This is the Message Centre for TonyTastey


Post 1


We have /. s enough, you just have to be a little curious <./>randomentry</.>


Post 2

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

It was a Thursday, 29th April 1999 that is. Still 5 years, 5 months and 5 days before a *welcome post* has to be some kind of record? smiley - erm


Post 3


Sorry couldnt make it soonersmiley - biggrin


Post 4

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Well, I did like the random giving an exact 555, maybe there is some order to the universe after all, even if it does stem from a Thursday?

Then again, TonyTastey U27268 may have gone in search for order at from looking at the journal.

TonyTastey, are you out there?

smiley - online2long

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