A Conversation for The Café

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 241

Witty Moniker

mmmmm... apple cinnamon crumb! I'll have that. And a Kona, of course.

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 242


*stops playing the brandonberg concertios(thats not spelled even remotely correct so please don't point it outsmiley - winkeye)very abruptly*
wait if theres going to be tarot reading maybe i shuld play a little something to set the mood for that.
BTW, whats going on with the curry and stuff over at the Atelier?
*takes another sip of tea and begings searching through the sheet music to find just the right terot card music*

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 243

Demon Drawer

*DD takes a seat and waits for CD to return to give him his readin*

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 244

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

*inspects box curiously, deciding on a slice of almond cake, and settles down with it contentedly*

Are tarot still being read? Tarot music, tarot music...hmm...

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 245

Cheezdanish, Slacker Princess

Well, ya better hurry, 'cuz I'm ready now.

Sorry I was absent for a while, but I had my computer decide it wanted a break from all of these forums... (ie: it crashed)

Ok, DD. I did yours last night, and I gotta say, there's a spooky theme to the whole thing.

Past: 6 of cups, inverted. A water card. The ebbs and flows of your spiritual life were confusing, and needed a whole lot of soul searching to work them out. The overlying theme to the art on this card is the heart, which sybolizes freedom and unconditional love. You needed a lot of healing to achieve an emotional balance.

Present: 4 of cups, proper. Another water card. Indicating a loss of hope and faith, and a broken heart. There are friends who will stand by you at this troubling time, but you will need to take offers of loyalty with a grain of salt. There is a connection here, to your past, due to the same suit and the fact that they are both even numbers. Meaning; you should probably take extra precation when dealing with troubling spiritual situations.

Future: Card XVI. The Tower, proper. Ruled by the planet Mars. Unexpected and shocking transformation! There will be a journey taken soon. Also, be aware of throat problems, as this card rules your throat chakra. The only feel I could get off of this card was that there is a distinct possibility that you will be elected as President, and there will be no future attempts on your life. (virtual or otherwise...)

Luck: Final card in the tarot deck, the king of Disks, proper. This card also indicates that you may be suceptible to throat problems. Again, stresses the fact that friendships can be trusted. Be prepared to see several recurring themes in your life and luck, as you will go through at least 4 cycles.

Life over all: XVII. The Star, proper. The next consecutive card in the major arcana after the Tower. Major hopes in your life will be fullfilled, but only after hard work and dedication. Stresses the journey again. Don't be afraid to make wishes, and dream to your heart's content. Also associated with the healing power of love.

Wow. That was long. Lil, one iced coffee, please, extra sugar.

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 246


*impressed by intense reading*

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 247

Demon Drawer

Wow amzing knowing waht I know about what I've been through, am at, and am planning. smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 248

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

*polishes off cake, shakes head, impressed*

You're pretty darned good, there, CD. lf your friend the Madame is anywhere half so skilled, l might just have to drop by when she hangs out her shingle...

Sigh. RL calls. l'll be back for more cake, later, though...trust me on that!

*departs with a wave*

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 249

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

The man on the red-velvet-couch nods sagely

Sips lemon tea. Unsuccessfully tries not to spill any on DD

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 250

Witty Moniker

Just don't spill the tea on the couch, Løøny. I just recently cleaned it.

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 251

Demon Drawer

*Jumps out of chair and gives Løøny a stare*

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 252


*having come to the conclusion that absolutely nothing in the music pile is apropriate for tarot readings she rigs the PPA back up and settles down on the couch*
Interesting reading CD...really thurough. Your lucky DD that you got such a reading for free!
*knowing nothing about tarot reading*
perhaps all of the cup cards have some sort of connection to the poisoning....you were poisoned by a drink from a cup smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 253

Demon Drawer

There's actually a lot itn that reading for me aside for the Prez stuff, it's actually quite strange really. smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 254

Cheezdanish, Slacker Princess

*grins and accepts compliments with casual grace*

DD, do you mean, strange good, strange bad or strange eerily correct?

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 255

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

...and does it matter if a strange man reads it?

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 256

Barney's Bucksaws

Hello everyone. Coffee please - almond cake - any left? Tarot's pretty interesting. We have our's read every New Years Day for the coming year, and its uncanny how much of it is, or comes, true.

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 257


*Reads the past posts, and pulls out an appropriate sounding song called "Your Horoscope For Today"*

If you listen to this, don't take any of the messages seriously. The song stays the same all through the month.

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 258

Witty Moniker

Hi BB, Affi.

There's plenty of cake left. We started with 66. Must be as least 61 or 62 still here.

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 259


*startled into wakefulness on the sofa*
Did someone say cake again!
Yum, and a kenyan coffee please IIEM

Aroma Cafe: Under New Architecture

Post 260


No, thank you. I've been eating Oreos all day, and any more sweets would probably be unhealthy.

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