A Conversation for H2G2 Film Club

Febuary 2004.

Post 41


First film? Looking back, this'd be a tough film to follow up (based on popularity, significance, etc.)

Febuary 2004.

Post 42


I am not going to get around to joining in this month, as I can't find a copy locally and am running out of time anyhoo.

Febuary 2004.

Post 43


I saw the film many years ago, but have been unable to locate a copy here in town. I'll really like to see it again, so will keep trying.

Febuary 2004.

Post 44


I have a copy but am waiting to see if we can get a mini-get-together of Brum researchers to watch together at Z's smiley - winkeye

Febuary 2004.

Post 45


Today's the last day of February, so I guess I'm in good time to join the film club for March! smiley - biggrin

Erm...am I supposed to be joining here? Never mind. If there was a joining thread that I missed, please forgive me.

Anyway, hopefully you'll let me join, it sounds like a great idea. smiley - erm

Niwt smiley - cheers

Febuary 2004.

Post 46

Witty Moniker

Hi, Niwt, welcome to the club. We are quite informal here, feel free to contribute whenever you like.

Z is our host and tomorrow he will start a new thread for the March flick. Make sure you are subscribed to New Conversations for the club page so the new threads pop up on your conversation list.

Febuary 2004.

Post 47


I'm just glad that forums never die on h2g2, as anyone who watched the entire history of TDANE will probably have noticed. I seem to have misplaced my copy of Metropolis during the attempted move, so I'll have to post on it later.

Oh, well. Getting ready for a new film....maybe I'll be able to get the FTTF pick....although to be honest, I might've chosen Metropolis this time around anyway as it was on my list (thanks again! smiley - biggrin), so maybe I shouldn't worry about it.

Gotta think of a new movie....

Febuary 2004.

Post 48


Just watched Metropolis - the oringal with A and Da Sliva, it was certainly an intriging film. At first the lack of dialogue meant that we were all commenting as we watching but for the last half of the film we were silent.


This silent 1930s German film, is set in 2000. A large city - Metropolis - inspired by the New York skyline is dominad by the rich and powerful they've built their own uptopia above ground - below ground the workers are slaving away for their masters good, but they're also dependent on teh machines to stay in work.

One a visionary woman brings a crowd of workers children into the a garden where the son of the chief industrialist is canoodling with a prostitute. She is quickly ushered away but is enchanted by her and finds out more.

She is a visionarly who is preaching a message of love and peace to the workers. They fall in love.

His father fears her influence and hires a mad inventor to make a copy of here which preaches hate and incites the workers to violence, thus justifying the use of violence to control them.

The intresting thing about this film was that Hilter really liked it, I couldn't work out why though it did promote the idea of a workers revolution as a negative thing - I think it must be that.

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