A Conversation for The Café

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 61

Cheezdanish, Slacker Princess

Hey, DD, I could do a tarot reading for you and find out who has it in for you...

Or, even better... Put your palm on your computer screen. I'll give you a reading.

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 62


G'Bye, Witty

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 63


Night jon-boy... jim-bob... elizabeth.. ~grin~

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 64

Demon Drawer

*holds hand to screen*

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 65

Cheezdanish, Slacker Princess

*deep concentration*

Wow, it's working...

Ok. The good news is that your life line, while shorter than usual, is not short enought to indicate that you'll lose your life during the presidential campaign. However, your friendship line (or "love line") interects sharply at the meridian of present on your lifeline. This could indicate one of two things:

1) You'll meet a tall dashing stranger and fall desperately in love very soon... or...
2) Someone you trust has betrayed you or will betrayed you.

I'm leaning at this point toward #1, but without a good look at your fingers, I won't know how your ring finger interacts with your sun sign...

What is your sign? (Not a pickup line. I need the info...)

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 66

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

DD, ordinarily I'd boil water for tea for you, but I expect you're feeling paranoid. Would you like to make your own?

Hi Greebs -- the usual?

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 67

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Sorry I interrupted -- it was a simulpost.
Please go on, cheezdanish.
*ducks behind IIEM*

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 68

Demon Drawer

*Holds fingers neared screen*

Virgo CD, Lil, I trust you I think, put use this water, this teabag and this milk.

*produces items from a sealed plactic lunchbox*

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 69

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Well, here goes.
*finds clear pyrex pan and fills it with BB's water*
*takes DD's mug down from shelf and rinses it with DD's water, then adds DD's teabag*
*waits for water to boil*

So what about DD's head line, then?

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 70

Cheezdanish, Slacker Princess

Of course you have the one sun sign that I know next to nothing about...
Except that women with this sign can be a royal pain in the you know what... and you're not a woman (right?).

Ok. Fingers, fingers...

Ahh, now here's where it gets interesting... Your money line (the second line on your index finger) nearly wraps all the way around. This gives the impression to others that you could have a great deal of money hidden away in Switzerland... so this assasination attempt (heck, let's call a spade a spade, here...) could have been for the money that your opponents think that you have...

Who among the constituants is in dire need of money? The Dons, perhaps? Or Dr. Vibstein? The celery has been rather noisy recently... Hmmm. I do need my tarot cards...

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 71

Demon Drawer

Of course I'm male. *tsk*

Wow. But what about this tall dashing stranger, maybe we should do the Tarot reading as well. smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 72

Cheezdanish, Slacker Princess

I know. I was teasing...

Ok, my tarot cards are at home, but I'll do a quick reading for you tonight and post it here tomorrow...

Hey, this gives me an idea...

*dashes out of the Cafe*

I'll be back later!!!

*jingle jingle*

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 73


*leans forward to listen to DD and CD*

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 74


Doggone it! that was really interesting!

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 75

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*Pours DD's tea and adds DD's milk in the ostentatious nothing-up-my-sleeve manner of a cheap magician*

Here's your tea, DD. If cheezdanish opens a tarot parlour, he'll never come offline again.

Wasn't that interesting? The poisoning might have had nothing whatever to do with the campaign!

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 76


*nods in agreement to Lil*

Could have been that tall, dark stranger, DD. Best keep your wallet close by.

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 77

Demon Drawer

How did you know it was dark? CD only mentioned dashing.

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 78


*hides card from the suit of Swords up sleeve*

Err, hem...

Gee, DD, did I say dark?

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 79

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

These readers never see a short blonde stranger, do they?

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 80

Demon Drawer

I don't care. I was just getting interesting.

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