A Conversation for The Café

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 21


breath lintilla.
i am okay.
I will not worry myself with what just happened on my home page.
I do not care that it thinks i have made no forum listings.
I am calm and under control.

Whew, I' m over it...now what song did you want played eats?

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 22

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

Hey, this is Survivor, Missy. You'll be getting your -own- dinner...

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 23


i cant wait till it starts, well have a blast, and i'm sure Lil is glad we have found a deserted, remote isle to vent our strange habits on.smiley - winkeye

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 24


Something sunny sounding....I'm hoping it'll brighten up my day.
Too dull for snorkeling at the moment.

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 25

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

But what's happened to your page, Lintilla?

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 26


When i bring it up, th e list of recent forum entries is blank- the way it was way back when i first joined and hadn't said anything yet.

*playing something sunny soundingsmiley - smiley*

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 27


*finishes up, slips the PPA on the piano, sets the empty FTTF cup on the counter and walks to the door*
sorry i gotta run, I hope everyone adjusts to the changes okay. Bye!smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 28

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

Huh. Well, needn't worry -- it comes up normally when l peruse it...
*sits back, finishes tea, listening to pretty music*

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 29


Nope, the music didn't work smiley - sadface
The sea is calm but it's raining again.....
*Sips coffee and relaxes back in the sofa*

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 30

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

'Bye, Lintilla.

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 31


*Catches up with the backlog he still isn't reading, and flops into a chair*

Hello, all.

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 32

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

Hiya, Affy (said Odradek (Liason to Dolores A. Webjello, who was so happy the forum reminded her of this at every post).

Recovered from your rat-ant goring?

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 33

Witty Moniker

*suddenly snaps out of whatever it was she was in*

Hiya! I'm fine, I just groaned at a bad pun *sidelong glance to eatsmice*, then got lost in thought and graphic design.

*refills Kona*

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 34

Witty Moniker

By the way, that nickname reminder thingy should come in handy for those with multiple H2G2 personalities. Should help keep you from slipping up when you've got multiple windows open whilst having conversations with yourselves.

*reviews what she just said... thinks it makes sense*

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 35

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

Ah, would that l had those in real life, for my multiple personalities...

*smiles, knocks back last of tea*
Refill, llEM?

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 36


*Washes up, and puts the v/_\3 on*
Nothing like a home-brewed tea.

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 37


Another Kenyan, please IIEM,
A custard filled doughnut would go down well about now methinks.

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 38

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Well-timed, then! I've brought the doughnuts and got here just as BB is putting the kettle on. I'm glad you're back!

eatsmice, I failed to remark earlier on your exceptional tan, How did you get down? Do you have an interesting story to tell us?

IIEM, one Ook special please. There you go, fella.

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 39


Hello, Lil.

Yes, Odradek, I'm recovering. And once I've recovered, I'm going to get rid of the rat-ants nest, because they'll start causing mischief. Of course, I don't know if I'll be able to handle these. The first time there was just one, but now we've got a whole nest.

*Messages a little scar he got from the last rat-ant 'incident'*

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 40



Hello, everyone! A good group here today! Is it just me, or is the goo gooier?

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