A Conversation for The Aces' Home Page


Post 321



yeh its a very handy link page there is one or two pages i dont have on mine but as far as use it as a welcome and Aces answering any of there needs it has a dissadvantages

it looks two much like a automated message a welcome message should be welcomeing a hello and welcome to h2g2 im x a Ace or Researcher let them know there is others out there and if they get stuck you are only one short message away its not "sticky" in my honest opinion

altho it would be good as what i do write a welcome and add the link as your help full links so they can go there to get started or as i say continue to use it untill there confident enough to find there own way around h2g2

i skimed it did it have feisors page and the how to personalise your home page etc there musts for any welcome


Post 322

logicus tracticus philosophicus

yep i agree with you re personal wellcome, haveing been on site for a couple of years, +lurker for 6 months, notice the no of pages where only post has been ace, thought aces time might be better spent
if they didnt have to rush, certain users will always need help but for some just pointing them in the right direction is all they need then a visit from an ace ssay a month after they have logged on will ease the pressure


Post 323


I am joining Mort's camp here. I am feeling that my ACEING duties are not welcomed. I also think the group needs a kick-start,and a good . I also think your expectations are very high for a volunteer group. If this was a paid job I would be very unsatisfied.

my smiley - 2cents

A VERY CLOSE to quitting the ACE's


Post 324

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

smiley - yikes

I haven't said a word I promise!

But I know that when I was an ace that you were aceing more than I was and how I felt certainly struck home with you even then.

I don't know what is going on with aces as far as the 'spring cleaning' is going as I am not party to the aceforum or the Towers gossip smiley - winkeye.

I wonder whether a solution would be to reset the guidelines for being an ace, with meet and greet not being optional and a friendly face around site no longer a justification alone for being an ace.

Once the guidelines have been set then everybody is asked if they still want to continue (or reapply) under the new guidelines. Those that don't feel that this is something they can manage for whatever reason then resign.

I know that it is a volunteer scheme but both the scouts and the subs have expected minimum requirements. Whilst it is impossible to say x y z must greet x amount of newbies a month (because the number of newbies varies) I don't think it is too much to say that it is part of the position and it is expected that you will spend time on it.
smiley - 2cents

Gopedboy, it would be a great loss to the aces if you resigned and I am sure if you email Natalie she will be happy to talk to you about it. (She was very good at listening to me before I left!)


Post 325

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Well, I'm still quite upset that the list wasn't kept down. 2 days everyone!!! 2 days of constant greetings it took me to get that list down to nothing for you lot! smiley - wah

Well, looks like my hard work got flushed down the loo when there's over 150 now on the newbie list. smiley - cross


Post 326

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Well I must admit to a smirk from Morts post (324) the last paragraph. The number of times I've heard people say with an innocent expression on their face: "It was working until it broke."

Still, never too late to give a welcome...
F3013?thread=497548 just ask U27268

smiley - bigeyes


Post 327


This is the thread I was referring to Mort, F1657686?thread=397214 . Sorry if I misunderstood your meaning. I am getting tired of this child like winging though.

If the critics would step up and help I think there would be no problem.

smiley - zen
smiley - towel



Post 328

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

It does say something when non-aces are aceing in the quantity they have been.

Is Natalie aware of the situation? Perhaps emailing her directly would help. The last thing she will want is this amount of unhappiness.


Post 329

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Well, that's that one done Jab.......


Post 330



winging wineing i hardly think it theese and as i remember siertain fraction of the Ace group started winging and wineing when they reolised i was trying help to keep the list down they was telling me it was the Aces job to do it

But some of the ace's cant be Ar**d to do it they are complaining now why should they do it thus this leaves the newbies in a limbo without a welcome nw the few that do just cant keep up to it

Aces want to do it but some wont do it lets get no more newbies into h2g2 that means same people some groups of people same click same arguments going around like as often as a eclips

lets get new blood into h2g2 and lets give them a welcome lets keep them and lets keep h2g2 going for years rto come

Why is wanting to keep newbies so hard for some Aces a spring clean is needed get the dead wood gone and change the what Aces do or a bit of the freedome they have now taken away abit

smiley - laugh


Post 331


Infern I am sorry, but I do not understand what you are trying to say to me.

smiley - zen
smiley - towel



Post 332


smiley - ok short and sweet and in a nut shell for you

Aces at the time i was a Ace was saying it should be there job to welcome newbies to h2g2 but now they cant be Ar**sed to welcome newbies

when i tryed to help welcome some newbies it was a few of the Aces threw there toys out of there pram and wined that it was there job to welcome newbies so i stoped and the few Aces who are left cant cope with the back log of newbies

in conclusion why shouldnt the Aces that have to do all the welcomes and its not moaning its telling other Aces there sick of been sh** on from a grate hight and it wouldnt kill some to welcome a newbie or two insted of chating to there freinds


Post 333

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Yes Vicki, one down, but if you've ever seen the film Zulu, like the man said... "There's thousands of 'em." Well it was not an official <./>ACE</.> welcome, but after five years, five months and five day's I reckon the account is in 'Elvis state' So it was left open for the user to respond, or not. Plus it was chance that two people > . < and I arrived at that personal space within hours.

As for welcomes, I think they should be done by <./>ACES</.> since that is the scheme in place now. *If* an non ACE is just 'making contact' fine, just don't pretend to be 'official' in any way, ie. represent a group, campaign etc. on a recruitment drive. The pictoral thinking being; give the newbies a chance to see the structure before asking them to move in.


Post 334

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit on his head
"And please try to show the current structure smiley - winkeye. Outdated instructions are as confusing as nonsense. smiley - smiley"


Post 335


A scheme is in place yes but the most of the aces have broken down different parts of been a Ace(jobs)if you like but unfortunatly only a small number do the welcomes and newbies are haveing to waite longer and longer for a welcome becouse the lists are geting to long


Post 336

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Well, people *turning-up* out of the blue can be a little distracting. http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/plain/F105534?thread=244861&post=2934129#p2934129 By this I mean tell people about a group, but don't act as the non-ACE group would, expecting people to *take-up the offer* imagine how a newbie would react? Or somebody that just had not seen that *group* at the time.


Post 337


you mean the random quote???


Post 338

fords - number 1 all over heaven

At the very least it's spam, so I could see a lot of newbies simply ignoring it.


Post 339

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Intern: Not the random quote alone. The "and JOIN" was the part I did not think much of. It could have been any group, just happened to be that one.

fords: Yes, a fair number of people had the same post form. I took it to be spam from a stranger...

No matter how many help pages there are, how a person feels about a site is a blank page, interactions are going to count, but let people see use is "free form, open" not "and JOIN" - "and JOIN" - "and JOIN." Well that's what i think anyway. smiley - bigeyes


Post 340


ahh yeh im with you

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