A Conversation for The Café

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 81


Hi Lil,
Thanks but I'll stick to the coffee for now.
Trying to make my long weekend last as long as possible before hitting the old grindstone tomorrow.
Any word from the Q man yet, arrived safely?

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 82

Demon Drawer

*DD wanders in eyes up IIEM and wanders if it will make passable tea this time*




Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 83


Hello DD!

Are you serving the fresh green tea yet Lil?

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 84


*Peregrin falls through the door*

eeeeuuuuuuurrrghhhh.... uuhhh....

*coughs horribly. Holds head in hands. Stares bleary-eyed around*

coffffeeee....cooofffeeeeee.... I need coffee....

*collapses in a heap*

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 85

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*pours green tea for Lintilla*
DD, I just boiled water, would you like some handmade tea?
*passes IIEM's regular coffee over to Ook, who puts the cup near Peregrin's crumpled form*

Whass wrong, Peregrin? We don't often see you upstairs. smiley - winkeye

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 86

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Hi, DD! Hi, Peregrin!

You guys look like you've had a rough day!

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 87


Hello peregrin!

*Draws last tile and sneaks a T-O-O into the corner of the board*
Oh well I have no moves left. do you Ook? You've already won.

Thank you for the tea Lil.

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 88


Time for bed said Zebedee,
Cheers peeps,
Better luck next time Lintilla
G'night all

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 89


*Peregrin downs coffee*

Hi guys,

see you eatsmice, don't think I've had the pleasure, I eat mice too by the way, see you some other time.

I'm drinking beer in one forum and coffee in this one... I'm hoping that they'll even each other out.

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 90

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

smiley - smiley
That's a good trick. You'll probably end up wired AND drunk!

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 91


thanks and bye eatsmice.
*folds up the board and pulls a match out to burn the scoresheet.
sips tea again and takes a seat on the couch*

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 92

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Looney installed a telly over there Lintilla -- open up the front doors of the armoire and you'll see it. If you need some passive entertainment. It gets all the Beeb-Beeb-Ceeb channels, Channel 4, and American cable.

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 93


we've just got Sky digital here - there's some fantastic channels smiley - smiley
My personal favourite is 'Prime TV'. It's an Indian channel with a large bright yellow in the top left corner - but most of the programs are extremely scratchy black and white pictures with grainy sound. The acting is always incredibly bad. It's great! One of these days I'm going to use the parental lock to stop my housemates from watching anything but Prime TV :->

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 94

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

*stumbles in, looking very rumpled and wet, and trying not to slip on the puddle of cider still on the porch*

Ghaa. Stupid thunderstorm. Stupid buses.
Heh. Stupid Odradek...

Any chance of that green tea? l just spent approximately the equivalent of eight Neptunian years attempting to register at school...
*collapses in Peregrin-like heap*

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 95

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

A yellow what? You do wordos like me (as opposed to typos).

Incidentally, your reference to recycled warthogs reminds me, I just saw Galaxy Quest for the first time last week!

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 96


Hi Odra!

Thanks Lil I'll check out the telly sometime when no ones here.

Saw Galexy Quest in the theatre...pretty clever.

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 97

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I'm tiring out, y'all, so I think I'll call it a night. I'll see you in the morning!

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 98


Goodnight Lil!

*finishes tea and sets the cup on the table*

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 99

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

*the heap on the floor speaks*
Hi, Lintilla.
*and shambles over and pours herself a cup of green tea*

Sigh. Mm.

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 100


Long day odra?

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