A Conversation for The Café

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 61


Same height. Common Height is a major force that draws people together.

*eyes the board*
okay so can "o-o-k" be used as a word in scrabble?

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 62


Hello Witty, Lil.smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 63

Witty Moniker

*observes much winking and nudging going on amongst the regulars* smiley - winkeye

*turns her back to "Smith", hopes he doesn't see her shoulders shaking in silent laughter*

sigh... double Kona, please.

*surreptitiously wipes away a tear*

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 64


*wispering and gihling with witty in a corner*

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 65

Witty Moniker

Drat, RL intrudes again. Be back in a while.

Bye, everyone! *waves*

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 66

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

So, Mr. Smith, does everybody keep pet beards where you come from?

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 67


*dabs at face with paper napkin, so as to remove all that spilt coke that he spluttered all over himself, unfortunately some of the napkin disintegrates and stays stuck to the beard and spirit-gum, lending him more and more, the look of a scarecrow.*

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 68


*turns to Lil*
I'm sorry madam, I don't quite know what you mean.

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 69


Does anyone know what i can do with these tiles? KJOWABY?

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 70

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Not much to work off of there, Lintilla.
You've got 'JAW'
You could also play 'BABY' if you can find a 'B' to play from, or 'JOKE', 'WOKE', or 'YOKE' if you can play backwards from an 'E'.

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 71


thanks, Redbeard
*lays down y-o-k-e off of Smell, writes score and draws 3 new tiles*
Looks like I am being beaten.

Are you finding you way around very well Mr. Smith?

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 72


Er yes thank you, but your scrabble partner keeps looking at me funny.
I think I better go. Thank you for your time.
*tries to take hand away from left hand side of his face, but the beard nearly comes completely off. Decides to leave hand where it is*
Er, nice place here, I may be back again. Goodbye.
*walks to door, hand still clamped to left hand side of face, looks out front door, left, right. Appears to relax slightly and heads off, pulling the collar of trenchcoat up further around his neck, and seems to hunch down into coat more. Adjusts dark glasses as he goes*

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 73


..Strange gentleman

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 74

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Yes, Lintilla, Mr. Smith was definitely odd. Maybe not as odd as the caretaker he reminds us of, but... smiley - tongueout

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 75


Good point!!! smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 76


*Strolls into cafe looking back over his shoulder*
Hi peeps ! There's some strange bloke out there in what looks like a fake beard trying unsuccessfully to hide behind the new statue.
He really does need to wash that beard out.
Half caff decaff please IIEM, and I'll laff.
*peers out of window*
He reminds me of an old Peter Sellers movie.
*Sips coffee and reflects on a good weekend gone by*

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 77


Hello eatsmice!
*watches Ook lay down z-a-m-b-o-n-i over a triple word score*
I am getting creamed here!

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 78


I prefer milk in my coffee I must admit.
Blimey, you're not doing to well at this scrabble malarky.
I've only been coming here a wee while and even I know that you need to be a bit special in order to beat Ook.

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 79

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Well, he doesn't get distracted by conversation, does he. Nice to see you, eatsmice. I'm leaving the IIEM on autopilot these days and just boiling up some green tea in the evenings, if anybody wants some.

Aroma Cafe: What Statue?

Post 80


Thats why I'm not playing to win, just to pass time.smiley - smiley

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