A Conversation for The Café

Ioreth's Going-Away Party

Post 81

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Great present, Lil!

I'm going out for dinner IRL, so I'll be gone for a bit. See you all later!
*comes back in and grabs a cup of punch to go*
*leaves again*

Ioreth's Going-Away Party

Post 82

Hopelessly Paranoid

*jingle jingle*

See you soon Ioreth... happy trails... smiley - smiley

*jingle jingle*

Ioreth's Going-Away Party

Post 83

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

is it my imagination or is h2g2 back up to speed?

*helps himself to a mug of punch*

Ioreth's Going-Away Party

Post 84

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

I spoke too soon, it's back to sloth-speed

Ioreth's Going-Away Party

Post 85

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

believe it or not i just emailed you because it was quicker. To repeat for the general public, I was able to wash the outsides of all my windows while I was waiting for my home page to load....

Thank God I was able to get here in the end. *fills mug with punch and tosses it back, then refills it* This will relax me.

Ioreth's Going-Away Party

Post 86

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

*skips through the door*

My, l can finally get in here. Not only that, l once again have a home page. The marvels of modern technology...

*gets cup of punch for self and for elephant, who had been inclining trunk in direction of bowl*

Ioreth's Going-Away Party

Post 87

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

*keeps a wary eye on Odradek while sipping Punch and wondering if Judy will be along later*

Ioreth's Going-Away Party

Post 88

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

Loony. Really now. Spit that out.

*giggles at the mental image this turn of events provides...or maybe it's just the Punch.*

Sigh. How did l get this reputation as a hellion? Everyone's always -looking- at me funny...

Ioreth's Going-Away Party

Post 89

Barney's Bucksaws

Am I too late to offer a going away gift to loreth? I have a polished piece of Souris agate from the Souris river in Manitoba, Canada. Its amber and honey colored, and hung on a cord to put around her neck. Agate is a protective stone, and its given in the faith that it will keep Loreth safe while she's away from us. Best of luck, Loreth.

Ioreth's Going-Away Party

Post 90

jr52 (ting-a-)

*jingle-jingle**enters waving laaarge sparklers around*

Hi-o, all! Suuurre, and it's a grand and glorious day to you all. The environment adjusting device tech has come and gone and we are once again in a climate controlled area. Ain't life wunnerful?

*having had waaay too much experience with mood altering substances, eyes punch warily*

IIEM, tall iced tea please.

You know, I really like sparklers. Not only are they pretty, there's that latent image burned into your retinas for future reference. Kinda like RB's gift for Ioreth, only different.

*joins Loony on the couch and tries to think of a Kiwi leading actor that hasn't been co-opted by the sheep stealers*

Ioreth's Going-Away Party

Post 91

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Anna Paquil,(sp)(the oscar-wining daughter in Jane Campion's classic film "The Piano") but she is still young so give them time

Of course they have claimed NZ born Jane - and the film...

Oh dear, best I go to the Club and drown my sorrows. Later all.

Ioreth's Going-Away Party

Post 92

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Make that Oscar-winning

I will go and do the wining and whining

Ioreth's Going-Away Party

Post 93

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Bye, Loony. Hello, all!
I see that h2g2 is back up to speed, or we're down to a smaller number, and the punch bowl is still being kept full. Life is good.
*grabs a cup of punch*

Ioreth's Going-Away Party

Post 94

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

Hiya, Redbeard.

*dips up self another cup of punch*
Think we can get Lil to put it on the menu permanantly?
*inserts bendy twisty Crazy Straw*
Mm. lt's like methadone, but better...

Ioreth's Going-Away Party

Post 95


*returns from stroll down the boardwalk* Hello, RB. Loony, Barney-posting is easier now. I'm sure another cup of punch will kick the kinks out.

Ioreth's Going-Away Party

Post 96

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Yeah, it still has moments of slowness, tho... just got hit with one for a couple of minutes.

Odra, no way could I function if we had this punch here everyday! smiley - bigeyes
*looks at Ook passed out in the rafters...*
Nor could Ook!

Ioreth's Going-Away Party

Post 97


*wakes up*
whoo! that was a long sleep!
hey! does that punch have dust from MY fairy in it? i knew i should legally protect the stuff!

oh, dear! i've just realized i didn't give IO a gift!
well IO, my gift to you is this, when you are in the Holy Land, simply
say the word "Abulafia" and a fairy will appear. they can be very useful for gaining knowledge, if asked the right questions. only problem is, you only get 3 questions. so use them wisely.(and no asking for more questions-they're fairies, not genies!) smiley - winkeye

*retrieves saxophone from table(where it seems to have magickally appeared) and plays the Star Spangled Banner*

Ioreth's Going-Away Party

Post 98

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

*looks up at Ook*

Heh. -l- couldn't manage to hang onto the rafters like that even if l were sober...sigh. l wish l had opposable toes.

Ioreth's Going-Away Party

Post 99


well, gang, gotta flip out now. but i'll be back tomorrow (or whenever, subjectively. you know how the time-zone thing works.)

BTW, don't drink too much of the punch. i've found out that if you don't know what you're doing, it can have unforseen consequences. plus, it wears off after a while, so if you happen to be in midair at the time, that's too zarking bad for you. i was taught these things by a fairy, guys, so i know. i'd say limit yourself to less than..
(insert rapid mental calculation here) 5 cups a day.

bye! *opens a rift in the space-time continuum with a few notes from his sax, steps through, and vanishes, leaving the rift to close behind him.*

Ioreth's Going-Away Party

Post 100

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Yeah, there's all sorts of stuff you could do with opposable toes...
*decides to stop thinking about that and gets another cup of punch*

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