A Conversation for The Dining Hall

To sleep, perchance to dream.....

Post 21


There are always technicalities. smiley - laugh Ok. I'll even read what I've written in the morning. I've gotten too old to have X-rated dreams anymore. So it should be safe to put my dreams in a journal. smiley - smiley

Hsmiley - rainbow

To sleep, perchance to dream.....

Post 22

Titania (gone for lunch)

What I mean is that say you've written down a problem that you need to solve, in order to get it off your mind long enough to get some sleep.

In the morning, if you take care to read what you've written and deal with the problem, your mind will learn to trust you.

This might take several nights/mornings, but if you keep it up, you'll find that writing things down will stop your mind from turning them over and over and instead dropping the subject.

If you don't read and deal with what you've written down, then you won't get things off your mind, because your mind or subconscious knows it isn't worth anything, it's just an empty gesture. Instead the thoughts will stay in your mind continuing to keep you from sleeping.

To sleep, perchance to dream.....

Post 23


I think there's been quite a bit of research that has shown that everyone dreams. Whether we remember our dreams depends on which phase of sleep we tend to wake up from. I rarely remember my dreams, in fact the only ones that I'm aware of are nightmares which I wake abruptly from which is probably why I remember them. Lizardy has long vivid dreams that she always tells me about on the bus stop in the morning.

I don't entirely subscribe to theories that dreams are messages from our subconscious. I think a big part of it is our brains filing and sorting and strange things get dragged out of storage when that happens, which is why dreams can seem so nonsensical I think. But I still think it's valuable to examine our dreams. We have so many thoughts that we are barely aware of, or not aware of at all. All the little worries and stresses that pass under the radar of our waking mind will be sorted in our sleep and we can understand ourselves better if we can catch them.


To sleep, perchance to dream.....

Post 24


Some dreams are certainly entertaining. smiley - laugh I think others deal with things we have on our minds a lot. I remember a dream I had before my dad died. He had Alzheimer's and used to wander off. Then we'd have to go out hunting him. He always wandered to the same place - the corner where he grew up. The house was gone, but he didn't remember that and always thought he was going home. Anyway in my dream my sister, who lives 250 miles away, and who has packed on the pounds over the years was at my parents' house. I walked in and told her that I had lost Dad. Then I looked at her and noticed that she looked just like she did when she was a young woman. She asked me how I could lose a grown man, and I replied, "Who cares. How did you lose all that weight?"

To sleep, perchance to dream.....

Post 25


I chuckle again Hypatia.
" how did you lose all that weight?" You didn't care your dad had gone "home". I feel there is a heavenly answer to all that, and you believe in it. Hope I'm not rabbitting on! In love, ed.

To sleep, perchance to dream.....

Post 26


I'm not sure if I believe it or not, ed. I'd like to believe it. But don't want to be a gullible fool. One of my major problems in life (I guess it's a problem - maybe it's a blessing) is that I have an enormous lack of faith.

NDE's are extremely interesting and seem to validate the concept of a dual nature and the survival of a soul after death. But I don't want my desire for it to be true to cloud my interpretation of the facts. Humans are prone to believe what we want to believe and facts to the contrary be damned.

We lost my dad long before he died - because of the dementia. It was a very painful experience. He was a brilliant man - really, that's not just a loving daughter speaking. Alzheimer's is an incredibly cruel disease.

To sleep, perchance to dream.....

Post 27


"How did you lose all that weight?" tells me something. I think any dream is already one foot in "heaven". Your sister looks as she would without the weight of this world. I think maybe you are asking in a roundabout way because of your own worldly weight of "facts". For me facts are only the status quo. Something is missing. For me it is that the wholeness we seek already includes "heaven" It is awfully difficult to express this, but "heaven" is our source, it is all-creative. If we deny it the only way back is death. If with faith we claw our way back from the status quo we come back into all-creation and the things ,such as Alzheimer's are healed. Thus then all those weighty facts take on supernatural dimension. We can be in the world and not of it. Clear as mud?? In love, ed.

To sleep, perchance to dream.....

Post 28


I have a question? When we dream about people we have lost through death, do you think their spirits could be trying to contact us?

Hsmiley - rainbow

To sleep, perchance to dream.....

