A Conversation for The League of H2G2
The League Bar!
Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it! Posted Dec 19, 2003
ok next rounds on me...
The League Bar!
Almighty Bob, God of ludicrous over acting, suicidal telephone operators + the inability to cook a omelett without breaking eggs Posted Dec 19, 2003
The League Bar!
Stealth "Jack" Azathoth Posted Dec 19, 2003
*Serves up a for the gentleman and a
for the lady*
How are we all this evening?*Polishes his hand pumps*
The League Bar!
Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it! Posted Dec 19, 2003
the cristmas holidays have finaly started...
The League Bar!
Almighty Bob, God of ludicrous over acting, suicidal telephone operators + the inability to cook a omelett without breaking eggs Posted Dec 19, 2003
The League Bar!
Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it! Posted Dec 19, 2003
*looks down at bob*
is he alright?
The League Bar!
Stealth "Jack" Azathoth Posted Dec 19, 2003
*Comes round from behind the bar... give Bob a nudge with his foot* Hmm - That Toilet Cleaner is potent.
The League Bar!
Almighty Bob, God of ludicrous over acting, suicidal telephone operators + the inability to cook a omelett without breaking eggs Posted Dec 19, 2003
The League Bar!
Almighty Bob, God of ludicrous over acting, suicidal telephone operators + the inability to cook a omelett without breaking eggs Posted Dec 20, 2003
*Bob stands up so fast, almost gives himself wiplash*
"you not going to drink that?
...Here's looking at you, kid" (Deja fu?)
*downs in one, guess what happens next*
The League Bar!
Almighty Bob, God of ludicrous over acting, suicidal telephone operators + the inability to cook a omelett without breaking eggs Posted Dec 20, 2003
*well, maybe after a few more, but no, Bob (yet again) K.O.*
The League Bar!
Stealth "Jack" Azathoth Posted Dec 20, 2003
*Prepares some Tequila for when Bob awakens and goes about the general polishing of the bar area stopping from time to time to sip on his pint of Large
The League Bar!
Almighty Bob, God of ludicrous over acting, suicidal telephone operators + the inability to cook a omelett without breaking eggs Posted Dec 20, 2003
*bob out for the count untill tomorrow*
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The League Bar!
- 21: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Dec 19, 2003)
- 22: Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it! (Dec 19, 2003)
- 23: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Dec 19, 2003)
- 24: Almighty Bob, God of ludicrous over acting, suicidal telephone operators + the inability to cook a omelett without breaking eggs (Dec 19, 2003)
- 25: Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it! (Dec 19, 2003)
- 26: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Dec 19, 2003)
- 27: Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it! (Dec 19, 2003)
- 28: Almighty Bob, God of ludicrous over acting, suicidal telephone operators + the inability to cook a omelett without breaking eggs (Dec 19, 2003)
- 29: Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it! (Dec 19, 2003)
- 30: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Dec 19, 2003)
- 31: Almighty Bob, God of ludicrous over acting, suicidal telephone operators + the inability to cook a omelett without breaking eggs (Dec 19, 2003)
- 32: Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it! (Dec 19, 2003)
- 33: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Dec 19, 2003)
- 34: Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it! (Dec 19, 2003)
- 35: Almighty Bob, God of ludicrous over acting, suicidal telephone operators + the inability to cook a omelett without breaking eggs (Dec 20, 2003)
- 36: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Dec 20, 2003)
- 37: Almighty Bob, God of ludicrous over acting, suicidal telephone operators + the inability to cook a omelett without breaking eggs (Dec 20, 2003)
- 38: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Dec 20, 2003)
- 39: Almighty Bob, God of ludicrous over acting, suicidal telephone operators + the inability to cook a omelett without breaking eggs (Dec 20, 2003)
- 40: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Dec 20, 2003)
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