A Conversation for Talking Point: Children's Television

5 minute favourites.

Post 1

Uncle Ghengis

I always enjoyed those 5-minute programs:

Magic Roundabout
Noggin the Nog
Ifor the Engine
The Clangers

although there were some bad ones too...
Hectors House
Crystal Tips & Alistair

5 minute favourites.

Post 2


Oh wow! Willo the Wisp was so dark! Roobarb and Custard was so anarchic! Ivor the Engine was so...soporific! Did anything actually happen in it? Was Paddington one of those programmes too? Oh! Barbapapa!

5 minute favourites.

Post 3


Magic Roundabout & Noggin the Nog, hurrah!

I actually bought a DVD of Noggin the Nog fairly recently smiley - erm

5 minute favourites.

Post 4

Uncle Ghengis

I saw an episode of the new Aardman "Shaun the Sheep" series the other day. Brilliant!!! Definitely up there with some of the old classic children's shorts.

5 minute favourites.

Post 5

Rains - Wondering where time's going and why it's in so much of a hurry!

Oh, Shaun the Sheep is brilliant smiley - biggrin. It keeps that typically British humour that Aardman is good at, and like Wallace and Gromit, it usually pays to have half an eye watching the background, too. Me and my husband love it, and have so far taped pretty much every episode.

It's wasted on kids, if you ask me smiley - winkeye.

5 minute favourites.

Post 6

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

D'ya know, I thought I was the only one who remembered Barbapapa!!

Seem to recall loving it, but on seeing snippets of it I've managed to find on the internet, it was... well... dreadful!

5 minute favourites.

Post 7


I own the complete Will O the wisp on dvd.
and complete bagpuss.
And trapdoor smiley - winkeye
and Mr ben
Anyone else a HUGE Chorlton & The Wheelies fan?

Yep, shaun the sheep is pretty cool.
I have one on top of my pc monitor, i won him in a grabby machine @ alton towers once.

5 minute favourites.

Post 8


Chorlton - one of the best theme tunes of all time! smiley - ok

5 minute favourites.

Post 9

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

Forgot about this thread...

Yes - Chorlton!!

Got the DVD for Christmas!

When my PC shuts down, instead of playing the Windows bing bongly thing, it plays Chorlton saying "Bye Bye, Littl' old lady!"

Sadly, when the computer starts, instead of the other Windows bingly bong, it has a clip of Eddie, from the TV series of H2G2, saying the "Hi there, this is Eddie, your shipboard computer....(etc etc)"

Drives the missus mad!

All together now....

smiley - musicalnote"Jump in we'll take you for a spin and show you round the Wheelie World...."smiley - musicalnote

smiley - ok

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