A Conversation for The Grand Repository Of Knowledge

Research Room 1

Post 21

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*Looks at the three results and pats DD heroically on the back which has the usual effect of knocking DD onto the floor*

Bugger ! Sorry old chap - let me help you up there. Now let's print out a A3 copy of the search results so everyone can see. Good - got a copy now hold it up so everyone can see DD.

*addresses everyone*

Now here's how I see things - (1) we've exhausted our available search technology, (2) we don't have access to any other research facility and (3) the boolean protocols have narrowed it down to three possible locations.

I think the only avenue left open to us is to use a random mobile probabilty generator and I propose to use this here knife .....

*produces large wicked very sharp blade*

..... to select the best probabalistic outcome for our endeavours and all it's going to require is for me to turn around and throw this deadly blade into the printout that DD is holding and we have a decision. So here we go - this is a dead cert to work - trust me smiley - biggrin

*turns away from DD and throws the knife casually over his shoulder in the general direction of the printout and DD, hears a satisfying thud and turns back again*

How did I do ?

Research Room 1

Post 22

Just Justin... (ACE)

*Justin casually turns around, to see a knife embedded in the wall about 5cm from his head*

Uh... I think you missed whatever you were aiming for.. unless it was my head, which, in that case, you've got to aim about 10cm to your left...

*Goes back to reading smiley - thepost*

Research Room 1

Post 23

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Damn smiley - cross. Anyone want to have a go ?

*holds up wicked knife*

Research Room 1

Post 24

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Yar goes through to the Residence Hall.]

[Student 1 watches him go, and then gives the camera a smirk.]

Research Room 1

Post 25


*A large security officer approaches*

Security Officer-Sir, I must ask you to refrain from doing that again, or else your knife will be confiscated.

Research Room 1

Post 26

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

[NYC] Ooh! I'd like to see you try! People've been WAY too non-violent here, lately.

Research Room 1

Post 27

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

*shakes and trembles as he holds the A3 printout aloft*

Research Room 1

Post 28

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Just one more go ... I know it'll work this time - trust me I'm a superhero and I know what I'm doing smiley - ok

*casually throws knife over shoulder for a second time with a similar but not entirely the same thudding sound being heard*

*turns round*

Research Room 1

Post 29


Security Officer-Nice aim....

Research Room 1

Post 30

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Hmmmm not bad.

I think I speared both item 1 smiley - biggrin and DD smiley - sadface

So I think we've selected the Omega-Matic out of the three choices to locate Anti-Affy.

Research Room 1

Post 31

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Yar] [arriving] He's in Lab Complex 21, probably.

[Student 1] Yes but will you be able to get there?

[Yar] Shu'up, I don't like the looks of your Force sense.

Research Room 1

Post 32


LibraGram-Oh, so *that's* why this young lady wanted to go to the laboratories. Well, if Afgncaap5 is a friend of yours, then I suppose you could go on in.

*The LibraGram that was blocking Corrupt's path vanishes, leaving the route to F1738054?thread=383928 clear for all takers*

Research Room 1

Post 33

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Yar goes that way. Student 1 shrugs, then follows]

Research Room 1

Post 34

The Corrupt One

*Corrupt shrugs and follows, glad that she didn't need to use her 'fire experimentation' excuse around here... could've caused some unnecessary destruction and whatnot...smiley - evilgrin*

Research Room 1

Post 35

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

smiley - injured

Research Room 1

Post 36

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

*stops bandaging himself up and realises he hasn't got a clue where everyone went*


*sits on a chair and spins slowly round, hoping that something will happen shortly to alert him to the present situation*

Research Room 1

Post 37


PSSST! Check post 32!smiley - cheers

Research Room 1

Post 38

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

I know, but the Dewey Demon was bandaging his wounds when that happened and didn't notice! smiley - winkeye

*the Dewey Demon suddenly notices the absence of a LibraGram and heads off towards the laboratories*

Research Room 1

Post 39


*LibraGram was just standing behind him, however*

Research Room 1

Post 40


*Anti-Affy5 enters and spots libragram*

Anti-Affy5-LibraGram! There are some rather annoying visitors who keep threatening me! I suggest that you attempt to get rid of them. Meanwhile, I've finished my research here for the time being, so I'm going to find a lift in the Hangar.

*LibraGram nods as Anti-Affy5 begins running towards the Lobby*

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