A Conversation for The Café

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 261

Cheezdanish, Slacker Princess

Mmmmm, cake.....

*snarfs a slice of cake, without even stopping to check the flavor*

Reading tarot is hungry work.

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 262


*looks at time and bounces out the door into RL*
G'Night peeps.

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 263


I'll give a hand with the cake *selects creamy, soggy slice*
Delicious! Trolley's OK now - clean, and the wheel doesn't wobble - well not much.
My usual O.P. tea please, IIEM - only 400 ml, though.

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 264


*Checks his wristwatch*

Well, it's been virtual. Gotta run, RL calls!

*Teleports out*

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 265

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

A amn who needs help working out what his horoscope for this week (thankyou Comedy Central) means, enters:

Diet chocolate egg creams are da BOMB!
So are YOU!
Well, at least to most signs you are.
Unfortunately, other air signs are apt to drive you batty.
There is an unusually high drama quotient right now, produced by the sun in conjunction with the nearest star clusters.
Steer clear of drama kings and queens. We recommend a nice Pisces, if you want nice but a little nutty. Then spend time with fire signs if you still find you crave some drama

maybe some green tea will help. Sip.

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 266

Witty Moniker

Nite, all. I'll be seeing you.

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 267


hey loony, you got one of those for a saggitarius?(cant spell that either)

*helps herself to some chocolate cake and more tea to wash it down with.*
Anyone know how many cakes were down to?

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 268

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Personally I find that Tarot readings are superb for mapping the inner state and emotional cycles, but not so accurate in concrete predictions that depend on the actions of a whole lot of other people.

Sorry to disappear without saying anything. My dog came to the desk and stared at me. Yoy know how it is.

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 269


I'd go for I Ching, but you can't get the yarrow stalks these days.
Got a quick 'scope for an Aq\Pisc cusp? Not that I really follow them, you understand, but, I mean, you never know ..

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 270

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

The chick astrologers here at Karma Central have a crush on ... well, they're not sure who he is.
He is featured in Astronomy magazine's article about portable observatories.
Long hair, ruddy skin on great cheekbones, cute plaid boxers peeping out of his chinos -- where does one find an astronomer like this?
Most of the astronomers we know look like they've been recently dug up.
They seem to intimately know the galaxy, yet they seem never to have been introduced to our friend the razor.
This week, if any sign has a chance of finding this lone astronomy looker -- it's Sagittarius.
Saturn says Sag chicks will be surrounded by those with both brains and beauty this week.
Sag boys will also be surrounded by brains and beauty this week, but will (predictably) opt for beauty.

Scientists are skeptics. They tend to scoff at people who believe in
things like ghosts, telepathy, and yes -- even astrology!
They say that these beliefs are just pathetic ways of explaining away what science can not yet explain.
And yet those same scientists make up stuff up all the time!
In astronomy, scientists have something called "dark matter." "Dark
matter" is like 30 percent of the known universe and all they know is
about it is, they don't know what it is. It's just a fancy-schmancy term that's scientifically valid, because they made it up!
(Note: You people who read the horos in the newsletter might be missing some of the extreme bolding and italicizing we're using.)
"Dark Matter" could be huge puppies floating undetected through space.
They don't know. We say don't diss our work of explaining the
unexplainable, OK?
This week you usually skeptical puppies will get smacked in the gob by
wild coincidences. All you need to know is that THEY ARE NOT COINCIDENCES!
Call them signs, call them 'dark matter', just don't call them late for dinner.

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 271

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

This has been a day of extremes at the Aroma Cafe.

It began in desultory fashion with one or two regulars straggling in but suddenly burgeoned into an invasion and food fight by practically the entire office staff at the towers. After that, there was lots of socialising, and now we've gone all New Age in here. Tarot cards and astrology readings! Let's hang crystals in the window.

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 272

Penguin Girl - returned at last

Good old Aroma Cafe smiley - smiley Not that I've been around lately, or for that matter, very much at all. Hey, if it were the Aroma bar in the basement of a hotel and life were like the movies, we might be listening to the complex love lives of everyone we've ever met while getting very, very drunk.

Green tea would be heavenly, if anyone's at the counter.

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 273

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Penquin Girl the IIEM will get you anything (non-alcholic) you want. Just ask it.

Must go. later

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 274

Penguin Girl - returned at last

Thanx for the advice. Although I'm thinking maybe sleep would be a better idea than caffine at this pointsmiley - bigeyes

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 275


Hey, thanks for the horoscope loony!

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 276

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

*skips through the door, bearing a dreamcatcher in one hand and some crystal windchimes in the other*
Remind me to bring my l Ching tomorrow.

Was someone talking earlier about the difficulty of getting yarrow-stalks? l've found, in a pinch, that small bamboo barbeque skewers work as well, even though they're a bit less spiritually satisfying. lt's more the rhythm of counting out the sticks, than the actual material that makes them up. Focuses your attention and helps you think.

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 277


Yes, quite right. I tried the coins, but they're too quick, easy and noisy. I Ching seems to provide more comprehensible self-help advice than does the Tarot - that seems to work better when done for you by someone else. Probably just the nature of the beast.
That's put me in the mood for a matching drink! A cup of green gunpowder please, IIEM.

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 278

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Ever since 1974 I've been using a set of 50 wooden sticks from a pick-up-sticks game. Some of them have curved a little bit with age, and I don't think of them as toys at all. They are exactly the right size. If you can still get them in wood, that's what I would recommend. Of course, mine are old enough that I have just red and white and one black one in my batch.

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 279


Hello Odra!
I'm not familiar with I Ching, but it sounds terribly interesting, could someone please enlighten me?
*sips tea*
BTW kes, its nice to see you going a little lighter on the quantity todaysmiley - winkeye

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 280

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

Another thing about the coins -- they throw off your readings, speaking under terms of probability. lt's not as deep an answer. The yarrow stalk method is asymmetrical in its ratios of yin lines to yang lines, whereas the coin method is dead even. You're as likely to get a yang line as a yin. Thus, it skews your results, where the stalk method allows for a certain asymmetrical bent that changes your results perceptibly.

ls there still almond cake?

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