A Conversation for The Café

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 181

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Thanks for the gift, Irv. smiley - smiley It was a pleasure to write the article.

By the way, next time you update the Café page.... the Post now has newspaper boxes and they're trying to get them placed around town so people have easier access. Consider putting one outside the door of the café? (There's one on my home page if you'd like to see it).

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 182

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I'll put one at the door of the atelier.
*replaces mugs on shelf after cleaning them* I am behind on the painting of mugs, too. About 3 to do, I think, and the FTTF cup as well.

Anyway, Irv, it's good to see you, even briefly.

So the Forum and Firkin is having a drinking spree to toast the new architecture, you say? That would explain where some of our regulars are. I hope nobody takes ill.

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 183

Witty Moniker

*sips coffee*

Yu-huh, but I mentioned it at the Atelier. I said:

Over at the F&F, they're toasting as they pass each 100 posts. They just went over 400 on the current thread. I guess that's the equivalent of the fttf races at the cafe.

I don't think they need much of an excuse for a drinking spree, tho.

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 184


Well, you can never tell these days... I'd better wash up, I guess. These threads fill quick!

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 185

Cheezdanish, Slacker Princess


Good morn...ing...

*stands amazed at the bots whirring mop, lintilla covered in food, ook looking traumatised, and Lil looking bemused*

I missed a food fight? With Abi and Peta none the less?

Man, it stinks to be on the wrong side of the world. I'm like, what, 10 hours behind our fearless leaders.

Bummer. Well, I brought my tarot cards today. I could do a couple of quickie readings if anybody wants one... By the bye, has anybody seen Demon Drawer? I promised him a reading today.

Oh, yeah, Lil, may I please have a triple espresso with whipped cream and caramel? c(_)

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 186


Hi Irving, good to see you back here. smiley - smiley

Sorry it took so long to amend the sign. But we got there eventually, right?

I'd love a coffee... I've just had a shower to get all that gloop off of me... smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 187

Witty Moniker

Hi BB & CD.

I've got to go for a bit. But keep those cards with you, CD. You can read me when I get back.

*leaves cup on counter, waves*

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 188


Mmm, do a tarot reading for me then Cheezdanish? I'd be really interested in what the cards have to say ... smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 189

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

cheezdanish ---------> c(~)
Peta ------------> c[~]

*moves table with purple velvet cloth over to middle of room so that cheezdanish has an appropriate surface for the her cards*

Go on then. We'd all love to hear that.

*puts out today's donuts*

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 190

Cheezdanish, Slacker Princess

Ok, like I said, these are gonna be quickies. (I'm at RL work right now, after all...)

Ok, the card that I pulled for you, Peta, (the ten of wands, upright) indicated that you may be going through some changes that are seriously interfering with your ability to cope. There is a strong feeling that you should go dancing, or another type of movement to get yourself back into the swing of things (no pun intended). Try to get some time off soon. You will also meet a challenge soon, and overcome.

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 191

Wild Stallion

*looks up after licking up the last remnants of a most fabulouse hot cocoa*

Oh, hi again. Did I miss anything important while I was lost in that 'fabulous hot cocoa'?

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 192

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Cheezedanish, I think I'm going to name a pastry after you... I'll add it to the menu next time I update it!

Redbeard, I'd be more than happy to have a newspaper box at the cafe door.

Lil, it's good to see you around, too. Unfortunately class is about to start again smiley - sadface

Peta, thanks for fixing the sign! I'll be back later today!


Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 193


Hmn. Well I'm playing badminton tomorrow, and going clubbing on the 4th August, so that should help a bit.

A new challenge. Um, can't think what that would be, and um, time off, what from h2g2. You can't make me, I'd *miss* everyone... smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 194


We'd miss you too...smiley - smiley

Lemon tea?

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 195

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

'Course, if Cdanish had been in here earlier, he'd have seen ten wands in action! smiley - bigeyes

Haloo Wild Stallion, I don't know how to begin to describe what you missed -- better go back about, what, 50 posts? You must have been on the back porch while it was going on.

We'd miss you too, Peta. *briskly pretends to polish IIEM and belatedly remembers to turn fans back on* Bot, enough with the windows already. You might as well do the loos while you're out and about.

Maybe the danish could read Peta's palm, like she did for DD yesterday.

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 196

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

missed you , Joanna. lemon tea it is ---------> c{*}

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 197


You can never tell... This forum keeps moving so quick. smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 198

Wild Stallion

Peta I thought I would cast the I Ching for you . Check out number 20 on the following site http://www.akirarabelais.com/i/i.html
It is what came up.

*heads back to read previous 50 (!?) posts - this may take a while*

smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 199

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I think it was a most excellent decision to keep the cafe neutral and ban campaigning here.

And look at all the washing up you missed earlier on, BB! smiley - winkeye

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 200

Cheezdanish, Slacker Princess

Sure. No problem. It'd be a little trickier, cuz I'm not caffinated enough yet (hint, hint). As to the time off, I'm thinking that maybe you should install a Playstation or something in your office and zone out for a while... smiley - winkeye

Badminton is good. I like badminton.

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