The Grand Repository Of Knowledge

8 Conversations

Located near the outskirts of The Clinstar Expanse, The Grand Repository Of Knowledge is one of the few well known locales of this dangerous region. Created through the joint efforts of a culture starved monarch in one solar system and the education starved board of directors from a university in another system, the Repository exists as shrine to knowledge where the selected few who are granted admittance can pool their knowledge.

Travellers are warned to take into account the strict security systems in place around the Repository. Protected by one of the largest fleets of war ships in the Galaxy, most who wish to aquire the knowledge located within are better off either becoming a student at the University that helped to fund the construction of this place, or by becoming a respected scientist or sage in their own field.


Many may be interested to know that commuter students frequent a Convy Stop located barely a parsec away from the Repository. This diner1 is home to a great amount of local color and is one of the few section of The Clinstar Expanse that travellers from the outside are known to survive with what one might call "frequency."
1By which we mean "dive."

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