Post 29


Hypatia, I think, perhaps we are trying to contact that part of ourselves which is already there. Aided by a daytime "link", a living memory perhaps,we will allow that familiar friend, relative, associate, to put in an appearance, but they, too will be only too willing to contact us and, at least in my terms do something to dissolve the separation that exists only in our minds. If they bring us a message I think it will be to draw us a little closer eternally. That's the best way my average brain can put it at the moment. Hope that helps or makes some sense. I think I am talking about a supernatural potential which our friend Jesus amply demonstrated.
Love and peace on us, ed.

To sleep, perchance to dream.....

Post 30


That makes sense, ed. I seldom dream about people who are dead, so when I do it makes an impression.

Speaking of making an impression.....I had a really peculiar dream last night. I was vacationing in Singapore, of all places, and was arrested for smuggling! They has a passport with someone else's name on it and luggage that wasn't mine. When I told them that I wasn't that woman and that the luggage didn't belong to me, they wouldn't believe me. So I asked for the American Consul and was told that I was Canadian and wasn't entitled to talk to the American Consul. So I asked to talk to the Canadian Consul, then, and they said that I was admitting then that I was this other person. It was maddening!

I can't make any sense out of it at all. Especially as I've never even been to Singapore.

To sleep, perchance to dream.....

Post 31

Titania (gone for lunch)

Singapore is probably a metaphor for... for... well, symbolizing *something* in your life - maybe something that you can't achieve and are feeling frustrated about?

And the passport and luggage symbolize the reasons *why* you can't achieve it right now?

To sleep, perchance to dream.....

Post 32


So I can't achieve what I want because I'm not really who I seem to be? I'm not being true ot myself? I still don't understand the Singapore bit, though. I've never had any desire at all to go to Singapore. Ah ha! So I'm someplace I don't want to be and can't escape because I'm being forced into a role that is against my true nature! That's it!

I'm frustrated at being a caregiver at home and having to deal with blithering idiots at work and can't find any way to escape because I took onthese obligations and nw have to stick it out. But I'm not really happy because I'd rather be doing something else.

thanks Ti. smiley - hugsmiley - smooch

To sleep, perchance to dream.....

Post 33

Titania (gone for lunch)

Sounds like a very plausible explanation - but not very uplifting...smiley - erm

smiley - hug

To sleep, perchance to dream.....

Post 34


No, not very uplifting. But if dreams actually are honest and reflect our state of mind, they wouldn't always tell us what we want to hear. The truth is that I do feel trapped. smiley - erm And if I take steps to free myself, I will hurt too many people. So although it would be physically possible, it isn't an option. smiley - sigh

To sleep, perchance to dream.....

Post 35


My slant on it Hypatia, as you have never been to S. the dream is charting new territory. What you are being accused of is true.It is just that the status quo prevents you from going ahead. You have forgotten your "gift, the one you told us about in the garden, "when you were a child" You need to reclaim it from your own customs officer.
I find it is always helpful to identify with each of the characters,even objects in a dream and see how you view the dream from those perspectives. Just my approach? hope it helps.
Much love to you and hubby,ed.

To sleep, perchance to dream.....

Post 36


I suppose not every dream has to have a meaning. Maybe some of them are just nonsense. Or creative outlets. I don't know when to take them seriously and when not to. smiley - erm

Do any of you have recurring dreams? I tend to think that recurring dreams should be taken seriously.

Hsmiley - rainbow

To sleep, perchance to dream.....

Post 37

Titania (gone for lunch)

Not recurring, no - but serials...smiley - erm

'Welcome to yet another episode of X'

To sleep, perchance to dream.....

Post 38


Hi Titania, I agree, it's "serial" in my case. They have a similar underlying message but different content. I would name them "whole life" dreams and each one as a sort of progress report. In the end I don't think it matters too much whether you understand them other than progress will move along faster if, consciously you can glean some meaning which rings a bell for you personally.
Hypatia, I would take all dreams seriously even though they might be attributable to indigestion or needing to go to the loo etc. Dreams are supposed to occur as one moves up to awakening. I think some deeper part of self is always the dream. As consciousness kicks in, it takes hold of that and weaves an appropriate story. Tiddlers probably relate to something tiddly in our lives. Of course, this by no means covers for some which can even be prophetic visions. Love to all, ed.

To sleep, perchance to dream.....

Post 39

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

I am working on writing up a series of dreams.
If my computer continues to behave better I will tackle it again this weeksmiley - ok

To sleep, perchance to dream.....

Post 40

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

I have never had sexual dreams.
I have always felt like I was missing something.
Like nice freebies!smiley - biggrin

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