A Conversation for H2G2 Film Club

Febuary 2004.

Post 1


As you may have noticed, today is the first of Feburary. That means it's time for us to watch another film here at the h2g2 film club.

The first person to post to this thread gets the honour(or should that be honor?) of chosing the film.

Good luck.

(A few rules..

smiley - popcorn Please choose a film we all have a slight chance of getting hold of. If we vote that the film choosen is two obsurce, the second poster shall become the chooser of films.

smiley - popcorn Actually that's just one rule..)

Febuary 2004.

Post 2


I'm no good at these things, my tastes are too smiley - weird and my library too vast, I'll let someone else pick this time until we settle down smiley - biggrin

Febuary 2004.

Post 3

Witty Moniker

Okay, it's halftime at the Superbowl and I see Z has put up the February thread.

I put forth Metropolis, any version. It's a silent movie with a scifi factor and considered a classic. I happen to have the version with the rock background.

Sorry I beat you to the thread, Affy, but I believe this was one of your suggestions, anyhoo.

Febuary 2004.

Post 4


Nice one WM - I'll dig a copy out (been meaning to add it to the collection for ages, now I have an excuse not to put it back on the shelf in favour of something more gory smiley - winkeye) smiley - coolsmiley - cheers

Febuary 2004.

Post 5

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Good choice! Hopefully my schedule will settle down enough that I can join in the convo, as well as watching the film. smiley - winkeye

*can't wait to smiley - run home and go through her DVDs*

Febuary 2004.

Post 6


I watched that years and years ago, when I was a child and it scared me. Haven't seen it since so I shall get a copy smiley - ok

Febuary 2004.

Post 7


Da Sliva, if you've got a copy do you fancy a food and video evening at my flat? (all welcome... if I know you.. and you're some stranger reading this..)

Febuary 2004.

Post 8


I haven't got it yet but I can easily mooch about the sales on my way into work this afternoon - I did see it (in part) with the Queen soundtrack (worth getting it for that alone smiley - winkeye) smiley - cheers That'll be smiley - magic

We could grab Ben smiley - winkeye

Febuary 2004.

Post 9


Oh yes we could grab Vip as well. Neither are members of the film club, but they'd be nice to grab smiley - winkeye

Febuary 2004.

Post 10


I'll tell them you said that smiley - winkeye

Febuary 2004.

Post 11

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Eek! Masher! smiley - tongueout

smiley - laugh

Febuary 2004.

Post 12


"Settle down!" she says in her best librarians voice.

Febuary 2004.

Post 13

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

*sits down and murmers, "Yes, ma'am" under her breath. looks at her feet, then darts a smiley - tongueout at Mr daSilva*

Febuary 2004.

Post 14


Metropolis, eh? Right, down to the video store!

Febuary 2004.

Post 15


What's wrong with saying I want to invite people around for a video and pizza night.. or we could do take away curry as well? smiley - erm

Febuary 2004.

Post 16


I just want to point out that there are three movies titled metropolis out there: the original (recently released on dvd), the original plus rock music, and an anime film that was released about two years ago.

Febuary 2004.

Post 17

Witty Moniker

Thanks for the clarification, Sporky. I forgot about the anime version. I meant the original film version with either soundtrack. Although those that want may compare and contrast with the anime version.

Has anyone seen the anime Metropolis?

Febuary 2004.

Post 18

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

It's February already? smiley - cross But I haven't even watched Dr Zhivago yet.

My own fault, I've had the DVD for 3 weeks. smiley - tongueout
smiley - dog

Febuary 2004.

Post 19


smiley - rofl

Ok - for those of us going round to Z's, I've just ordered the original, remastered edition with original soundtrack - sorry, Queen fans (I'm one!) couldn't find that version smiley - sadface

smiley - cheers

smiley - run from G7 smiley - winkeye

Febuary 2004.

Post 20


Oh dear.. D'Elephant I'm terribily sorry. I do hope that we're not moving too fast. I don't want to get left behind.

I was going to write a compliation entry of all our opinions of Dr Zhivago, so I'm sure if you watch it now then we'll get the conversation going again. Anyway it's very good.

Sooo who's coming to the video evening? at my place? My real life place?

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