A Conversation for The League of H2G2

The League Bar!

Post 1

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Get your real drinks here!smiley - alesmiley - stoutsmiley - bubblysmiley - cidersmiley - stiffdrink

smiley - peacedove

The League Bar!

Post 2

Almighty Bob, God of ludicrous over acting, suicidal telephone operators + the inability to cook a omelett without breaking eggs

Black and tan please.

The League Bar!

Post 3

Almighty Bob, God of ludicrous over acting, suicidal telephone operators + the inability to cook a omelett without breaking eggs

see A882155

The League Bar!

Post 4

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

*Slowly and gently produces the <Black & Tansmiley - alesmiley - stout/>*

How are you today, sir?

smiley - peacedove

The League Bar!

Post 5

Almighty Bob, God of ludicrous over acting, suicidal telephone operators + the inability to cook a omelett without breaking eggs

don't ask, or i'll tell you, and then we'll all be unhappy.

The League Bar!

Post 6

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

As you'd have it, sirsmiley - smiley *Polishes some already sparkling glasses*

Another , sir?

smiley - peacedove

The League Bar!

Post 7

Almighty Bob, God of ludicrous over acting, suicidal telephone operators + the inability to cook a omelett without breaking eggs

looovly, don't mind if i do.

*deep and meaningful sigh* what is it about me that is so repulsive?
can enyone tel me? i'm a nice guy, but there must be something wrong with me..

The League Bar!

Post 8

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

You drink a manly man's drink, you're fine by me.

smiley - peacedove

The League Bar!

Post 9

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

Moonshine please . . . I mean, smiley - oj please.

The League Bar!

Post 10

Almighty Bob, God of ludicrous over acting, suicidal telephone operators + the inability to cook a omelett without breaking eggs

sorry about my last post, i'd just come back from a RL pub

The League Bar!

Post 11

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Not a problem at all, sir.
*Produces an smiley - oj before continuing with polishing a perfectly clean glass*
Would the gentleman like a smiley - stiffdrink?

smiley - peacedove

The League Bar!

Post 12

Almighty Bob, God of ludicrous over acting, suicidal telephone operators + the inability to cook a omelett without breaking eggs

you bet, when don't i?

The League Bar!

Post 13

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - stiffdrink

The League Bar!

Post 14

Almighty Bob, God of ludicrous over acting, suicidal telephone operators + the inability to cook a omelett without breaking eggs

downs smiley - stiffdrink in one.

The League Bar!

Post 15

Almighty Bob, God of ludicrous over acting, suicidal telephone operators + the inability to cook a omelett without breaking eggs

*smiley - stiffdrink to strong, K.O. Bob*

The League Bar!

Post 16

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - yikes

The League Bar!

Post 17

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

That's what you get when you accept drinks from strange ladies...smiley - nahnah

smiley - peacedove

The League Bar!

Post 18

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - laugh

The League Bar!

Post 19

Almighty Bob, God of ludicrous over acting, suicidal telephone operators + the inability to cook a omelett without breaking eggs

smiley - bigeyes

The League Bar!

Post 20

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - biggrin

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The League Bar!

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