A Conversation for The CLI/STUMPED Mine

Administrative Offices

Post 561


Ah, that's the music I know and love....

Just wait 'till we get to the "exciting" stuff. There's some Andrew Lloyd Webber music, perfect for chase scenes.

Administrative Offices

Post 562

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I don't think that I can take it.

Administrative Offices

Post 563


That's the spirit, Lil! Sing along, everyone!smiley - biggrin

Administrative Offices

Post 564


*hums along to the muzak, trying to enter in to the dramatic moment*

Administrative Offices

Post 565


smiley - musicalnote....and I'll never have that recipe again!....smiley - musicalnote

Administrative Offices

Post 566

Garius Lupus

Oh Nooooooooooo!

No, really! Oh No!

*Draws everyone's attention to the very large ape, standing at the elevator controls with his finger poised over the button marked "prison floor".*

Administrative Offices

Post 567

Chesworth, Head of CLI Security

*chesworth's bots step out from assorted hallways, all aiming snickdart guns at the ape*

*the bot wearing a purple moustache steps out from behind the potted plant with a pair of handcuffs and approaches the ape*

Administrative Offices

Post 568

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

how is it that no one saw that ape?

Administrative Offices

Post 569

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*watching to see what happens*
They all look alike to me.

Administrative Offices

Post 570

Disgruntled Ape

*in the lift*
Ook! [Don't shoot!]

Administrative Offices

Post 571


Why not?

*Slowly lowers his begauntleted hand that he'd been about to fire at the large ape*

Administrative Offices

Post 572

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

*Trains his crossbow on the big ape anyway, waiting for an explanation*

Administrative Offices

Post 573


*readjusts the babel-fish in her left ear*

Administrative Offices

Post 574


*Looks dramatic*

Administrative Offices

Post 575

Disgruntled Ape

*rolls his eyes*
[Because I'm holding the lift open. Because I'm on your side.]

*points to burn wounds on scalp from brownie batter*

Administrative Offices

Post 576

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

My mistake! Sorry!

Administrative Offices

Post 577


Ah, so you're not a new ape. My mistake, sorry.

*For some reason, he follows this by setting his gauntlet to an even more dangerous setting and pointing it at the ape more emphatically. I don't know, the frequent near-drownings are probably taking their toll*

Administrative Offices

Post 578


*steps back dramatically*

Administrative Offices

Post 579

Witty Moniker

*sighs dramatically*

Administrative Offices

Post 580

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

We're all in the lift, right?

*steps between ape and Affi* Come on man, keep your bearing! You'll fry the controls and we'll be stuck up here unless we go overland!

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