A Conversation for The CLI/STUMPED Mine

Administrative Offices

Post 661

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I thought that CLI came into existence after the UFO crashed near the donut stall. Weren't you and Garius a salvage outfit to begin with?

*notices that a blue light on the desk has begun to blink*

Administrative Offices

Post 662


Garius and I didn't officially make a company until after I established the Crater, to tell the truth.

See, the UFO crashed because of some waves being transmitted from an experimental time machine I was working on. I was only working on the time machine so that I could go to the future to learn what S30 would stand for since Joanna was refusing to let the Science Site Special (S3) series of donut continue. Anyway, just before the UFO crashed, Demon Drawer came from the future in a Delorean and told us what S30 would eventually stand for. I remember it like it were only yesterday....


Ah, the memories....smiley - braveToo bad that TDV didn't live up to what I thought it would. Ah, well.

Administrative Offices

Post 663


Dang it, my memory's faulty. I need more RAM.

Um....RAM's blood? Cause I drink it?

No....um....dang it, I can't think of anything, um....

Blame FACE! He did it!smiley - winkeye


Administrative Offices

Post 664

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*deeply impressed* a Delorean, huh?

Administrative Offices

Post 665


Time for smiley - tea I think

*gets out the smiley - tea things and gets brewing*

*rummages in her pockets*

Hmmm only seem to have Hovis Digestives, not terribly exciting.

Administrative Offices

Post 666


*Notices the flashing light that Lil noticed*


Administrative Offices

Post 667

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

You slashed ALL the cables, didn't you? Maybe that's a UPS warning light.

Administrative Offices

Post 668

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

*Still napping*

I didn't do it mom, I swear! It wasn't me! I didn't feed the cat to the dog! It's not fair!

Administrative Offices

Post 669


Should we let him keep sleep talking? We're trying to go unnoticed, and sleep talking can get loud during nightmares.

Administrative Offices

Post 670


*prods GDZ*

Administrative Offices

Post 671

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

*Startles awake, nearly hitting Caer*

Huh! What!

*Looks around confuzzled*

Administrative Offices

Post 672


Nothing. Go back to sleep.

Wait, scratch that, stay awake.

Administrative Offices

Post 673

Garius Lupus

*There is a thunderous "ptooey" sound as a multitude of characters spit out their PAG.*

So, here we are on Admin. Level 2. Or, should I say, something masquerading as Admin. Level 2, since we just came from a battle on Admin. Level 2, which we had to cross to get to that elevator so that we could get down to the mine. (And we needed to get down to the mine, so that IAN could lead us through the maze of tunnels to the Temple of the Guide, where we could be cured of our orchids).

Wait a minute...there's some fine print on that sign. It reads "Admin. Level 2" in large print, then below it, in tiny letters, it says "Coffee Machine Support". So...this level must be devoted to supporting the coffee machine on Admin. Level 2! No wonder it has the extra security - who could ever imagine Admin folks functioning at all without their coffee. I'm sure those shorted and cut cables will soon be having an effect upstairs.

*Thinks about the condition "upstairs" is now in.*

On the other hand, maybe not...

Sorry for the absence. Red Dog should be returning soon, too. smiley - biggrin

Administrative Offices

Post 674

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Yay! smiley - hug

Administrative Offices

Post 675

Witty Moniker

I second that emotion! smiley - ok

Administrative Offices

Post 676

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

We have a motion outside the adventure. All in favor?

Administrative Offices

Post 677



Administrative Offices

Post 678


Sorry to interrupt. I just was dropping by in a burst of Nostalgia, at one point I was Moose, Chief Engineer of the space station as well as Grey Spectre of STUMPED. This place popped into my head after the new HHGG movie trailer came out. Just stopping by to say hello and see how things have been in the *checks watch* past 4 years or so.

Administrative Offices

Post 679



Hello and welcome back, business continues pretty much as usual, considering its a CLI powered adventure!

Administrative Offices

Post 680

Garius Lupus

*Glances at the first door in the row of doors. Written on the door is:
"Submarine Testing, Underwater Mechanical Performance Evaluation Division"*

Hmmmmm. There's something vaguely familiar about that.

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