jul 12, 2007
The 'Star Wars' Issue

Same Old Story, Part Three
There is a history of little girls and boys getting their filthy little paws on cameras and learning to make filthy little pictures with them and then growing up to make filthy big pictures with more expensive cameras. Some of these grubby urchins got their claws into moving picture cameras and began to make gruggy little movies. Then they almost but not quite didn't grow up and made gruffy big movies. Some of them sat down with mingy little mechanical typewriters and some almost white paper and wrote dirty little scripts and then eventually moved up or into tapping away at big sophisticated IBM Selectric typing machines and writing 'epic' screenplays that had no hope in modern hell of being studio-ised into a major production. Some of them folks went indy. Some of them made 'Indy'. 'That was the dog's name!' 'I liked that dog!'

More reasons why Super 8 ruined our culture:
1. 8:57 AM
You will be assimilated... one way or the other.
Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)
2. 9:57 AM
I can't say I hate
Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)
3. 10:57 AM
Now, my daughter, Shnooks,
Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)
4. 11:57 AM
I suppose it's fair to say
Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)